Chapter 6

Ye Qingqing glanced at Ye Lan whose expression had become calm again, and asked, "What's your blood type?"

Ye Lan showed doubts, and replied: "Type B, why did Qingqing suddenly ask this?"

"Just ask if you think about it, you and Ye Hua should have the same blood type, right?" Ye Qingqing pretended to ask casually. She and Ye Lan had already boarded the bus. Lu's family lived in the military compound, five stops away from her home. .

"Of course it's the same, Xiao Hua and I both have my own father's blood type, and you, Qingqing, have the same blood type as your father." Ye Lan said with a smile, but her hands silently clenched into fists.

"Well, most of the children have the same blood type as their father. O-type blood is good, and universal blood!" Ye Qingqing didn't find anything wrong, so he was in no mood to chat with her anymore. He turned his face to the car window and looked at the scenery on the street outside. Ignored the strange expression on Ye Lan's face.

"Qingqing, we're almost at the compound, do you know what to say?" Ye Lan reminded again.

Ye Qingqing hummed, her expression was very impatient, Ye Lan didn't dare to provoke her again, and she had been reminded so many times, this fool should remember it.

Thinking of the upcoming show, Ye Lan couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. Lu Qingquan told Ye Qingqing to be more tactful on the phone, don't mention that Lu Mo is disabled, just say that his personality doesn't match.

But she just wanted Ye Qingqing to tell that Lu Mo was disabled and completely lost favor with Grandpa Lu. Let's see how this fool will rely on Grandpa Lu's pretentious prestige in the future!

When the compound arrived, Ye Qingqing got out of the car, the sun was shining white, and as soon as he stepped on the asphalt road, the heat wave rushed up, just like going to a sauna.

Ye Qingqing often came to the compound, and the guards knew her well, so she let her go without interrogation.

"It's so hot, I'm a little dizzy...Qingqing, I can't walk anymore, you go over first, I'll rest here for a while." Ye Lan sat weakly under the shade of a tree by the side of the road, her face was as white as paper.

Ye Qingqing looked at her quietly, her dark eyes made Ye Lan's heart shudder.

"Go over there and sit under the tree, sitting on the side of the road is indecent."

Ye Qingqing pointed to the big tree on the other side, there was a bench under the tree, Ye Lan's chest began to hurt again, Ye Qingqing's speech was as unpleasant as before, but she felt that Ye Qingqing was particularly irritating today.

Could it be because she mentioned Brother Qingquan a few times just now, and this idiot got jealous?

The more Ye Lan thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, and she despised Ye Qingqing even more, but she was also relieved, she could just coax her with a few words later, Ye Qingqing was just like her idiot brother, just three nice words could make her heart out.

"It's still Qingqing, you are thoughtful, you go over quickly, I will find you later."

Ye Lan sat under the shade of the tree, feeling much more comfortable, and told Ye Qingqing to go to Lu's house quickly.

Ye Qingqing glanced at the big tree above her head, turned her head and walked away, the fiery red skirt fluttered with her steps, like a walking red cloud, it was really beautiful.

Ye Lan always likes to wear white dresses, but she only loves red dresses, because she likes red that is flamboyant and warm, especially red like fire.

Looking at the back of the beautiful and flamboyant girl, Ye Lan's eyes were full of jealousy, she was so energetic and healthy, she never dared to walk in a big way, and she would never try to do it in her life.

Ye Lan's gentle face gradually turned cold, and when Ye Qingqing went to Lu's house to make a fool of herself, she would show up again to show Grandpa Lu who is the sensible and caring girl.

Ye Qingqing, who was tortured in the prison, was no longer the stupid girl she used to be. She saw through Ye Lan's small thoughts at a glance, and she just wanted to get rid of the relationship and show that she didn't know about the divorce. Ye Lan would even run over after a while, pretending to persuade her to stop making trouble.

Began to ask for tickets again, now there are two updates a day during the public period, and it will be updated when the editor arranges, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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