Chapter 7 Lu Mo, Hello

That's what Ye Lan did in her previous life. At that time, she was stupid and couldn't see Ye Lan's insidiousness, Grandpa Lu's disappointment, and Lu Mo's injury at that time.

Fortunately, she came back again, and she can make up for all the mistakes she made in her previous life.

Ye Qingqing stood at the gate of Lu's house, took a deep breath, raised her hand and rang the doorbell.

The one who opened the door was Lin Shufang, Lu Mo's mother, a weak and kind woman, but she died suddenly at home in her previous life, and she was the only one present at that time, and was sent to prison afterwards.

"Qingqing is here, come in quickly." Lin Shufang looked at Ye Qingqing lovingly, she always loved Ye Qingqing like a daughter.

"Aunt Fang, I'm here to see Brother Lu Mo."

Ye Qingqing said why she came, Lin Shufang sighed, her eyes were red, "Thank you for remembering Lu Mo, he..."

His voice became choked and he couldn't speak.

"Don't worry, Aunt Fang. Medicine is getting more and more advanced. Brother Lu Mo will definitely stand up again. You have to have confidence." Ye Qingqing comforted.

"Well... definitely will..." Lin Shufang wiped away her tears. She couldn't cry in front of her son, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Lin Shufang quickly realized something was wrong, "Qingqing, how do you know that Lu Mo is back?"

Lu Mo just came back today, and he didn't have time to call Ye's family. How did this kid Qingqing know!

"Lu Qingquan called and told Ye Lan, and Ye Lan told me that brother Lu Mo couldn't stand up anymore, so I came here." Ye Qingqing quietly put some eye drops on Ye Lan.

Lin Shufang's complexion changed slightly, she was annoyed at Lu Qingquan and Ye Lan in her heart, she turned her head and said to the old man, Ye Lan is an outsider, it's fine to say so, Lu Qingquan is a real cousin, so why would you want Lu Mo to be a useless person!

What kind of heart do you have!

"Good boy, you have a heart." Lin Shufang looked at Ye Qingqing with relief.

In the past, this girl was close to Lu Qingquan and didn't play with Lu Mo very much, but at the critical moment, Qingqing girl still has Lu Mo in her heart, alas... I also blame Lu Mo for being too cold, and he can't talk nicely to coax girls Child, it's not like Lu Qingquan's mouth is covered with honey.

"One family doesn't talk about two families. Aunt Fang, don't be polite to me." Ye Qingqing blushed a little, she seemed to be too proactive, but Lu Mo's ice cube, if she didn't have the enthusiasm like volcanic lava, how could it melt? ?

"Okay... Auntie is not polite to you..." Lin Shufang heard the meaning of Ye Qingqing's words, and also saw the shame on her face, and fell in love with this girl even more.

Adversity sees people's hearts, Qingqing girl can come here and say such words at this time, she really has a heart!

Ye Qingqing followed Lin Shufang into the house. This house was assigned to Mr. Lu by the compound. The first room and the second room lived here, and the third room lived outside. But at this time, the three rooms were all gathered in the living room, including the one who was sitting in a wheelchair. Lu Mo.

The 24-year-old Lu Mo is very young, with black hair, a face as cold and hard as carved from a glacier, sword eyebrows slanted into the temples, a tall nose bridge, and perfect thin lips tightly pursed. It is impossible to tell his mood at the moment.

But his slightly pale face showed that his body was still very weak at this time.

"Grandpa Lu, Second Uncle Lu, Third Uncle Lu... Hello Second Aunt and Third Aunt!"

Ye Qingqing yelled around, and finally looked at the expressionless Lu Mo, smiling brightly, "Brother Lu Mo!"

Lu Mo raised his eyes and looked at the girl in the red dress. His fiancée, whom he had engaged since he was a child, ignored him, but she had a hot fight with his cousin Lu Qingquan, but now she suddenly became so enthusiastic, which made Lu Mo feel uneasy. vigilance.

Is it pity that he became crippled?

Lu Mo's heart stabbed, and the chill on his body increased. What he hates most now is pity!

The contract has been sent out, and the status will be changed soon. The new book is very delicate and needs a lot of love, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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