Chapter 3340

But the cousin and niece are worried to death, seeing that the eldest son is already in his thirties. If he got married four years ago, the children would be able to run away.

The niece felt a little regretful in her heart, but when she thought of the miserable fate of those couples with conflicting zodiac signs around her, her mind became firm again, and she felt that Gao Shengnan could not wait for Shi Junjie for four years, and the girl was already 31!

Fortunately, Shi Junjie is only 25, and there are still five years before his [-]th. His cousin and niece can still hold on, and call Fang Yanming from time to time to inquire about Shi Junjie, wondering if he has secretly talked with someone.

As for Gao Shengnan, my cousin and niece didn't think about it at all, thinking that she must have married another man and had two children.

"Junjie is sent to other provinces, and rarely returns to Pingjiang. I don't know the specific situation, so I'll call and ask."

Fang Yanming can only play haha, it is better for him not to get involved in this kind of housework, the most important thing——

Shi Junjie and Gao Shengnan got married two years ago.

The baby can play and run.

It's a sturdy little boy who looks very much like Shi Junjie. His first name is Shi Xiaobao, which was given by Gao Shengnan.

In the past four years, Shi Junjie's career has taken off rapidly, even better than that of Gao Shengnan back then, and his annual income of one million has been realized earlier. Shi Junjie and Gao Yongnan jointly bought a villa, and moved in after the renovation. Gao Shengnan's previous The house is rented out, and the small days are very happy and sweet.

Shi Junjie also held his breath, and didn't tell his family that his cousin and niece still thought his son was a bachelor, and his hair turned gray with worry.

Two years later, Shi Xiaobao was four years old, and went to kindergarten with Fang Yanming's daughter, Fang Tongtong.

Now Shi Junjie is 27, more and more stable, but his cousin and niece are getting more and more worried. After the new year, he will be 28, and after another year, he will really be on his way to the third year, and his daughter-in-law is still gone.

The husband also started to complain about her, saying that she should not have driven Gao Shengnan away six years ago.

"I don't want to rush now, but the incense is almost gone, are you satisfied?"

"Didn't you say that bulls and sheep are not good at the beginning, and now you tell me that I would like to see my son be a bachelor?" The cousin was furious. Six years ago, the husband did not say so.

Hearing that Gao Shengnan was six years older and still a sheep, he categorically opposed it, but now he came to blame her.

Father Shi couldn't hold back his old face, and choked: "I didn't know that Junjie would really be a bachelor. If I had known...if I had known, it would be better if I agreed six years ago. I think some chickens and dogs live peacefully and beautifully. I can't believe all the old sayings." .”

There is a couple in the village who are chickens and dogs. As the saying goes, chickens and dogs can't get their heads together, but the couple is loving and beautiful. They have a son and a daughter.

The niece opened her mouth, regretting in her heart, "Even if she agrees, there's no way that girl is still waiting for Junjie. He's already 33, and your son is not a golden bump."

"Then what should we do, let Junjie really be a bachelor for the rest of his life? Sigh..." Father Shi sighed sadly, no matter how much money he earns, it's useless, he can't even marry a daughter-in-law.

The niece gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "I'm going to Pingjiang to see what this brat is up to. If he really intends to guard that girl surnamed Gao for the rest of his life, I won't count on him!"

Anyway, she still has a young son, and the incense of Lao Shi's family can't be broken.

The cousin and niece went to the train station in a hurry. She didn't call Shi Junjie in advance, and went to Pingjiang quietly. Even Fang Yanming didn't know it. She always felt that the two were in collusion. This time she was going to investigate clear.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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