Chapter 44 18 Years of Drama (Christmas Eve plus more)

Ye Hua, who was hiding in the yard watching the excitement, couldn't help shaking, having a bad premonition.

Ye Qingqing sneered, she was just waiting for this sentence!

"Ye Hua told you to bully Xiao Tong?"

"That's right... Ye Hua took a lot of candy, and said to beat Ye Tong and give it to us. He always does that." Hu Zhihong said loudly.

The other children who watched the fun also helped to testify, saying that they were all bewitched by Ye Hua, and that's why they did something wrong. I just hope Ye Qingqing doesn't blame them.

Shen Yanhong's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said: "Children are ignorant, it's normal to be noisy, Qingqing, don't be angry, I will definitely teach Xiaohua a lesson."

"I dare not bother you!"

Ye Qingqing gave her a cold look, then turned to look at the yard, and shouted: "Get out!"

"Qingqing..." Shen Yanhong shouted anxiously, but she didn't get a response from Ye Qingqing. She was so anxious that she quickly twisted Ye Zhiguo's body.

Ye Zhiguo was also worried that Ye Qingqing would break his son. He thought about it, endured the pain and walked to the yard, dragged Ye Hua out who wanted to slip away, and slapped him without saying a word.

"You are an older brother. Not only do you not love your younger brother outside, but you also let others bully him... How do I usually teach you..."

Ye Zhiguo slapped him several times in a row, with a face full of hatred. In fact, he has a lot of strikes. He looks fierce, but he doesn't hurt anyone. He just put on a show for Ye Qingqing and the neighbors to watch.

Ye Hua was beaten until she screamed. Although Shen Yanhong felt distressed, she could only endure it and helped Ye Zhiguo scold her, "From now on, if you don't take good care of your brother, your father will break your leg!"

The neighbors all nodded, thinking that Ye Zhiguo is indeed a good and conscientious father, while Ye Qingqing is too mean, not only disrespectful to his father and stepmother, but also unfriendly to his stepbrother. Who would dare to marry such a girl!

Ye Qingqing was in a panic, if she was persistent about Ye Zhiguo and Shen Yanhong's drama, she would definitely be left behind.

Although she didn't care about fame, she didn't know if Lu Mo cared.

She only thought of this level after she calmed down just now. After she came back, she only wanted to marry Lu Mo, but in fact she didn't know Lu Mo well. She didn't know what kind of girl this man liked?

Gentle as water?

Or is it like a fire?

Or a well-educated lady?

Ye Qingqing's heart is at a loss. After she was reborn, she only wanted to be happy with her kindness, to repay kindness with kindness, and to take revenge with revenge. Her own happiness is the most important thing. As for others... If you don't like it, get out!

But the question is... Does Lu Mo like her like this?

With hesitation in her heart, Ye Qingqing was no longer in the mood to abuse scum, and if she was going to trick Lu Mo slowly, let's see what his taste is?

Of course... If it happens to be the best of her style, it means that she and Lu Mo are destined for each other.

If there is a little deviation, it's no big deal, just adjust it slowly!

Anyway, she has identified with Lu Mo all her life!

Ye Qingqing felt relieved, and turned her mind back, to solve the current trouble first, she glanced at the crying Ye Hua, and said coldly: "I warned you at noon, if you bully Xiaotong again, Get out immediately and sleep on the road!"

Shen Yanhong's scalp tightened, and she looked at Ye Zhiguo worriedly.

Ye Zhiguo's eyes flashed coldly, but he was very rich, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he would not show it, especially in front of so many neighbors, he had to play the role of a loving father well.

I have been acting for 18 years, and I can't fall short in the last three years.

Tomorrow will continue, happy Christmas Eve

(End of this chapter)

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