Chapter 3347

"Naturally like me, when you look back, you will know that his name is Shi Xiaobao, and he has a tiger head and a tiger brain."

When it comes to his son, Shi Junjie smiles all over his face. No matter how hard he works, he doesn't feel tired because he has a wife and children. No matter how hard he sees them, he wants to give his family the best life. This is his motivation.

The cousin and niece also laughed together, looking forward to meeting the eldest grandson. Even if she didn't like Gao Shengnan, she had no problem with his grandson. What's more, she didn't hate Gao Shengnan that much now, she just didn't say it out.

After Shi Junjie left, Gao Shengnan was not in the mood to eat anymore. He was worried that his mother-in-law would still hate her as before. If she used to, she wouldn't care. If others didn't like her, she wouldn't like others, let alone pay attention.

But now her heart has become softer, she wants to have a good relationship with Shi Junjie's parents, and she doesn't want to be in a stalemate, it must be very difficult for Shi Junjie to be caught in the middle.

"It's okay, with such a great grandson, how can your mother-in-law not like it?" Mao Fangfei persuaded.

Fang Yanming agreed, "My cousin talks about hugging her grandson every day, and Xiaobao is so cute, she must like it."

Shi Xiaobao, who was concentrating on eating, raised his head in confusion when he heard his name. There was a grain of rice on the corner of his mouth, and his chubby face was covered with oil. He was a living miniature version of Shi Junjie. Pretty similar.

Blood is the most wonderful thing in the world.

"Xiaobao, grandma is coming later, you need to be sweeter, understand?" Gao Shengnan wiped his son's face.

"Where is grandma?"

Shi Xiaobao was even more confused. His classmates all had grandmas, but he didn't. He thought there was no such thing as a grandma at home.

"It's coming soon, grandma likes you very much, and you should like grandma too."

Shi Xiaobao blinked, and nodded obediently. In fact, he didn't understand what his mother meant, and he didn't have the concept of grandma at all in his mind, but he was a good boy who listened to his mother, and he would listen to whatever mother said.

When the doorbell rang, Gao Shengnan's heart was beating fast, and she was a little uneasy. She had never been so uneasy even in the face of the most difficult client, but she calmed down quickly, and trotted to open the door.

Standing behind Shi Junjie, the cousin's niece wanted to smile when she saw Gao Shengnan, who was more beautiful than six years ago, but she couldn't save face, so she twitched the corners of her mouth abruptly as a greeting.

"Mom, come inside quickly."

Gao Shengnan hesitated for a while, then called out Mom, and it became less awkward after calling out.

Seeing the luxurious decoration of the house, my cousin and niece were dazzled, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, everything was fresh, Shi Xiaobao walked over, looked at his cousin curiously, tilting his head, looking tiger-headed.

"Mom, is she grandma?"

Xiaobao's milky voice immediately hit her cousin's niece's heart. She looked at Xiaobao without blinking, and was so excited that she couldn't speak. Needless to say, she knew that this was the eldest grandson. The eldest son was exactly the same as a child, as if printed from a mold.

But Xiaobao is more foreign-looking. The elder son was gray when he was a child, and his clothes were not so fashionable. The daughter-in-law knows how to raise children and raises her grandson well. He is polite and sensible, and he is much better-looking than the dolls in the village. up.

"Grandma, Xiaobao." Gao Shengnan said with a smile.

The cousin looked at his grandson expectantly, and Xiaobao looked at him for a while, maybe it was because of the wonderful blood bond, Xiaobao did not reject the cousin, and was even kind, he called without hesitation: "Grandma!"

(End of this chapter)

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