Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 45 The house is mine

Chapter 45 The house is mine

"Qingqing, Xiaohua knows he was wrong, so please forgive him this time, okay?" Ye Zhiguo said kindly.

"Dad, who is your real son? You don't care if this oil bottle bullies Xiaotong? don't care about me. Now this oil bottle ignores my words. If I don't give him some color , he thought he was named Ye, so he really belonged to the Ye family!"

When Ye Qingqing spoke to Ye Zhiguo, her tone was relaxed, not as indifferent as she was to Shen Yanhong.

Just now she hurt Ye Zhiguo out of desperation, but she still feels a little guilty. No matter how Ye Zhiguo treats Xiaotong, at least he really has nothing to say to her daughter, and he responds to every request, and he never said a serious word to her.

In front of outsiders, she should give Ye Zhiguo some face!

At least until she finds out the truth.

I hope Ye Zhiguo won't let her down too much!

There is hatred in Shen Yanhong's eyes, she is a fool... her child is not a fool at all, this little bitch is the one who is superfluous, sooner or later, she will drive Ye Qingqing out, the mistress of the house can only It's her, Shen Yanhong!

Ye Zhiguo was also very uncomfortable, he forced a smile and said: "Qingqing, don't say that, Lan'er and Xiaohua have stayed in our house for so long, Dad has long regarded them as his own children, you should also be like Dad, and talk to Lan'er Er Xiaohua gets along well."

"My younger brother is only Xiaotong. I let them live in my house, and I have already made concessions for my father's face, but they live in my house and bully Xiaotong. This matter is not so easy!"

The smile on Ye Zhiguo's face could hardly be maintained anymore. For more than ten years, the neighbors thought he was the owner of the house, and no one knew that the owner of the house would be Ye Qingqing, but now this dead girl just said so.

What face will he have in the neighborhood in the future!

As the head of the family, he doesn't even own the house. Every time Ye Zhiguo thinks about this, his heart feels like a ton of cement is blocked.

Shen Yanhong was so blocked that she wanted to vomit blood, and she also complained to Ye Zhiguo. When the property was brought back, she urged Ye Zhiguo to quickly settle the house, so as not to have long nights and dreams, but Ye Zhiguo ignored her words.

Xu Yali, that vixen, used to be indifferent to Ye Zhiguo, but during that time she was very kind to Ye Zhiguo, she was so tender and affectionate, she coaxed Ye Zhiguo out of her mind, and she didn't see the three of them for a month.

At that time, she knew something was wrong, and as she expected, all the property that Ye Zhiguo worked so hard to get back was dragged into her name by that bitch Xu Yali, and she was still in the ear of that little bitch Ye Qingqing since she was a child. Instigate, otherwise how would Ye Qingqing know that the house is hers!

"Qingqing..." Ye Zhiguo looked at his daughter with dissatisfaction, hoping that she would take care of himself in front of outsiders.

Ye Qingqing couldn't control that much, but her expression softened a little, and she pointed to Ye Hua and said, "For Dad's sake, let him sleep on the road all night, and if he dares to bully Xiaotong again in the future , I am not so easy to talk about!"

"Don't... I don't sleep on the road, Dad... I don't sleep on the road..." Ye Hua was anxious and shouted at Ye Zhiguo.

Ye Qingqing slapped him and yelled: "Dad belongs to me and Xiaotong, my father let you and Ye Lan call you Dad because of his benevolence, you really think of yourself as a green onion, right? It's useless for you to call me Dad, the house belongs to me." Yes, I won’t let you little white-eyed wolf sleep, and tell you to pack up your bedding immediately and go back to your little pigeon coop!”

Thanks to No. Mengxuan Yiling &, jly69, book friend 2018****6712, for the reward, thank you all who support me, Merry Christmas!

(End of this chapter)

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