Chapter 198 beaming

Lin Shufang and Mr. Lu also came back to their senses, and looked at Ye Qingqing in surprise. This girl made such a vow, and no one could believe it, but the question is... what guarantee does this girl have?

"Qingqing, have you found a miracle doctor?" Lin Shufang asked carefully.

Tie Dan pointed at Ye Qingqing and shouted: "Qingqing is a genius doctor. We have been experimenting with rabbits for the past few days. Qingqing is amazing. A rabbit can still run if its tendons are broken."

Lin Shufang suddenly realized, no wonder Qingqing girl always brought rabbits back during this period of time, she couldn't help but wet her eyes, this girl really cares about her son!


"Qingqing, when did you know your medical skills?" Lin Shufang was puzzled.

Ye Qingqing prevaricated: "My grandfather left a lot of medical books and some notes. After I read it, I realized that my maternal ancestors were very powerful. They used to be imperial physicians in the palace, but they didn't come down after that. But I found a joint doctor." I just want to give Lu Mo a try for the record of the continued bone, and the possibility of success is very high."

She thought for a while, and then changed her tone of affirmation, "Grandpa Lu, Aunt Fang, I will definitely make Lu Mo stand up again, you believe me!"

"I believe it!" Tie Dan raised his hand and roared loudly.

Ye Tong next to him followed suit, raised his hand and shouted: "I believe it!"

Recently, after spending a long time with Tie Dan, Ye Tong's accent has changed significantly. The little guy loves to speak like Tie Dan, it's ridiculous.

"Good boy... really good boy..." Lin Shufang wiped her eyes, deeply moved.

No matter whether Lu Mo can stand up again, Ye Qingqing's heart is precious, more precious than gold. She will love Qingqing girl as her own daughter in her lifetime.

Grandpa Lu patted his thigh and said in surprise: "Your grandfather told me about the ancestors before. I thought he was bragging, but it turned out to be true. Girl, are you sure you can cure Lu Mo's leg?"

"Yes, I'll definitely be back within a year, and I can't just chop off my head and use it as a bench for you!" Ye Qingqing put down her harsh words.

Time waits for no one, and Lu Qingquan must not be allowed to step on Lu Mo's position!

Lu Mo's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but said, "Don't swear randomly!"

If it's more than a year, is it possible that he really chopped off his head?

Ye Qingqing said firmly: "I'm sure, it will definitely be done!"

She paused and said, "But before Lu Mo stands up, Grandpa Lu and Aunt Fang have to keep it a secret. Don't let other people know, as long as we know, okay?"

Lu Mo's leg has already been sentenced to death. If those experts knew that his leg was expected to recover, they would definitely get Lu Mo to study it, and they were so annoying.

Both the old man and Lin Shufang understood what Ye Qingqing meant, and nodded hastily, "Don't tell me, not even your second and third uncles."

As long as Lu Mo can stand up, let them do anything!

"Girl, tell grandpa what's missing!" The old man looked at Ye Qingqing lovingly.

"No, Lu Mo's friends are all ready, Grandpa Lu, wait for my good news!"

The old man laughed loudly. The depression during this period was gone, and his complexion improved a lot. He asked Lin Shufang to bring wine. Such a big happy event must be celebrated with a big smile!

Seeing that the old man and Lin Shufang were both beaming, Lu Mo suddenly felt that it would be good to say it in advance, and the mood of grandpa and mother would also be better. I just hope that the joy is not empty!

After dinner, Ye Qingqing asked Tie Dan to buy a rabbit, Lin Shufang hurriedly took out a pile of money and let Qingqing take it.

"No, Lu Mo gave me the money, and the money to buy the rabbit is his." Ye Qingqing refused.

Lin Shufang looked at Lu Mo, who was watching TV seriously, and took the money back. It seems that her son is not as lumpy as she thought!

It can be regarded as enlightenment!

(End of this chapter)

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