Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3348 Everyone is happy

Chapter 3348 Everyone is happy

"Hey... my eldest grandson!"

The cousin's niece narrowed her eyes with a smile, and couldn't close her mouth. She touched her body excitedly. She had to give a gift to her eldest grandson. It was all her son's fault. She didn't tell her that she had such a good grandson. Knowing that you have a grandson, how can you not let your daughter-in-law in!

Nothing compares to a grandson!

The cousin and niece immediately remembered those words that strongly opposed Gao Shengnan before, and Shi Junjie could only blame Shi Junjie for hiding it.

Taking out all the money in her pocket, about 1000 yuan, the cousin and niece gave all the money to Xiaobao, "Use the money to buy candy, my dear."

Shi Junjie poked his old lady, handed over a stack of money, and reminded him softly, "There is also Tongtong from my cousin's house."

His mother was so happy that she forgot about Tongtong, she couldn't treat children favorably.

The cousin and niece were stunned, and then noticed Fang Yanming's family, and patted her head annoyed, what kind of eyes did she have, she almost did something wrong, but fortunately her son reminded her.

"This is Tongtong's, there are all of them!"

The niece walked over and handed the money Shi Junjie gave to Tongtong. Fang Yanming was amused. He had seen the little actions of the two girls just now. In fact, it would be fine even if the niece didn’t give it to him. My family doesn’t pay much attention to these things. .

But it is natural to feel comfortable after giving it to him. I have to say that Shi Junjie's work really makes people feel comfortable. It is no wonder that he can become a sales champion in just a few years, which must have something to do with his high EQ.

"Thank you grandma."

Tong Tong politely thanked her, and followed Shi Xiaobao to call her. Mao Fangfei was overjoyed, and corrected her with a smile, "You have to call me Cousin, not Grandma."

"Little Treasure is calling grandma."

Tongtong pouted, not happy.

She is going to be the same as Xiaobao, so why is she only called Biaogu?

"Then Xiaobao still calls you aunt. You are of a different generation, so the name is naturally different." Mao Fangfei patiently explained, but children don't understand seniority, and telling them this is a waste of saliva.

Tongtong also had a stubborn temper and wanted to call grandma, Fang Yanming smoothed things over, "Just call me, I will know when I grow up."

The cousin and niece also said cheerfully, "Children don't like this, so let Yanming and Fangfei be a generation shorter."

"We have nothing."

Fang Yanming and Mao Fangfei didn't take it to heart at all. They didn't care about these things at all. The reason they corrected them was because they were afraid that their cousin would think too much. Since she had no objections, they naturally had no objections.

A turmoil was virtually resolved by the lovely Shi Xiaobao's children's shoes. Shi Junjie was worried that his mother would cause trouble, but after seeing his grandson, his cousin and niece couldn't take their eyes off her. Xiaobao was the only one left, and his attitude towards Gao Shengnan was much better, and he even had a conversation, with a pleasant face.

Both Gao Shengnan and Shi Junjie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it was easier than they imagined. They knew Xiaobao had such a great charm, and they took their son back to their hometown early in the morning.

"I have to go back to my hometown to have a wedding, and the dowry must not be missed. I have to meet my in-laws, and the etiquette cannot be neglected."

After a meal, the atmosphere became more and more harmonious. The cousin and niece made a request. Gao Shengnan is already a member of the Shi family. She naturally has to follow the rules. outrageous.

Of course Shi Junjie had no objection, he was guilty of not being able to give Gao Shengnan a grand wedding, and now he just happened to make up for it.

The family had a very pleasant discussion, and everyone was happy.

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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