Chapter 43

"If your promise is useful, you won't be able to teach these two things. I will teach him myself!"

Ye Qingqing didn't pay attention to Xu Yuetuan at all, this woman can turn her face faster than a book, she is like a dead dog now, but once she gets her ambition, she will go crazy, how could she believe it!

Ye Zhiguo couldn't stand it anymore, he was really worried that Ye Qingqing would kill someone, how could he live on Fu'ai Road in the future!

" stop, Xiaowei knows he's wrong!" Ye Zhiguo endured the pain and said nice things to Ye Qingqing.

"Yeah...Xiaowei must have known that he was wrong, Qingqing Fang stopped, if someone died, we are all neighbors in the same alley, how can we get along with each other!" Others also persuaded.

Ye Qingqing looked at these chattering neighbors indifferently, standing and talking didn't hurt her back, anyway, the ones being bullied were not their own children, and if something happened, they would come out and say a few hypocritical nonsense...

Hmph... She had already seen through the true colors of these people!

"If you can't get along, get out!"

Ye Qingqing said something coldly, her cold eyes turned to Xu Yuetuan, the corners of her lips were cold, Xu Yuetuan couldn't help shivering, she was really scared.

Fearing that he would die, Xu Yuetuan finally met the strongest opponent in his life, and he was defeated in just one round.

Ye Qingqing continued to pour water on Hu Zhiwei, it was just a basin of water, he would definitely not die, but it could make this little bastard suffer for a few days.

"It hurts... I can't drink anymore..."

Hu Zhiwei groaned in pain, spit out most of a glass of water, Ye Qingqing followed him, just poured water into his mouth, he felt swollen just looking at it.

After the basin of water was finally filled, Hu Zhiwei lay down weakly, rolling his eyes and moaning. Although Xu Yuetuan was distressed, he could see that his son could still hum, so he felt relieved.

"Do you still dare to call Xiaotong a fool in the future?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Hu Zhiwei's eyes showed fear, and he kept shaking his head, even if he was given beef jerky, he wouldn't bark anymore!

Ye Qingqing looked up at everyone, and said in a cold voice: "In the future, if anyone dares to bully my brother or speak rudely, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

"Of course not... We are all old neighbors for more than ten years, and Xiao Tong was also raised by us..."

"Xiaotong is so beautiful and cute, I look very smart, who said he is stupid..."


The neighbors talked a lot, and they all praised Xiaotong, and they all made up their minds. After returning home, they would tell the brat at home, stay away from that idiot Ye Tong, and don't say a word.

If you can't afford it, you can always hide it!

Ye Qingqing sneered silently, each of them spoke nicely, and she must be scolded like shit in her stomach, hum... just scold her, she just wants these people to be afraid of herself, so that she will restrain the children in the family.

She lowered her head and looked at Hu Zhiwei, who was moaning in disgust, and kicked her foot heavily. Hu Zhiwei didn't even move. Xu Yuetuan wanted to go forward to get her son back, but she was afraid of offending Ye Qingqing, so she didn't dare to move.

"Today I just wash my mouth, and I will bully Xiao Tong later, I will cut off your tongue!" Ye Qingqing's voice pierced everyone's body like ice knives.

No one doubted the authenticity of her words.

"No more... Ye Hua asked me to do it before, I won't listen to him anymore." Hu Zhiwei cried.

If I knew Ye Qingqing was so ruthless, if I killed him, I would be good brothers with Ye Tong!

(End of this chapter)

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