Chapter 46

Shen Yanhong's family of four used to live in a pigeon cage with only about ten square meters, but the rear of the pigeon cage was demolished and a house was divided.

"Qingqing... You really put a knife in my heart when you say that. I have always regarded you as my own daughter, and I care more about you than Laner Xiaohua." Shen Yanhong said while wiping tears, and the others nodded repeatedly. .

Shen Yanhong really cared for Ye Qingqing, she couldn't find any faults.

"The human heart is made of flesh. Compare your heart with your heart. For the sake of taking care of you for so many years, please forgive Xiaohua. I will definitely teach him well in the future!" Shen Yanhong's humble appearance aroused everyone's sympathy, Everyone felt that Ye Qingqing was too much.

But the neighbors didn't expect that the owner of this big bungalow was not Ye Zhiguo, but a little girl, Ye Qingqing!

There are a few old neighbors who know Xu Yali. They know that Xu Yali and Ye Zhiguo are definitely not a loving couple. , or the current Shen Yanhong is better at being a human being.

At first they disliked Ye Qingqing's savage and rude people, but now they think about it again. In such a big house, Ye Qingqing really has the capital to be savage!

Whoever marries Ye Qingqing can save 30 years of struggle and live a comfortable life!

Ye Qingqing grabbed Ye Tong, pointed at his shorts, and said, "Have you taken good care of Xiao Tong? Your own son is raised like a pig, but Xiao Tong doesn't even have a piece of clothing that fits him.

Hmph... That's all, after all, I can't force you to be nice to my younger brother, but whoever dares to bully Xiao Tong, I will deny my relatives. Ye Hua has to sleep on the road today. If you feel sorry for him, I will accompany you Son sleeps together! "

"I've already pulled the cloth back. I was too busy to make it in time. I must rush out tonight. It's my fault. Qingqing, don't be angry..."

Shen Yanhong blushed and turned pale, weeping, covering the hatred in her eyes with a veil.

Reminded by Ye Qingqing, everyone looked between Ye Hua and Ye Tong, one was wearing brand new clothes, the other was shy, obviously not fitting, everyone's eyes changed.

If you have time to make clothes for your own son, your step-son will not be able to make it in time. Sure enough, there is a layer of belly!

But there are also people who think that Shen Yanhong has done well enough, if she is not her own, it is pretty good to be able to do this, at least it is much better than those stepmothers who abused their stepson.

"You don't want to do it, you don't want to make clothes, you don't feel comfortable wearing them." Ye Qingqing sarcastically made Shen Yanhong's expression even uglier.

Ye Lan came over and wanted to say a few words to ease the atmosphere, but Ye Qingqing didn't give her a chance to speak at all, and dragged Ye Tong back to the yard.

"I'm talking here today. No matter who bullies Xiaotong in the future, don't blame me for being disrespectful, and my strikes are not serious. If you kill or maim you, please bear with me!"

Everyone looked at Ye Qingqing's pitch-black eyes, and their hearts shuddered.

It wasn't until today that they realized that they underestimated this girl too much before!

This girl is no ordinary Biao!

The big guy couldn't hold back his face, smiled embarrassingly, and dispersed one after another. Xu Yuetuan and his daughter, Hu Zhiwei, who supported his round belly, also went home. Xu Yuetuan was still stained with blood, and the blood on the back of his head was stained with hair. Piece by piece, it is shocking to watch.

It was too late to come back last night???? Now get up and finish the old book, hurry up and write the new book

(End of this chapter)

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