Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 60 I'm Usually Gentle

Chapter 60 I'm Usually Gentle

"Help... murder..." Pippi asked Ye Qingqing for help, the male master is not easy to mess with in the future, and he has to stay away from him in the future.

Ye Qingqing hurriedly pleaded: "Let Pippi go, I'll strangle him to death!"

"You raised it?" Lu Mo asked back.

"Well, it's called Pippi, you should let it go."

As soon as Lu Mo let go, Pippi flew to the cabinet, staring at Lu Mo timidly. The male master has a strong evil spirit, which cannot be offended!

"I'm going to rest, you go back!" Lu Mo said coldly.

"No, Aunt Fang said to cook something delicious for me, and I want to stay for dinner." Ye Qingqing squatted down again, and reached out to pick up Lu Mo's pants, but just as her hand touched the pants, she was caught by a pair of iron tongs up.

" gentle, I just want to see your legs." Ye Qingqing frowned in pain.

Lu Mo just reacted subconsciously. Seeing this, he quickly let go of his hand. Seeing Ye Qingqing's white wrist with a circle of red marks, he felt a little more guilty, but thinking about it would just make Ye Qingqing retreat, so he remained cold. face.

"You don't need to look, you go!"

Ye Qingqing stretched out her hand in front of Lu Mo, and said coquettishly, "Look, it's almost broken."

You can see it more clearly from a close distance. The red seal is indeed a little darker. It is estimated that it will turn blue tomorrow. Lu Mo felt more guilty, but he still said coldly: "Don't approach me casually in the future, next time I will pinch my neck!"

"Are you really good at it?"

Ye Qingqing suddenly approached Lu Mo, startling him, he subconsciously turned his head, but found two hideous scratches on his white neck.

It was obviously scratched by nails, and it should have happened yesterday. No wonder the girl's hair was loose in the hot weather, not tied into a ponytail like yesterday.

Seeing Lu Mo staring blankly at her neck, Ye Qingqing hurriedly shrank back, and brushed her hair back. She forgot about the injury on her neck. Lu Mo probably wouldn't have seen it just now!

Otherwise, when Lu Mo asked her how she got hurt, what would she say?

Men should like girls who are gentle and gentle, but this is really a bit difficult for her!

"What's the matter with the neck?" Lu Mo's voice made Ye Qingqing's heart skip a beat, and it was not good to scream.

Ye Qingqing lowered her head and said falteringly, "It's nothing... I just caught it by accident... Accidentally... hehe..."

The voice became lower and lower, and her head lowered, like a child who has done something wrong and has a guilty conscience. Lu Mo couldn't help but soften his heart when he saw it funny. In fact, this girl is indeed still a child who hasn't grown up.

Only then!

Six years younger than him.

Lu Mo felt bored, this discovery was not surprising at all, it was the first time he thought that he was actually six years older than Ye Qingqing, he felt like a generation behind!

"Did you scratch your neck? Are you out of your mind?" Lu Mo didn't believe Ye Qingqing's nonsense at all.

Those two scratch marks were obviously caught by someone else. It seems that after going back yesterday, this girl got into a fight with someone.

"Beat the bad guys!" Pipi on the cabinet turned Mung Dou's eyes and screamed in a high-pitched voice, then retracted his head into his wings and pretended to be dead.

Ye Qingqing stared fiercely at Lu Mo with a cold face, her heart sank, worried that Lu Mo would hate herself because of this, and explained: "They bullied Xiao Tong, I couldn't help it, in fact, I didn't I like to fight, really... I can't be more gentle..."

Looking at the girl who kept emphasizing that she was very gentle, Lu Mo felt soft again. A child like Ye Tong would definitely be discriminated against and bullied, which was unavoidable.

But what did Ye Zhiguo do?

(End of this chapter)

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