Chapter 3089

Yu Anning frowned, it was inevitable that Sun Yurong would come in, and the thought of becoming a relative with this kind of woman made her feel sick and her stomach hurt even more.

The past few days have always had stomach pains. In the past, it was a pain once in a while, but now it hurts several times a day. Turning around, there is no time to eat, and stomach pains are more frequent. After this matter is settled, she has to go to the hospital.

Pressing her stomach hard with her hands, the pain eased a little. Yu Anning's complexion was not very good, and there was faint sweat on her forehead. Ye Qingqing saw that something was wrong with her, and beckoned to the waiter, "Have a cup of hot water."

Steaming water came, Ye Qingqing moved the cup to Yu Anning, "Drink some hot water."

"Thank you!"

Yu Anning held the cup, the warm heat made her feel more comfortable, took a few sips, and the pain was relieved a lot, she was so busy that she didn't have time to pour hot water, usually a glass of water was poured in the morning, Still drinking after getting ice cold.

"The 500 million was paid by Sun Yurong. It seems that she has true love for your brother. Maybe they are the most suitable ones. They will live a good life in the future." Ye Qingqing was really surprised.

Sun Yurong attaches great importance to money. Even if she is worth hundreds of millions now, she is not a generous person. Being able to give 500 million for Yu Shaoning is quite kind and righteous.

Yu Anning didn't say anything, she had nothing to say, she didn't know what would happen to Sun Yurong and Yu Shaoning in the future, and she didn't want to know, her own life was a mess, and she didn't have that kind of leisure.

"I think you should find time to go to the hospital for an examination." Ye Qingqing sincerely suggested that there must be something wrong with the stomach pain like this, and there is something wrong with it.

"Yes, thank you." Yu Anning twitched her lips, she really had to go to the hospital.

The next day, Lu Ziqun and Yu Shaoning went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the divorce certificate, the real estate certificate was also renamed, and there was a 500 million bank card.

Yu Shaoning's car was parked outside the Civil Affairs Bureau. Sun Yurong was in the car. Lu Ziqun came out and saw it. He smiled and walked over to say hello. Still a high price of 500 million.

"I wish you happiness in the future!"

Sun Yurong was a little taken aback, she thought that Lu Ziqun had come to scold her, but she didn't expect to be so calm.

"We will be happy. I already have Shaoning's child." Sun Yurong smiled like a flower, gently stroking her flat belly.

It was measured two days ago, so she generously paid 500 million. Lu Ziqun can't control Yu Shaoning, it doesn't mean she can't, she will be happy.

Lu Ziqun felt a thorn in his heart, bitch!

"Congratulations, I wish you a long life!"

Lu Ziqun smiled even more happily, no wonder Sun Yurong was so generous, this child came at the right time, a cousin and a dog last forever, this pair is a perfect match.

She went home to pack some clothes, put them in a bag, and left her former home without any regrets.

No, it was never her home, just a temporary place to live.

Lu Ziqun moved into the school dormitory. Someone rented that old house, and now she is the one who collects the rent, and she doesn't plan to live there. It's not good to buy a house with 500 million yuan.

"To buy a big house, you must buy the first one well. Don't save money. You can buy a good one with a down payment of 500 million. You can also buy a second-hand one. This way you can save money on decoration and choose the one that goes smoothly. The house is actually similar to a new house." Ye Qingqing suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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