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Chapter 522 Immediately upgrade to be a grandma

Chapter 522 Immediately upgrade to be a grandma

Ye Qingqing washed her hands, and when Tang Yuanyuan went to the bathroom, she prepared to go back to the classroom.

She glanced at the female classmates, and said coldly: "Tang Yuan Yuan is my friend now, if anyone dares to bully her behind my back, hum, the current Zhou Yi Meng is a role model!"

Several female students trembled in fright, their lips turned white.

I heard that Zhou Meng was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, but because the treatment fee was too expensive, he was taken back soon. The psychotropic drugs contained hormones. After just over a month, Zhou Meng became fat and his eyes became dull. It's becoming more and more like a neurosis, and it can't be compared with before.

Some classmates secretly discussed that Zhou Meng might as well not go for treatment. He used to have a lot of aura, but now he is not a ghost or a ghost. It is all thanks to Ye Qingqing.

What if Ye Qingqing also said that they were mentally ill...

They shook their heads again and again, and said with a flattering smile, "No, we will definitely be friends with Tangyuanyuan."

Ye Qingqing snorted coldly, stared warningly, and pulled Tang Yuanyuan away from the toilet.

She and Tang Yuanyuan don't need this kind of friend without sincerity, who cares!

"If anyone bullies you again in the future, just fuck her directly, don't be afraid!" Ye Qingqing taught.

Tang Yuanyuan nodded, and vowed to herself that she would be as brave as Qingqing in the future, she couldn't let Qingqing help her out every time, she had to learn to be strong and independent!

"Let Tie Dan teach you self-defense." Ye Qingqing suggested, with a cunning flash in his eyes.

Tang Yuanyuan nodded again, and asked curiously, "Qingqing, was your self-defense also taught by Tie Dan?"

"Of course not, my family Lu Mo taught it!" Ye Qingqing had a proud face of 'this girl has a man'.

Tang Yuanyuan is very envious, it is good to have a man, and he can teach everything.

"Will Tiedan teach me?" Tang Yuanyuan was a little uncertain.

"It's definitely fine if you cook him delicious food!" Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

Tang Yuanyuan nodded vigorously. She is good at cooking and eating. As long as Tie Dan is willing to teach her, she will cook delicious food for Tie Dan every day. When she learns self-defense, she will be as powerful as Qingqing in the future!


After returning to the classroom, there was still 1 minute before the start of class. The students were all ready for class. The female classmate who had slandered Ye Qingqing for plagiarism in the toilet before also returned to the classroom, her face pale, and she sat silently on her seat.

Ye Qingqing walked up to the podium, tapped the blackboard brush on the table a few times, "Quiet, quiet, important announcement!"

The students immediately quieted down and looked at Ye Qingqing in surprise, not understanding what she wanted to do.

"Let me tell you something. Zhang Mengfei made a bet with me. She will find out the evidence of my plagiarism in the exam within a week. If she can't find out the evidence, she will be my granddaughter and call me Grandma Ye from now on. Be a witness for us, I'm going to be a grandma in a week!"

Ye Qingqing announced loudly, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, showing a coldness.

Zhang Mengfei is just the female classmate who argued with Ye Qingqing in the bathroom before, her grades are in the middle and lower in the class, this time the monthly exam is 162, ten ranks down from last month, and she is in a very bad mood, looking at the original behind her Ye Qingqing, who has made such obvious progress, is naturally upset.

She didn't expect Ye Qingqing to say these words in front of her classmates, her face turned even paler, and she wanted to stand up to argue with Ye Qingqing when the class bell rang.

"Start today, I'm waiting!"

Ye Qingqing glanced at Zhang Mengfei coldly, trotted back to her seat, and the teacher also appeared at the door of the classroom, seeing that the classroom was unusually quiet, the teacher was very satisfied.

In fact, the students were stupefied by Ye Qingqing's astonishing words.

Grandma Ye...fuck... Ye Qingqing is playing for real?

Why look forward to a week later?

Some relatives said that the plot progress is slow, and I want to see the abuse of scum. Although it is very cool to write about scum, but if Lao Yang abuses scum in every chapter, I think you will definitely get tired of watching it. I have to eat some vegetables once in a while, haha!

(End of this chapter)

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