Chapter 3336

Uncle Fang refused to make a big deal, saying that Aunt Fang died unexpectedly, so it should not be too grand and should be kept simple, and the government also advocates simplicity in funerals, not extravagance and waste.

Although the funeral has been simplified, the share money still has to be paid. Uncle Fang set up more than [-] tables, and even the distant relatives who hadn’t seen each other for a long time were called. The boss in my heart has an opinion, but the money is still paid.

The funeral is handled by Uncle Fang. It is really simple. The tofu rice is also a real tofu rice. There is no meat on the wine table, oily tofu, dry tofu, water tofu, old tofu, soft tofu, fried tofu, stewed Tofu……

The banquet supported by pure tofu, the chef's skills are not very good, the taste is hard to swallow, the guests didn't eat any more after a few mouthfuls, the table full of dishes was left on the first banquet, and no one was there Pack it up and go home.

That's all, what really ignited the anger of Fang's father and brothers was the inferior gold and silver banners, which could not be seen at first glance, but when the gold and silver banners were set up, they were not erected three times, which was never seen before. A strange thing happened.

At that time, some people said that Aunt Fang's grievance was still there. Anyway, it was serious. Xu Tianlai and his brothers and sisters were scared out of their wits. The filial sons and grandchildren knelt on the ground and cried, but the gold and silver flags still couldn't be erected. After tossing a few times, it fell apart.

Now everyone can see clearly, this is not a gold and silver banner, it is obviously just a paper frame pasted casually, no wonder it can't stand up, the Xu family is really wicked in doing things, the dead dare to save money, and they are not afraid of retribution.

Fang's father and his brothers were blown up at that time. They slapped each of Xu Tianlai's brothers with a big slap.

In the end, it was the elders in the village who mediated and bought high-quality gold and silver flags. After erecting them, Father Fang and the others calmed down a little, but the beams were completely knotted.

The most exasperating thing is that the funeral has collected a lot of money, tens of thousands of yuan, all of which was left in the hands of Uncle Fang, who refused to take out a single cent. Xu Tianlai and his brothers wanted to talk to Father Fang and the others, But Fang's father was chilled by this family and didn't respond at all.

Life was ordinary, Aunt Fang's death was almost forgotten, Fang Yanming was very busy, Mao Fangfei's delivery date was approaching, he was worried all day long, he couldn't sleep well, and within a few days he became a panda eye.

Three months after Aunt Fang's death, Fang Yanming heard about the family again, and it was his cousin who mentioned it.

"That old thing is really shameless. Your aunt has just passed the seventh seven, and her bones are not cold. He is going to marry a new man, and he has to hold a banquet in a serious manner. Hmph, you are so shameless!"

Fang Yanming was not surprised. As long as Uncle Fang still had a little affection for his aunt, he would not do the immoral thing of his aunt smoking in the house when she was seriously ill, and he would not let his aunt sit on top of her seriously ill body for more than a dozen people. The hard seat when he was young, his former uncle really lacked great virtue.

"He has tasted the sweetness. He collected tens of thousands of yuan for my aunt's funeral, and he wants to make another fortune while getting married. My parents won't go?"

"No, your father wanted to smash the banquet, but your mother persuaded him, just watch, this old thing will have retribution!" The cousin niece scolded angrily.

Although she couldn't get used to Aunt Fang, she was dead, so she didn't have to worry about anything, but what Uncle Fang did was too wicked, and it would be easy to scold him.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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