Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 29 Ye Zhiguo's Unwillingness

Chapter 29 Ye Zhiguo's Unwillingness

Ye Qingqing hurriedly interrupted the memories, looked at Ye Zhiguo, smiled, "Dad..."

Ye Zhiguo smiled kindly, and when he glanced at Ye Tong who had been washed clean, his eyes quickly flashed disgust, which did not escape Ye Qingqing's eyes, and his heart was stabbed.

After being reborn, her heart was brightened, and her eyes were also brightened.

Many things that were ignored in the past are now presented to her one by one.

"Did Qingqing go to your Grandpa Lu's house today?" Ye Zhiguo asked with a smile, and Shen Yanhong also had her ears pointed, her heart raised in her throat.

"Go, big brother Lu Mo is back, of course I want to see him."

Ye Qingqing went to fetch water from the yard while talking, she had to take a bath while the water was hot, otherwise it would be cold after dark.

Ye Zhiguo frowned, he was a scout, and soon noticed the changes in Ye Qingqing, and from Ye Qingqing's tone, it didn't look like the joy of getting divorced.

He was very deep in the city, and he had doubts in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and asked with a smile: "I heard that Lu Mo was injured, does it matter?"

"Small injury, it's nothing serious, I'm going to take a shower, Dad, let Aunt Shen make sweet and sour pork ribs at night."

Ye Qingqing went to the bathroom with a bucket full of water, but she didn't even look at Shen Yanhong who was standing next to Ye Zhiguo. Her attitude towards Shen Yanhong was not good in her previous life, and now she doesn't have to put on a show.

She saw that Shen Yanhong was holding a spare rib in her hand, so she casually said that Xiaotong loves sweet and sour spareribs the most.

"Okay, sweet and sour pork ribs tonight."

Ye Zhiguo readily agreed, but Shen Yanhong was not happy. She originally planned to make braised pork ribs. Both Ye Lan and her siblings like braised pork ribs, and they don't like sweet and sour. There is only one rib in total. .

The Ye Lan siblings are her own flesh and blood, how could she not feel distressed?

To Ye Qingqing, she was just pretending!

Ye Zhiguo stared and shouted in a low voice: "Do it quickly!"

It's just a rib, and it's nothing compared to such a large fortune!

Ye Zhiguo knew about Xu Yali's real estate and deposits, because he personally managed them, but he was careless and let Xu Yali take a step ahead, and put the real estate and deposits under Ye Qingqing's name, and even made a will All right.

It was only a few days away, but he missed the huge amount of property. Ye Zhiguo wished he could strangle Xu Yali, the woman who crossed the river and demolished the bridge!

It was two years before Ye Qingqing was 20 years old, he had to get these properties, they were what he deserved.

Back then, if he hadn't managed the trust relationship, these properties would have been confiscated if they hadn't come back at all!

Ye Qingqing locked the door and was about to take a shower, when Shen Yanhong suddenly screamed, "Xiao Hua...who beat you like this?"

"Second...second sister..." Ye Hua whispered, her face was swollen, her eyes were narrowed, and Shen Yanhong's heart was broken.

The corners of Ye Qingqing's lips turned up in the bathroom, and she quickly took a shower, and she had to cheer up to deal with Shen Yanhong, an old vixen!

Shen Yanhong looked at her bruised son, who had no intention of cooking, and looked at Ye Zhiguo sadly, hoping that her husband would stand up for her and her son, and teach that dead girl Ye Qingqing a lesson.

"Let's cook first!"

Ye Zhiguo yelled at Shen Yanhong, and Shen Yanhong went to the kitchen resentfully, feeling panicked, this little bitch Ye Qingqing beat her son so badly, yet she still had to make sweet and sour pork ribs for the little bitch!

She wished she could put some poison in the ribs and poison that little bitch to death!

Thanks to jly69 for the reward, thanks to 20141978 and early summer~windy for the reward, thanks to the babies who supported me, today is the third update, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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