Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3335 Sound the alarm

Chapter 3335 Sound the alarm

"Impossible, did you make a mistake? I called the day before an hour ago, saying that I will take his mother to the hospital for treatment tomorrow. You agreed with him." Mother Fang said repeatedly.

"It is true that we have an appointment to go to the hospital tomorrow. My aunt didn't call when she called. My uncle and Tianlai came out, leaving my aunt alone in the hotel. My uncle smoked a whole room. My aunt coughed and vomited. The blood flowed into the trachea, and the person died if he didn’t come up in one breath.”

Fang Yanming briefly described the cause of Aunt Fang's death. The forensic doctor said that Aunt Fang died about an hour ago, which was the time when Xu Tianlai and his son went to make a phone call.

Aunt Fang must have been very desperate before she died, right?

"Your uncle is still smoking in the house? This old thing, he wants to kill your aunt. The doctor said that your aunt got cancer because your uncle smoked. God has no eyes to prevent this old thing from getting cancer. Hey, hello...your aunt died miserably..."

Fang's mother suddenly forgot about Aunt Fang's selfishness and stinginess, she was only sad, and burst into tears.

Fang's father hid his face in grief, tears streaming down his face, that was his own sister, she just disappeared, never to be seen again.

Father Fang, who was feeling uncomfortable, subconsciously took out the pipe, lit it and smoked it. Mother Fang, who was crying loudly, smelled the smell of smoke. Seeing the old man crying and smoking, he didn't get angry and didn't hang up the phone. Hit him right away.

"Still smoking, you also want to kill my mother and marry another one. If you want to smoke you, let me die outside, don't come to harm my mother..."

Mother Fang's combat prowess was god-level, she turned grief into strength, and scratched Fang's father until his face was covered in blood. Fang Yanming heard his parents' noise from his mobile phone, smiled helplessly, and hung up the phone.

His aunt's death sounded a wake-up call to his mother. In the past, he used to talk dry, but his parents didn't care about smoking. They also said that their ancestors have come here like this for generations, and nothing will happen. Now they finally care about it.

Uncle Fang and Xu Tianlai brought Aunt Fang's ashes back to their hometown. Fang Yanming bought the train ticket. He bought the seat ticket on purpose. His aunt was so seriously ill. It's really not a thing to sit with a tired body for more than ten hours.

Speaking of which, although Aunt Fang choked to death, there must be a reason for sitting in the hard seat for more than ten hours. Fang Yanming felt resentful and deliberately punished the father and son.

"Yanming, there are no sleeper tickets?" Uncle Fang asked in a buzzing voice.

There is no way to pay for the hard seat by himself. He doesn't have to pay for it himself. Of course he wants to be more comfortable. Sitting on the hard seat all night will break his waist and his feet are swollen. It's really a pain.

Fang Yanming sneered and said, "You didn't have any when you came here. How can you still have some when you go back now? I want to make up for it after getting on the sleeper."

He stuffed the urn to Xu Tianlai, turned around and left, he didn't want to see the father and son at all, he was afraid that he couldn't help but beat them up.

Uncle Fang wanted to put on airs of an elder again, so Xu Tianlai tugged him, "Get in the car!"

Xu Tianlai also felt uncomfortable, and felt a little more dissatisfied with his father. It was his own mother who died. If the villagers knew that his mother choked to death because no one cared about him, they would definitely pierce his spine, and he would be ashamed to go back.

Uncle Fang snorted resentfully, got into the car awkwardly, and didn't mention the matter of making up the sleeper berth, it was absolutely impossible for him to pay for it himself.

Afterwards, Fang Yanming didn't take care of the matter anymore, but because of the funeral, Fang's father, other brothers and Uncle Fang got into a stalemate, and almost got into a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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