Chapter 3355 Lie

Shi Xiaobao frowned, stretched out his hand again, and pressed the recording button for Fang Tongtong, always feeling that the voice on He Xiaohong's phone was not quite right.

Fang Tongtong didn't care about his little tricks, and said happily: "I have good news for you, aren't you worried about your father's medical expenses? I found a charity for you, and they are willing to subsidize all your father's medical expenses."

"Really? Thank you, sister Tongtong." He Xiaohong was ecstatic.

"Of course it is true, but the charity organization needs to go through procedures and needs some materials, mainly the materials of your father in the hospital, and then the people from the organization will contact you to find out some information. You should send the materials here first."

The phone was silent for a few seconds, the noise became louder, and a few car horns could be vaguely heard, Shi Xiaobao's eyes turned colder, he found a place to stop, and concentrated on listening to Fang Tongtong's call.

"Sister Tongtong, my father's materials are all in my hometown. It may be too late. Why don't you give this opportunity to others? I found a part-time job, and the school also gave me a subsidy for poor students. I should be able to survive. "

He Xiaohong faltered and faltered, then suddenly changed his tone, Shi Xiaobao sneered silently, it's no wonder that this girl is not a ghost.

"It's all right, why don't you ask your family to send it over? Charity organizations don't have a time limit. Aren't you always worried about Dad's health? Now that he's completely cured, you can study with peace of mind. I'll visit you at school after a while. Ah, Hangzhou City is not far from my side."

Fang Tongtong didn't doubt it, and persuaded the other party kindly, worrying that He Xiaohong's part-time job would affect her studies.

In the end, He Xiaohong reluctantly accepted the funding, and promised to contact her family and ask her parents to send the materials.

"Sister Tongtong, call me before you come, and I will pick you up." He Xiaohong urged.

"Well, let's talk about it when the time comes. I'm not sure when I'll be free, so let's just say it like this. You send the materials to me first, and I'll hand them in for you."

"Okay, thank you Sister Tongtong."

"Why are you being polite to me, go back and study by yourself."

Fang Tongtong hung up the phone, and happily said to Shi Xiaobao: "There will be materials in a while, so I said that Xiaohong is not that kind of person."

"The material hasn't arrived yet, so don't say it to death, but at least the girl is lying now."

Shi Xiaobao took Fang Tongtong's cell phone, played the recording of the call just now, and after listening to it again, he asked, "Do you hear anything wrong?"

Fang Tongtong is actually not stupid, otherwise she would not be admitted to the Public Security University. She just never saw the sinister heart when she was a child, and she was too simple. Now that Shi Xiaobao specially reminded her, she listened to the recording carefully again, and she really heard that Wrong.

Why are there horns in the school?

It was clearly on the street, He Xiaohong lied.

Fang Tongtong frowned, panicked, and a little angry. What she hated most was lying, especially the lying of relatives and friends, which would make her very sad.

He Xiaohong is a friend she has given her affection for, so she naturally cannot accept He Xiaohong's lies.

Annoyed, Fang Tongtong wanted to call to ask for clarification, but was stopped by Shi Xiaobao, "No rush, let's talk about it after the materials are sent."

Fang Tongtong, who became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, said angrily, "I'll go to Hangzhou Normal University when I'm free. I want to ask in person why I lied."

"Lies are naturally to cover up some things that you don't want you to know, or to justify the lies you told before. One lie needs ten or even a hundred lies to complete, so lying will become a habit." Shi Xiaobao said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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