Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 521 The Unfilial Granddaughter Reluctantly Accepted It

Chapter 521 The Unfilial Granddaughter Reluctantly Accepted It

Tang Yuanyuan looked at them in surprise, her face flushed, "I didn't copy it."

Although her grades are not good, she never cheats.

Because her father taught her since she was a child, if you want to make delicious dishes, the most important thing is good ingredients, you can’t cut corners, let alone shoddy, the same principle is true for being a human being, if it’s not good, it’s not good, there’s no need to cheat deceive yourself.

The female classmate who spoke snorted and said contemptuously, "With your stupid pig head, you can't get good grades if you don't copy? You're lying!"

"That's right, and Ye Qingqing must have copied it too, otherwise, how could it be like riding a rocket, jumping to a hundred or so in one fell swoop, hmph, the teachers are all blind, they only look at the results, and don't think about whether the results are true or not. False." The other female student's tone was even more sour.

The other female students panicked and poked her hard to tell her not to mention Ye Qingqing.

"It's okay, Ye Qingqing is not here, this ugly monster dare not say anything!"

The female classmate stared at Tang Yuanyuan fiercely, and warned: "If you dare to pass on my words to Ye Qingqing, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Qingqing doesn't know how to copy. She made progress because of her hard work. You slandered her!" Tang Yuanyuan said angrily, clenching her fists tightly.

"Tch, you guys are working together, so of course you can speak for her. If she doesn't copy it, I'll take her last name!" The female classmate looked determined.

Ye Qingqing is not a genius, how could she improve her grades so much in just two months, it was obvious that she was plagiarized!

Anyway, Ye Qingqing is not here, so she can say whatever she wants.

Ye Qingqing in the cubicle could hear the bitter words of these people clearly, and couldn't help sneering. She calmly disposed of the five grain essence, pressed the flush button, and then opened the door, looking at him coldly. A few female classmates who collectively changed their faces.

"To be honest, I really don't want an ugly and stupid girl like you, why don't you be my granddaughter, it won't be so annoying!" Ye Qingqing mocked coldly.

A few female classmates were shocked, their faces turned pale, and they secretly scolded themselves for being stupid. Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuanyuan often went in and out together, and of course they would go to the toilet together, why didn't they expect that!

"Ye Qingqing, if you have the ability, you can prove that you didn't copy it!" The female classmate who said her surname was Ye Qingqing before summoned up her courage and shouted.

A few female classmates came in from behind, all watching the play in silence.

"You just need proof to prove that your breasts are very big? According to the principle of whoever doubts who proves, since you say I plagiarized, then use my tone of plagiarism. I will give you a week. If you can't produce evidence, unfilial granddaughter, I can only reluctantly accept it!"

Ye Qingqing sneered, for this kind of idiot, she really can't even bring up the desire to teach her a lesson, she is someone who wants to fight the doctor, a little bug like this really falls for her!


Tang Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing, she quickly covered her mouth and murmured, Qingqing is really good, she has to learn a little bit!

" deceive people too much..."

The female classmate couldn't help trembling with anger, she forgot Ye Qingqing's toughness for a while, and rushed up, Ye Qingqing wanted to wash her hands, but had no choice but to turn around, and easily restrained the female classmate.

"Do you also want to be the same as Zhou Yimeng? As a human being, the most important thing is to be safe, stupid and restless, you don't even know how to die!"

Ye Qingqing's eyes were cold, she glanced at the other female students, pinched the female student's face a few times, and successfully made the female student shed tears, then she stopped her hand and sniffed down.

"Oh, I forgot to wash my hands in the tuba!"


The female classmate turned pale and couldn't help retching, and the others stepped back a few steps, secretly glad they didn't provoke this hag.

Try to write four more updates, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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