Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 59 Calling Brother-in-law

Chapter 59 Calling Brother-in-law

Ye Qingqing didn't see Lu Mo in the living room, so she said, "Grandpa Lu, I'm going to see Lu Mo!"

Lu Mo's heart tightened, and he urged Tie Dan to carry him to the bathroom. Tie Dan was very puzzled, "Captain, didn't you just urinate before eating? Why did you have it again?"

"Drink the porridge, hurry up!"

Lu Mo's face became even hotter. Tie Dan hugged Lu Mo to the bathroom. Just after the water was drained, Ye Qingqing opened the door and walked in. She smiled at Lu Mo, "Good morning!"

"Good morning... sister-in-law... Qingqing." Tie Dan said cheerfully.

Lu Mo frowned, always felt that the cry of 'Qingqing' was a bit harsh, but it couldn't be said that Tie Dan was calling it wrong.

He glanced at Ye Qingqing. It was still a red dress, but it wasn't the one she wore yesterday. In his impression, this girl seemed to have a lot of red dresses, long ones, short ones with big ruffles...the number was too many to count. The clothes look good.

Lu Mo had to admit that Ye Qingqing was the prettiest girl in a red dress he had ever seen.

Ye Qingqing led Ye Tong in, and Lu Mo looked at Ye Tong in surprise. He had seen Ye Tong a long time ago, and he didn't expect to grow up so big, but he only looked at Ye Tong's eyes, and he knew the child's There is a problem with IQ.

It is impossible for normal people to have such clean and clear eyes.

"This is my younger brother Ye Tong, Xiao Tong, this is your future brother-in-law." Ye Qingqing introduced.

Ye Tong blinked, and obediently called: "Brother-in-law..."

Lu Mo's face became hot again, and Ye Qingqing, who glared and laughed secretly, corrected him patiently: "It's not brother-in-law, it's brother."


Ye Tong is a sincere child, his sister said he is her brother-in-law, so he has to listen to her.

And he doesn't like to be called brother at all. Those who call him brother like to bully him. He likes to be called brother-in-law, and brother-in-law will definitely not bully him.

"Brother." Lu Mo's expression was very serious.

"Brother-in-law." Ye Tong was even more stubborn.

The two stared at each other for several seconds, and Tie Dan smiled and said, "Sooner or later, I have to call brother-in-law, and it's the same now."

"Shut up!" Lu Mo stared fiercely.

Tie Dan immediately shut his mouth tightly, but turned his head and whispered to Ye Qingqing: "My captain is just too afraid of embarrassment."

"I know, Tie Dan, you can take Xiaotong out to play!" Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take Xiaotong to catch grasshoppers."

Tie Dan happily agreed, and led Ye Tong away, ignoring Lu Mo's eyes that seemed to kill him.

He listened to the captain for major matters, but he must listen to his sister-in-law for small matters at home.

"Lu Mo, I dreamed of you last night!" Ye Qingqing squatted in front of Lu Mo, resting her chin on her hands, and looked at Lu Mo without blinking.

The fiery gaze made Lu Mo feel like he was sitting on pins and needles. He was very annoyed that his concentration was too weak, how could he be easily disturbed by a little girl!

"What are you doing here again?" Lu Mo said coldly.

Ye Qingqing giggled, "I missed you, so I came to see you!"

"It's spring..." There was a sharp voice from the window sill, and Lu Mo turned his head vigilantly. It was a black myna.

It was Pippi who spoke, and it flew onto the armrest of Lu Mo's wheelchair in a daze, and yelled again: "I miss a man..."

Ye Qingqing was ashamed and annoyed, she slapped it, and Pippi flew to Lu Mo's shoulder, Mung Dou stared at Ye Qingqing, her tail was still up and down, but in the next second, it was caught by Lu Mo , the two paws scurrying up and down.

(End of this chapter)

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