Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3337 There is no most shameless only more shameless

Chapter 3337 There is no most shameless only more shameless

"Can my cousin be willing?" Fang Yanming asked.

His aunt has four children, two sons and two daughters, both of whom are not good. If his uncle did such a shameful thing, the four children would definitely not do it.

"Of course I don't want to, I fight every day, but that old man is determined to marry, and that woman is also shameless, she is an old widow from the same village, the folds on her face can kill flies, she is a few years older than your aunt, It's a well-known old goblin in the village, I heard that he hooked up with the old immortal, and now that your aunt is dead, they can't wait."

The cousin and niece are swearing. The village where Aunt Fang married is not far from her natal family. The scandals of Uncle Fang have already been spread, and the cousin and niece heard what their natal family said, and they all scolded Uncle Fang for being a joke. Son.

"Your cousin and the others are not so old and immortal. They are shameless, and they are planning to hold a wedding next month."

"Where is the new house?" Fang Yanming asked.

Before his aunt died, he built a new house and lived with his two sons.

"Of course we live together. Where else can we live? That old goblin's house is so dilapidated that even a dog hates it. She is with your uncle, and the picture is that big tile-roofed house."

The old widow's heart is Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows that she has a son who is in his thirties and hasn't married. Hard days.

"Could it be that the woman's son also lives here?" Fang Yanming thought it was unlikely.

A man in his thirties is still living with his mother in the man's house. What does this look like, the spine is broken.

The cousin niece snorted, and said contemptuously: "Now they have already moved in before drinking. They are more like masters than Xu Tianlai. They sleep until the sun rises in the morning, and sneak out at night to steal chickens and dogs. That old man treats this bastard better than him." My son is fine."

Both of these mothers were sweet-talking, and they coaxed Uncle Fang into obsession. They only had this mother and son in their hearts, and they would do whatever they were asked to do, and obeyed.

Fang Yanming really refreshed his views. He used to think that his uncle was brazen, but now it seems that his uncle is only a pediatrician, and that old widow is a master, and he managed his uncle to be submissive.

He doesn't plan to care about this shit, his aunt is gone, and the two relatives have done it. Uncle Fang can marry whoever he wants, and it has nothing to do with his family. Xu Tianlai and his four brothers and sisters are also retribution. Xiao, let a more ruthless old widow deal with them now.

The niece chatted a lot, and finally got down to business, and asked about Shi Junjie's personal questions. During this time, the niece introduced a few more girls to her son, but Shi Junjie didn't even look at the photos, so she refused. Said that he was away on a business trip and had no time to think about personal issues.

"He's still angry with me. I'm not doing it for his own good. The old saying can't be wrong. If he married that girl surnamed Gao, it's too late to regret something happened."

My niece is angry and sad. The eldest son, who used to be considerate and sensible, has now gotten into an argument with her because of a woman with a foreign surname. It has been more than half a year. He speaks in a cold, business-like tone, unlike before. She said that she still cares about her family, but now she doesn't ask, and she rarely calls home.

"Junjie is indeed on a business trip. He is still young, and he will be able to talk to someone in a few years. Don't worry!" Fang Yanming laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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