Chapter 8

Seeing that Lu Mo didn't respond, Ye Qingqing yelled again, "Brother Lu Mo!"

"Amo, Qingqing is greeting you!"

Lin Shufang was anxious, annoyed at her son's incomprehension, the young girl came over on her own initiative, why is she still so indifferent?

Only then did Lu Mo respond with a cold face, "Yeah!"

Then came the indifferent face.

Lin Shufang was so angry that her liver hurt, and she planned to turn around and talk about her son, but she didn't want to treat this young girl like this, she just died like this, no matter how good the girl was, she would run away in anger, where would she find a wife!

Ye Qingqing didn't care. In her previous life, Lu Mo always had a face of ice cubes. She was blind and brain-dead before, so she felt that Lu Mo was incomprehensible and not as easy to get along with as the sweet-talking Lu Qingquan.

But now she understands that Lu Mo is cold-faced and warm-hearted, thousands of times stronger than the sweet-mouthed Lu Qingquan. is a human, the other is a beast, the races are different, there is no comparison.

"Grandpa Lu, now that medicine is advanced, Brother Lu Mo will definitely recover, we have to be confident!" Ye Qingqing saw that everyone in the Lu family was gloomy and the atmosphere was very heavy, so she wanted to ease the atmosphere.

Moreover, such an environment is not conducive to Lu Mo's recovery from his injuries.

The family members have lost confidence, where does Lu Mo's confidence come from?

"Who wouldn't talk about it? The nerves are broken, no matter how advanced the medicine is, it's useless!" The second wife, Lu Qingquan's mother, Yue Hongxia, muttered softly.

Ye Qingqing heard it clearly, and she couldn't get angry. This Yue Hongxia and Lu Qingquan are indeed mother and son, both of them have dark hearts. This woman also had a hand in her tragic experience in the previous life.

Lu Mo's face turned paler. He was very aware of his injury. The nerves in both legs were dead, and there was no way to recover. In the future, his legs would shrink more and more, and finally become a display.

It is impossible for him to stand up again in his life.

It is also impossible to return to the battlefield and fight side by side with comrades-in-arms!

Lin Shufang's complexion was even more ugly, but she was soft-tempered, no matter how annoyed she was, she couldn't speak harsh words, she could only sulking in her heart.

"Second Aunt, you are not a doctor. Why do you say Brother Lu Mo will not get better? Besides, it's not the end yet, why do you have to draw conclusions early? I said that Brother Lu Mo will recover, and he will definitely stand up again!" Ye Qingqing Look very firm.

Lu Mo's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help looking at Ye Qingqing. His direction happened to see the girl's beautiful side face and her firm and bright eyes.

Ye Qingqing really believed that he would stand up.

He didn't even have confidence in himself, but this girl swears by it.

Lu Mo couldn't help but feel warmer and more confident.

The comrades-in-arms, leaders, and relatives I saw these days...all sighed and looked at him with sympathy or regret, including grandpa and mother.

Only Ye Qingqing... She said that he would definitely stand up!

Lu Mo's already desperate heart... Gradually warmed up and started to warm up.

Ye Qingqing is right, no one can draw a conclusion until the end, so why say he can't stand up anymore?

He... Lu Mo will never give up easily!

Being contradicted by the little girl in front of the whole family, Yue Hongxia couldn't hold back her face, she was very angry in her heart, and she was even more dissatisfied with Ye Qingqing. For the sake of money, she had already told her son to sever ties with this damn girl!

The heroine is very good at teasing, unlike the previous heroines, this book is about women chasing men

(End of this chapter)

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