Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3090 Buying a Villa

Chapter 3090 Buying a Villa

Now the house price in Pingjiang has not reached the point of exaggeration. In another ten years, the house price in Pingjiang will increase by five or six times, and the bank interest is far behind. You can choose a better house with a down payment of 500 million.

"Okay, I've always wanted to buy a house with a garden. Unfortunately, the villa is too expensive. It costs about 500 million yuan, with a down payment of 500 million yuan and a loan of [-] million yuan. I can't afford it in my life." Lu Ziqun felt a little regretful. I dream of living in a villa.

But it is estimated that it will not be realized in this life.

"The villa is indeed a bit difficult, but you can buy a duplex with a terrace, and the terrace can also be decorated with a garden, or you can buy a villa in a remote place, where the price is cheaper." Ye Qingqing suggested.

The housing prices in the third ring road of Pingjiang City are already rising. It’s true that you can’t buy a villa for 500 million yuan, and you can’t even afford a second-hand villa, but you can still buy it if you go outside the third ring road. After ten years, housing prices outside the third ring road will also skyrocket, so it is also a good deal to buy a house there now.

Lu Ziqun's eyes lit up at first, but then dimmed again, "It's too far away to go to work, so it's better to be within the third ring road. I'd like to buy a duplex, which can also be used to decorate a garden."

Ye Qingqing saw that she really wanted to live in a villa, so she persuaded her: "Actually, it's not too far outside the third ring road, just buy it near the subway line. You can’t even buy a house, and I see the current trend, the university campus should also expand to a new campus, maybe it will be expanded outside the third ring road, and if you buy a house outside the third ring road, it will be more convenient for you to go to work.”

In fact, she is not sure whether the medical university will build a new campus. She actually lived to this age in her previous life, but she heard something from Lu Qingquan in her previous life. During that time, Lu Qingquan bought a lot of land outside the third ring road. It is said that a university town will be built there, and the new campuses of some universities in the city will be built in the university town, concentrating in one place.

Lu Qingquan was engaged in real estate at that time, the news should be accurate, but Ye Qingqing doesn't know the exact year, it should be within ten years, the land in Pingjiang City is almost developed, there is no place at all, even if the university town is not built , It will also be developed outside the third ring road.

Lu Ziqun was very excited, "Are you really going to build a new school outside the third ring road?"

"I'm just guessing. Don't go outside and talk nonsense. Regardless of whether a new school is built outside the third ring road, it must be true that Pingjiang City is developing outside the third ring road. Look at the third ring road. Houses, more and more people are pouring into Pingjiang, they must have a place to live, right?

There is no place in the third ring, so you can only buy outside the third ring. When there are more people, you have to arrange for buses, subways, shopping malls, hospitals and schools. Ride to rise, if you buy when it is low now, you will make a profit. "

Lu Ziqun couldn't help nodding, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he patted the table vigorously, "I bought it outside the third ring road, and I want to live in a villa."

"I'll find a reliable agent for you. You'd better not buy a new house. The decoration costs at least a million and it's just an ordinary decoration. You can buy those who are in a hurry to sell the house to raise money. It will be much cheaper." Ye Qingqing suggested.

"Will those be unlucky? I heard that this kind of house has bad feng shui." Lu Ziqun was a little worried.

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, "Don't you only believe in Marx? Do you also believe in these feudal superstitions?"

(End of this chapter)

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