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Chapter 28 Shen Yanhong of Buddha Mouth Snake Heart

Chapter 28 Shen Yanhong of Buddha Mouth Snake Heart

Ye Tong took a shower, but still didn't know how to put on clothes, blushing and asked Ye Qingqing to dress for her, looking awkwardly, and glanced to one side.

"Small sample!"

Ye Qingqing pinched his face lightly, and skillfully put on his clothes, but found that Ye Tong's trousers were too short, and the trouser legs almost shrunk to his knees, so she couldn't help frowning.

She was really careless before, but Shen Yanhong's heart of Buddha mouth and snake can be seen from many small details.

Ye Tong's clothes are always ill-fitting, and the shoes are always left over from Ye Hua's wear. Ye Lan and her brother will always dress properly, and of course there is her.

Shen Yanhong never dared to treat her badly materially, but she didn't even have any face for Ye Tong.

Ye Qingqing's desire to earn money became stronger and stronger, she was too lazy to ask Shen Yanhong, as long as she had money, she would buy Ye Tong all new ones.

But now Ye Zhiguo has to pay some money. Ye Tong is his own son, and it's only natural for me to raise a son. are so generous to the Ye Lan siblings!

The sound of a motorcycle came from the yard. It was Ye Zhiguo who came back. He was on day shift for half a month and would come back from get off work with Shen Yanhong.

Although it's been a lifetime, Ye Qingqing doesn't have the slightest desire to see them, not even her biological father, Ye Zhiguo.

She helped Ye Tong turn on the TV and tuned to the animation station, which happened to be showing the Dinosaur Kesai, Ye Tong liked watching it very much, and would often imitate the actions on TV, saying:

"First-level preparation...second-level preparation...third-level preparation for launch!"

After watching the whole animation, Ye Tong only remembered these three sentences, which is very interesting.

"Qingqing is back..." Ye Zhiguo parked his motorcycle, put his helmet on and went into the house, and smiled when he saw Ye Qingqing.

Ye Zhiguo is tall and tall, with a Chinese character face. He looks upright and behaves quite decently. He has a very good reputation in the factory. He transferred from the army to the Advance Machinery Factory. To put it bluntly, it's a pretty good mix.

Shen Yanhong has a plump figure, and her appearance is actually very ordinary, but she has a pair of watery eyes, and she is quite charming when she raises her eyebrows, but no matter how she dresses up, she is incomparable with the elegant Xu Yali, one by one.

But it was such an uneducated and not very good-looking woman who fascinated Ye Zhiguo and obeyed her.

When Xu Yali died, Ye Qingqing had already remembered. In her impression, Ye Zhiguo and Xu Yali respected each other as guests at best.

But Ye Qingqing felt that, in fact, it should be like respecting each other like ice. Now that I think about it, Xu Yali doesn't like Ye Zhiguo at all, and she sleeps with Ye Qingqing at night.

Go to Ye Zhiguo's room to sleep for one or two nights at most in a month, as if to complete the task.

Moreover, Xu Yali's mood would be even worse the next day, and she often cried behind Ye Qingqing's back.

Childhood memories came to mind bit by bit, and Ye Qingqing also remembered that in her memory, her mother Xu Yali almost never smiled, her brows were always furrowed, and she often sighed and wept in the middle of the night.

"Qingqing... is your father okay?"

This is what Xu Yali said most often, sometimes to herself, sometimes to Ye Qingqing, but every time she finished speaking, Xu Yali would feel even sadder.

Ye Qingqing couldn't help frowning, Ye Zhiguo's body is as strong as a cow, and he won't catch a cold in a single shirt for nine months, why should Xu Yali worry about Ye Zhiguo's body?

"Qingqing..." Ye Zhiguo called out again.

There are two updates today, there is something at home, I went to hold back the ending of the old book, what a headache!

(End of this chapter)

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