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Chapter 42 Dao is 1 foot high and magic is 1 foot high

Chapter 42 Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high

"Don't... big sister... boss... aunt... please forgive me..."

Hu Zhiwei couldn't stop begging for mercy, but Ye Qingqing just pretended not to hear, just pouring water with a sullen face, if you don't give this family some serious trouble today, there will definitely be more troubles in the future!

The female prisoner who was shot in the previous life said that if you want a person to feel fear, you must let him know that you will really kill him!

So... She must let Hu Zhiwei taste the footwashing water of the god of death today!

Ye Tong is a caring little warm boy. Seeing that Ye Qingqing was inconvenient to pour water with his hands, he ran to the house and brought a small cup. Ye Qingqing touched his head, "Good boy!"

Everyone was amazed to see that the female devil of the Ye family was really kind to her younger brother!

With the cup, the speed of filling was much faster. Hu Zhiwei poured several cups one after another, but couldn't bear it anymore, crying for mercy, Xu Yuetuan's fierceness was useless at this moment.

When two parties confront each other, if one party has fear in his heart, he will undoubtedly lose.

Xu Yuetuan was worried about his son, how dare he do anything to Ye Qingqing.

"Ye Zhiguo, you still don't care about your daughter..."

Xu Yuetuan had no choice but to turn to Ye Zhiguo for help, hoping that he could stop this lunatic Ye Qingqing.

The pain in Ye Zhiguo's lower body hadn't eased up until now, Shen Yanhong was very worried, annoyed by Xu Yuetuan's yelling, and said angrily: "If my old Ye can control it, can he take this kick? "

Xu Yuetuan thinks about it too. Ye Qingqing, a female devil, can even kill her own father. She probably won't listen to Ye Zhiguo, but what about her son?

"Ye let my son go, this matter is over."

It was the first time for Xu Yuetuan to admit defeat first, and she was not surprised, but for the sake of her son's life, even if she was asked to kowtow to beg for mercy, she would do it.

"It's up to you? You can make trouble if you want? Who do you think you are? I have the final say on today's matter. Shut up, and I'll pour shit on this little bastard!"

Ye Qingqing looked at Xu Yuetuan coldly, the coldness in her eyes made this tough shrew involuntarily soften her legs, at that moment just now, she really thought that Ye Qingqing would kill herself.

"What do you want? Xiaowei is going to die!" Xu Yuetuan had no choice but to speak softly, and if Ye Qingqing poured it down, her son would really die!

At this time, my stomach is bulging into a watermelon!

Ye Qingqing didn't care, "If you die, you'll die, it's not my son!"

Everyone gasped, and had a new understanding of Ye Qingqing's ruthlessness!

Xu Yuetuan was very angry, and hated: "You killed my son, and you have to pay with your life, you are already eighteen!"

Ye Qingqing smiled suddenly, it was beautiful and sweet, but in Xu Yuetuan's eyes, she only thought it was a poor old man.

"If you pay your life, you will pay your life, but before you pay your life, I will kill all of your family, leaving no one behind!"

In the last sentence, Ye Qingqing smiled coldly. Although it was summer and Pingjiang City was like a furnace, everyone felt the chill, and stepped back involuntarily.

Xu Yuetuan's complexion changed drastically, she really believed that Ye Qingqing didn't just say it casually, she was really ruthless!

"I was wrong... please spare my Xiaowei, I will discipline him well in the future, and promise not to bully Xiaotong again..."

Xu Yuetuan knelt on the ground and kowtowed to beg for mercy. He was no longer as domineering and fierce as before, and wept heavily, with tears and snot all over his face.

Although the others thought that Ye Qingqing was cruel and not a good stubble, they still admired her very much. The shrew who had given Fu Ailu a headache for more than ten years was subdued by a little girl like this?

Sure enough, the Tao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high, and one thing falls one thing!

Thanks to jly69, shiuanyen, for the rewards of mountains, rivers and mountains, today is Christmas Eve, I wish my babies a happy Christmas Eve, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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