Chapter 3356

In his implementation, Xiaobao has been able to roughly determine that He Xiaohong's father's illness is probably false. If He Xiaohong can lie about evening self-study, he will naturally lie about other things.

And just now He Xiaohong clearly wanted to get funding from a charity organization, but when she heard about the materials, she changed her tone and pretended to give the opportunity to others generously. This kind of clumsy lie can only deceive innocent girls like Fang Tongtong, Shi Xiaobao He Xiaohong's fake skin was pierced in minutes.

But he had to let the facts prove that He Xiaohong was lying, so as to teach Fang Tongtong a profound lesson, otherwise this silly girl would be deceived in the future.

It doesn't matter if you only lose some money, Shi Xiaobao is worried that Fang Tongtong will be hurt.

But the reversal of things was beyond Shi Xiaobao's expectation, and he also failed to count.

After more than half a month, Fang Tongtong failed to receive He Xiaohong's materials. Even though his hometown was troublesome, this time was almost enough. Fang Tongtong called He Xiaohong to inquire about the situation.


"Sorry, the number you dialed is an empty number..."

Fang Tongtong couldn't react to the sweet female voice, how could it be an empty number, she just called half a month ago, she called again, it was still an empty number, it happened several times in succession.

Fang Tongtong called WeChat again, but still couldn't get through, and the message couldn't be sent.

Looking at the red exclamation mark in front of each message, Fang Tongtong finally figured it out, she was blocked by He Xiaohong.

Angry to the extreme, Fang Tongtong went to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water, and forced herself to calm down, otherwise she couldn't help but drive to Hangzhou Normal University and find He Xiaohong to find out.

Why lie?

Obviously the story of He Xiaohong's father's illness was false. He Xiaohong couldn't produce any materials, and she didn't dare to forge the materials. Because she said that the charity organization was going to investigate, He Xiaohong panicked and blocked her.

damn it!

How can she be so stupid?

Fang Tongtong's chest was burning with flames, she didn't feel sorry for her money, she only hated herself for being too stupid for ruining Shi Xiaobao's money, and even more hated He Xiaohong for trampling her trust.

Fang Tongtong, who was angry and wronged, called Shi Xiaobao, and cried as soon as she opened her mouth, "I'm sorry...Xiaobao, your money was cheated, it's all my fault, I...I will pay you back in the future... could she be like could she be like this..."

Shi Xiaobao was talking with his subordinates, when he heard Fang Tongtong's cry, he knew what was going on.

"What happened? Don't cry, speak slowly."

"He Xiaohong... She blocked me, she lied to me, I'm such a stupid pig, so I trusted her, but she lied to me, Xiaobao, I'm sorry, I will pay you back the money... In the future, my salary I'll give you the card, just give me 1000 yuan pocket money every month..."

Fang Tongtong said pitifully, Shi Xiaobao was both funny and distressed, 1000 yuan was not enough for this silly girl to eat grilled fish.

That He Xiaohong will naturally have to pay the price, do you really think that you can escape just by being blocked?

Hmph, it's too simple to think.

Shi Xiaobao asked He Xiaohong's mobile phone number, and asked the technical department to check it. For IT people, it is too easy to be human alone, and the neighbors can check it out, and the result will be obtained soon, which is another reaction. change.

"There is indeed a freshman named He Xiaohong in Hangzhou Normal University, but the boy and this mobile phone number have been canceled ten days ago."

continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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