Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 3349 childhood sweethearts

Chapter 3349 childhood sweethearts

Years are like flying knives, and knives make people old. In a flash, Shi Xiaobao and Fang Tongtong have grown up, and both graduated from college to work. Fang Tongtong's daughter inherited her father's career and became a glorious people's policeman.

Moreover, she was a criminal police officer, working under her father, Fang Yanming became the chief of the bureau as he wished, but he didn't want his daughter to be a criminal police officer, it was too hard and too dangerous.

He just hoped that his daughter could be a little girl comfortably and happily, dancing, singing, singing, drawing pictures, etc. If she couldn't do it, she could be a forensic doctor like her mother. Wouldn't it be better to dissect a dead body than catch a vicious criminal?

Mao Fangfei also thought the same way, and she didn't want her daughter to inherit the profession of their husband and wife. The world is still biased against forensic medicine, thinking that it is bad luck to touch a corpse. She has a strong heart, and Fang Yanming can understand and support her profession. That's why she can face those criticisms calmly.

But sometimes she still felt a little uncomfortable. Mao Fangfei didn't want her daughter to bear this too, so she sent Fang Tongtong to learn folk dance, piano, and painting and other arts since she was very young.

Just dancing, I changed it one by one, ballet, Latin, classical, ethnic... All kinds of children's dance training teachers in Pingjiang City knew her family, and finally collectively persuaded Mao Fangfei to accept the reality.

"Mother Tongtong, Tongtong is a very good child, smart and cute, but she really lacks a bit of talent in dancing, about trying something else?"

Then I went to learn musical instruments and painting, oil painting, sketching, watercolor, Chinese painting, calligraphy, piano, zither, drum... I also learned all of them one by one, but it was nothing——

Still being dismissed collectively.

Fang Tongtong didn't have the patience to learn these things at all, and within a few days he tossed the teacher so much that he would rather refund the tuition in full than accept this student.

In the end, it was Fang Tongtong who chose fencing and judo.

Although it was the hardest interest class, Fang Tongtong persevered. Even before the most stressful high school entrance examination, she didn't miss practice, and her grades were naturally outstanding.

Both big and small competitions won prizes, but Fang Yanming and Mao Fangfei couldn't be happy, worried that their daughter was too powerful to get married, a living tigress!

During the college entrance examination, Fang Tongtong, who had a big idea, filled in the police academy by herself, and Fang Yanming and Mao Fangfei couldn't control her. When she graduated, this ambitious girl originally planned to go to the border. After Fang Yanming found out, she used her power to block her , I got my own subordinate, it's better to have him look than to go to the border.

The border is too dangerous. Many of Fang Yanming's comrades-in-arms will stay there forever. Martyrs are glorious, but the pain left to the family is a lifetime.

Fang Yanming couldn't bear it.

He's just a baby girl, so he wants to be selfish.

For this matter, Fang Tongtong had a cold war with Fang Yanming for half a month, and finally reconciled with Fang Yanming under Shi Xiaobao's persuasion, accepting the fact that he was a criminal policeman, and catching bad guys is also very interesting.

Shi Xiaobao studies very well, like Gao Shengnan, he is a veritable top student, he skipped grades one after another in primary and junior high schools, and was directly admitted to a famous school in M ​​country after graduating from high school. He majored in computer science. He finished his Ph.D. Founded the website, he is already a domineering president at a young age.

When Fang Tongtong had no pocket money, he asked Shi Xiaobao for it. Shi Xiaobao was very generous every time, enough for Fang Tongtong to eat spicy food.

On this day, Fang Tongtong ran out of money again, so without thinking about it, he called Shi Xiaobao in country M, "Xiaobao, give me some money!"

"Okay, Tongtong."

"Call me aunt, I'm your aunt, it's rude!" Fang Tongtong corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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