Chapter 3394 Questioning

"Nonsense, it's impossible, Qiqi can't do this, my granddaughter is very sensible, Yu Anning, don't slander her, she is your own daughter, what do you want to do?" Mother Li scolded angrily.

"Because Qiqi is my own daughter, I don't want to see her degenerate. I feel more heartbroken than anyone else about her current state."

Yu Anning found a few photos of Li Qiqi puffing and puffing, and enlarged them for the elders to see. In the photos, Li Qiqi was with a few friends in strange clothes. Everyone looked enjoying, puffing and puffing thick smoke, including Li Qiqi seven seven.

And the photos were not taken at the same time, Li Qiqi's clothes were different, but they were all very revealing, with heavy makeup on, she didn't look like a 17-year-old young girl at all, she was dressed very gaudy.

"Anyway, I don't believe it. It's impossible for Qiqi to do such a thing. This is definitely not Qiqi." Mother Li deceived herself and refused to believe the facts.

Li Jingshan looked at the photo carefully, his eyes were sharp, and he sighed after a long time, "It is indeed Qiqi."

Even if you don't want to believe it, the fact is that this bad girl is their well-behaved and sensible granddaughter. She just went to Country M for less than two months and was corrupted by the feasting and feasting there.

Mother Li was incoherent in anxiety, "Then what should I do, old man, quickly call Qi Qi and ask her what she is doing?"

"It's twelve o'clock in the noon, and it should be around midnight at Qiqi's place, and he may have fallen asleep." Qi Wenyuan reminded.

But Li's mother was very anxious, she decided to make a call regardless, Li Jingshan was still hesitating, she took out her mobile phone and called, but no one answered after it rang for a long time, Li's mother continued to call, and did not answer until the third time .

Li Jingshan pressed the hands-free button for her. When the phone was picked up, Li Qiqi was very quiet, but it was so eerily quiet, and Li Qiqi's voice sounded very energetic, not like a zero-point student.

Getting ready to fall asleep or being woken up should not be like this.

"Grandma, why are you calling in the middle of the night? My dormitory classmates are all asleep, and they will have some complaints." Li Qiqi complained.

Li's mother was relieved, she was fine in the dormitory, she asked concerned: "Have you slept yet?"

"Of course I'm asleep. I was woken up by the phone call. What's the matter, grandma?" Qi Qi yawned impatiently.

"It's nothing, I just miss you, Qiqi, you have to study hard, you are the only exchange student in the school, representing the face of our Pingjiang, you must study hard!" Mother Li said earnestly.

"Understood, grandma, you called in the middle of the night to say this? You have said it hundreds of times, are you annoying? Don't call in the middle of the night again in the future. Do you know the time difference? If you don't know, just ask my dad, he Know."

Li Qiqi was extremely impatient and spoke very aggressively.

Li Jingshan couldn't listen anymore, and said in a deep voice: "Li Qiqi, what's your attitude? Even if grandma is wrong to call in the middle of the night, you can just speak up, how can you use such a tone? Your grandma and I taught you and The elders spoke!"

Li Qiqi was silent for a few seconds, and then said after a while, " are here too!"

It sounded like this girl was still in awe of Li Jingshan, and her tone was much better.

"Let me ask you, have you taken the exam recently? How was your result?"

"I haven't taken the exam. It's different here than in China. It doesn't pay much attention to test scores, but to overall quality. There are more social practice classes. Grandpa, I really don't want to tell you. I'm so sleepy." Li Qiqi called again He let out a big yawn, sounding really sleepy.

"Well, go to bed early, don't go to bed too late."

(End of this chapter)

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