Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 199 The Most Useful Iron Egg

Chapter 199 The Most Useful Iron Egg

Ye Qingqing and Tie Dan left the compound, and each of them rode a car. The asphalt road was softened by the sun, and black asphalt had leaked from some places, giving off a pungent smell.

The big trees on both sides were scorched by the sun, and the dogs lying on the side of the road, sticking out their tongues hissingly, were also listless in the heat. Without the noisy enthusiasm, the streets were even more empty. Sometimes I ran out to seek abuse.

Ye Qingqing and Tie Dan were riding on the empty avenue, there were few pedestrians and vehicles, so they didn't have to look at the road.

"Take a break, it's too hot."

Ye Qingqing wiped off her sweat, parked the car under the shade of a tree, and ran to buy four cream popsicles, one for her and three for Tie Dan.

"Tie Dan, let me tell you something." Ye Qingqing raised the matter and told about Lu Qingquan's participation in the training camp. Tie Dan knew Lu Qingquan, and was very surprised when he heard this.

"As long as he is like that, he can still go to training? It's embarrassing!"

Tie Dan looked contemptuous, he performed better than Lu Qingquan in the unit, but the captain said that he had to practice for a few more years, Lu Qingquan couldn't even compare with him, why can he get in?

"It must be due to Lu Mo's merits. This bastard has enjoyed the benefits that Lu Mo got in exchange for his legs!" Ye Qingqing said angrily.

Tiedan Bull's eyes widened, swallowed the remaining half of the cream popsicle in one gulp, and shouted: "It must be the case. The captain was injured this time, and my leader felt very uncomfortable. When I came, the leader He also whispered to me, let me take good care of the captain, and call him if there is anything to do."

He became more and more angry, cursing: "The captain earns the credit with his life, why let that turtle get it!"

"Then what should we do? The turtle grandson has to go to training in two months, so we have to stop him!" Ye Qingqing frowned.

"I have a solution. I will call the leader and call Qu Qu on behalf of the captain." Tie Dan slapped his thigh and thought of the most direct solution.

Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly asked, "How high is your leader?"

"It's the officer who is in charge of us. He likes the captain the most." Tie Dan finished the popsicle in his hand in two bites, and ran to the public phone booth to make a call.

Ye Qingqing was overjoyed, be good... I never thought that Tie Dan could still contact the big leader, it really took no effort at all!

"If you tell your boss about Lu Mo's good legs!" Ye Qingqing ordered.

"Middle, I know the number!"

Tie Dan nodded vigorously, and directly dialed the phone number of the leader's office. He remembered this number by heart, because the leader gave the order to die, so he showed his strength and recited it for three days and three nights. Remember firmly.

"Leader, I'm an asshole."

"Iron egg? Did something happen to Lu Mo?" The leader was very worried.

"Nothing happened. I have good news to tell you that the captain's legs will recover, and we will be able to go back in a year. I lead you to keep the captain's things, and don't let others take them away."

Tie Dan doesn't know how to be tactful at all, so he simply speaks out. No one can take away the honor and position of captain!

The leader was stunned for a long time. Lu Mo was the soldier he single-handedly pulled up. This time Lu Mo was injured, and he was the one who felt the most distressed. During this time, he often called the hospital, hoping to hear good news, but unfortunately every time is disappointed.

That's why the leader, who felt deeply guilty towards Lu Mo, transferred this guilt to Lu Qingquan.

But now, Tie Dan said that Lu Mo was good, and the leader took a while to recover, and asked in a voice, "Really?"

We will start adding updates tomorrow, please continue to ask for everyone's support, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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