Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 580 Finding an Old Widower

Chapter 580 Finding an Old Widower

Seeing Ye Lan crying until the pear blossoms were in tears, Ye Zhiguo's heart softened again, he couldn't bear to watch her being sent into the fire pit, and wanted to persuade the old lady, but Ye Qingqing interrupted him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Ye Lan, what kind of father's daughter are you? Who is your real father? Even your flirtatious mother doesn't know who you are, who knows who you were born to!"

Ye Zhiguo was stabbed in the heart, the anger of being betrayed by Shen Yanhong made him suspicious of Ye Lan again, his eyes also changed, the previous soft heart dissipated little by little, and gradually became hard.

"No, Dad, I'm your daughter..."

Ye Lan begged bitterly, holding Ye Zhiguo's leg tightly.

"Screw your fart, our Ye Family doesn't have a bastard like you!"

The old lady yanked Ye Lan, who was struggling constantly, trying to drag her into the room and lock her up, but Ye Lan jumped over the wall in a hurry, and the old lady couldn't help her for a while, Ye Qingqing went to help, and knocked on Ye Lan's soft numb hole Suddenly, Ye Lan's whole body was so soft that she couldn't exert any strength.

"Don't... Dad... don't shut me up..."

Ye Lan screamed in fear, but Ye Zhiguo's indifference made her feel colder and she fell into despair.

The old lady locked Ye Lan into the storage room on the third floor, hung up the big lock, and was going to find a buyer tomorrow. Of course, she would not really listen to Ye Qingqing, and sold Ye Lan to the mountainous area as a wife. There are many widowers, and widowers have money in their hands, so they can afford the bride price!

Ye Zhiguo thought for a long time, but still felt that the old lady was a little hasty, "Mom, Lan'er and Lu Qingquan have a marriage contract, one daughter does not marry two husbands, you marry Lan'er to someone else, how can you explain to Lu Qingquan?"

Only then did the old lady realize that Half-Life is a master, and she hesitated.

Ye Qingqing sneered: "What is there to explain, Lu Qingquan only paid half of the dowry, Ye Lan slept with Lu Qingquan every day this month, the 5000 yuan dowry has already been paid back!"

The old lady's complexion changed drastically, and she asked, "Did Half-Life sleep with that rotten eye?"

"That's right, everyone in the hotel knows about it. They say that Half-Life and Crazy Eyes sleep together every day, and they don't avoid people."

"I knew that this little bastard was more flirtatious than her mother. If we marry her off earlier, the Ye family's face will be embarrassing to their mother and daughter!"

The old lady scolded endlessly, and made up her mind to find a suitable widower tomorrow. As for Lu Qingquan, the old lady had the same idea as Ye Qingqing.

The old lady's work efficiency is extremely high, and she found a suitable candidate in just one day. The 50-year-old old man, his wife has been dead for more than ten years, his children have already married, and the old man is financially rich. He wants to find another young partner. It was a young girl who was only a few months away from turning [-], younger than his daughter, so she was naturally very satisfied.

The old widower decided to offer a bride price of 6000 yuan. As long as Ye Lan can go to his place as soon as possible, there is no need to worry about the marriage certificate. You can get it when you reach the age. Any fool can see what the old widower is thinking.

The old lady didn't care what the old widower wanted to do, she only wanted money, but the old widower was not so easy to fool, and proposed to meet Ye Lan first, and the old lady brought the old widower who was older than Ye Zhiguo home to interview Ye Lan.

Ye Lan looked at the old widower with big yellow teeth, she felt sick and wanted to vomit, she would rather die than marry the old man!

The old widower was reluctantly satisfied with Ye Lan, and lowered the bride price to 5000 yuan on the grounds that Ye Lan was too thin. The old lady readily agreed, and immediately decided that the old widower would take over at home in three days.

Continue tomorrow, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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