Chapter 3395 Sweetheart

Li Jingshan was about to hang up the phone, but a voice suddenly came from the phone, but the voice was in English, Li Jingshan couldn't understand it, but Yu Anning and Qi Wenyuan understood it, and their expressions changed drastically.

What the man said was——

"Sweetheart, what are you doing, don't waste your time!"

Yu Anning couldn't bear it anymore, snatched Li Jingshan's cell phone, and shouted sharply: "Li Qiqi, what are you doing? Why is there a man in the degree dormitory? Why does this man call you sweetheart? Do you know what you are doing? You are only 17!"

Li Qiqi was startled, but soon became angry, and shouted loudly: "What right do you have to control me? You don't even want to recognize me anymore. You don't care what I'm doing. I'm already 17 years old and I can make friends. Freedom has nothing to do with you!"

"As long as you are still my daughter, I am qualified to take care of you. I will give you 1 yuan a month for living expenses. You say I am not qualified? Li Qiqi, please explain to me first, why is there a man in the school dormitory? This man What's the relationship with you?"

Li Jingshan and Li's mother looked shocked. They also heard a man's voice on the phone. There was a man beside his granddaughter in the middle of the night, which was absolutely abnormal.

And this man is also called granddaughter sweetheart, this title can only be called between lovers, the relationship between this man and granddaughter is clear at a glance, but they are still lucky, hoping that Li Qiqi will deny it.

"Qiqi, tell me quickly, who is this man? Is he your classmate?" Mother Li asked eagerly.

"It's a classmate who lives on the second floor. She usually rushes through the door. Not only do you call me sweetheart, but other people also call me the same way. It's different from back home. The atmosphere is more open. Don't make a fuss."

Li Qiqi explained vaguely, Li's mother believed it, and was relieved.

Yu Anning sneered, "Li Qiqi, do you think I'm a fool? No matter how open the country M is, it's impossible for boys and girls to live together. You went to a formal middle school, not a pheasant school. You told me that boys and girls live together? A man who is called sweetheart? Do you want me to fly over to your principal right now and ask him why he arranged a mixed dormitory for my daughter?"

"Are you sick? What's wrong with me being a mixed man and woman? Don't think that you can give me 1 yuan and you can control my life. I don't want that 1 yuan. Do you want to give it?"

Li Qiqi's roar made the phone vibrate uncontrollably, and Li's mother and Li Jingshan were even more shocked. They had never seen their granddaughter get so angry and go crazy like a psychopath. Even if they didn't like Yu Anning, Li Qiqi It's really inappropriate to treat my mother like this.

And they were also surprised that Yu Anning gave Li Qiqi 1 yuan a month for living expenses, but Li Qiqi didn't mention a word, and every time he called, he said that the money was not enough, and Li's mother always secretly gave it to her granddaughter. play money.

Li Wensong gave Li seven or six thousand living expenses every month, plus Yu Anning's 1 yuan, plus the money secretly given by Li's mother, it was [-] yuan a month, which was enough to spend even in country M, Li What has Qiqi been doing for the past two months?

"Li Qiqi, are you guilty? You didn't study hard at all over there. You made friends with a group of cronies, fooled around outside every night, and followed your friends to smoke cigarettes. Li Qiqi, you are degrading yourself. You Do you know?" Yu Anning's voice was stern.

"Are you looking for someone to check me? Yu Anning, you fucking pervert, you're violating my right to privacy, I can sue you!" Li Qiqi was furious and broke out completely.

(End of this chapter)

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