Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3339 Father and Daughter of a Model

Chapter 3339

Fang's mother was speechless. How could she have the money to support her grandson, and lived on Fang Yanming's living expenses every month!

"In the past, your father and I didn't have a job, so it still dragged you up. Your salary can't even support two children?" Fang's mother didn't believe it.

"You also said that in the past, when my brother and I were young, we didn't have enough to eat and didn't have enough clothes to wear, and we were crooked. Today's children are all smart and beautiful, and they have to study interest classes since they were young. A child has to spend a lot of money every year. Tens of thousands, this is called elite cultivation, you and my father call it stocking, if you can live, you can live, if you can't live, you can be the same?"

"It costs so much money to raise a baby. It takes tens of thousands a year. You are raising a golden baby. The baby can eat a lot and drink less, so what kind of interest class do you have to spend... Isn't spending so much money on someone else's possessions?" daughter in law……"

Fang's mother was speechless. She raised Fang Yanming's brothers and sisters until they got married without spending so much money. Now the child is not called a child, but Jinpiada.

And she didn't think it was necessary to spend the money on her daughter, it was like pouring her own manure into other people's crops, it was a waste of time and energy, that is to say, Fang's mother was uneducated, otherwise she would give Fang Yanming a word -

Make wedding dresses for others.

"A lot of people who eat and drink less are pigs, not babies. That's fine. I won't quarrel with you. You and my father should not meddle in the children's affairs. Stay at home An Anxin, and don't meddle in other things."

Fang Yanming didn't want to waste any more words, his parents were old feudalists, no matter how much they said, they couldn't break it off, anyway, they didn't live together, let them think what they wanted.

"Then I'll come and take care of your confinement daughter-in-law." Fang's mother volunteered.

Although she doesn't like her granddaughter, serving her daughter-in-law's confinement is what a mother-in-law should do, and she also wants to live in a big city for a few days and see the colorful world.

"No, I hired a confinement wife, you can enjoy yourself at home."

Fang Yanming flatly refused, considering his mother's level of hygiene, he did not dare to agree, and he did not want his daughter to be tortured by his mother.

He will not lose a penny of the living expenses of his parents, and send them monthly, but living together is still free, not to mention that Mao Fangfei can't stand it, even he can't adapt, he pays, and the elder brother and the second brother contribute, so that Good.

Under the careful care of the confinement wife, the fat girl looks different every day. She is white and fat, but she looks very much like Fang Yanming, especially the thinning hair and small spirited eyes.

Mao Fangfei didn't want to talk to Fang Yanming for this month. She worked so hard to conceive for nine months. Fang Yanming only had 10 minutes, but her daughter didn't look like her at all.

What she is worried about now is how can she find a partner when her daughter grows up like this?

If a boy is ugly, let's be ugly, and if a girl grows up to be like Fang Yanming, even the emperor's daughter would be worried about marrying her!

Fang Yanming, on the other hand, was very happy. He went home after work to coax his daughter. Having a daughter is everything. He is not happy to be told to go out. He just wants to be with his precious daughter now, and he thinks her daughter is the most beautiful in the world. Mao Fangfei’s Worrying that he couldn't understand at all.

Time flies, the little girl is four years old, her appearance is completely different from when she was born, her eyebrows and eyes have developed towards Mao Fangfei, the bigger she is, the more beautiful she is, Mao Fangfei is relieved.

But the cousin and niece are getting more and more uneasy, because Shi Junjie is still not willing to find a partner, none of the girls she introduces is suitable, and she doesn't even want to meet, every time she calls, she just says-

"Don't think about personal issues before the age of 30."

(End of this chapter)

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