Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 581 The Old Widower Half-Life Is a Perfect Match

Chapter 581 The Old Widower Half-Life Is a Perfect Match

Three days later it was the weekend, Ye Qingqing deliberately stayed at home to watch a good show, the old widower seemed to be quite satisfied with Ye Lan, he came over early in the morning to pick up the man, and made an appointment with the old lady, and only said to the outside world that he was invited to work Babysitter, after a few months, when Ye Lan turns [-], I will go with her to get the certificate.

Ye Qingqing looked on at the old widower with cold eyes, even though he was careful, he still couldn't hide his wretchedness, he was obviously an old hooligan, and he didn't know where the old lady found him.

It's a perfect match with Ye Lan.

The old lady hated Ye Lan's unclean hands and feet, and she was as flirtatious as Shen Yanhong. She didn't want Ye Lan to stay at all, she just wanted to send this plague god out quickly, no matter where she wanted to be.

Although the old lady Suxin could see that the old widower was not very decent, she was too lazy to take care of it. Anyway, she was not her own granddaughter, so she could do whatever she wanted.

"Don't...Grandma, I'll give you the money, don't send me away...Please..."

Ye Lan saw that the old lady was serious, so she confessed everything, and took out a bank card, which contained the 4000 yuan she stole, but now there are only [-] yuan left.

"Is there another two thousand?" The old lady gritted her teeth as if she wanted to eat someone.

Ye Qingqing saw the golden light on Ye Lan's neck sharply, reached into her neck and took it out. It was a 24K gold necklace, which sold for at least 1000 in the mall.

"Grandma, this gold chain costs more than 1000."

The old lady was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. She had worked hard for most of her life and had never worn jewelry. When she was young, she envied other people who wore jewelry. She thought that one day she would be satisfied with a big gold bracelet, but now Most of her body was buried in the loess, and these thoughts faded away.

But now seeing Ye Lan stealing her money to buy such an expensive gold chain, she was very angry. If she hadn't worried about the old widower, the old lady would definitely teach Ye Lan severely.

"Grandma, I'm obsessed with ghosts. I know I'm wrong. I'll change it... I will definitely change it... I already have a marriage contract, so I can't betroth anyone else..."

Ye Lan begged bitterly, if Lu Qingquan knew that she had returned home with an old widower, how would she explain it? Yue Hongxia didn't like her in the first place, so she would definitely make a fuss about it.

The old lady's face loosened, and Ye Qingqing deliberately said: "You spent half of the money, and you know you have a marriage contract, why do you still have a room with a wild man? You are as flirtatious as your mother!"

"Which wild man is she with?" the old lady asked with a dark face.

"The people in the hotel said that Ye Lan hooked up with a wild man while she was on a business trip, and she still had a room in the hotel." Ye Qingqing didn't mention Wei Yugang's name. It's not the time yet, and when it comes out later, she has to get those photos Use it wisely.

Ye Lan's face turned pale, and she lowered her head guiltily. How could Ye Qingqing know that she had a man outside? Did someone really see it?

Fortunately, she didn't know that man was Wei Yugang, otherwise she would really be ashamed to face him!

The old lady's originally hesitant mind suddenly became firm. What kind of mother and what kind of daughter did she have? This little bastard is just like her mother, and she can't live without a man by her side. Hurry up and send this plague god out, so as not to ruin the Ye family's family. reputation.

"Take it away!"

The old lady agreed and asked the old widower to take Ye Lan away. From now on, her life and death have nothing to do with the Ye family.

Ye Lan kept crying, and refused to follow the old widower no matter what she said, Ye Qingqing became angry and slapped Ye Lan on the back of the neck.

The world suddenly became quiet!

Update the fifth update first, and the third update.

(End of this chapter)

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