749 Threat

Lu Mo raised his head, and the two staff members raised one foot each, lifting Zheng Ruijie up.

Ye Qingqing was supporting her, pretending to be concerned, she lowered her head, and whispered in Zheng Ruijie's ear, "Do things obediently, or I'll let you die of pain!"

She had an extra silver needle in her hand, but no one noticed it, and it stuck into Zheng Ruijie's pain point.

"Ah ah ah..."

Zheng Ruijie suddenly screamed, the veins on his neck were bulging, and he was sweating more, looking more painful than before.

The two staff members were taken aback and couldn't help but quicken their pace.

Lu Mo looked at Ye Qingqing suspiciously, what did this girl do?

It wasn't until now that Lu Mo realized that he had underestimated this girl before!

There are so many strange medicines in this girl's hand, no wonder she dared to follow Ye Zhiguo to Niu Shou Mountain!

"Oh, why are you screaming so loudly, will you die!"

Ye Qingqing looked anxious, and bent down again, trying to see Zheng Ruijie's situation clearly.

In fact, it was threatening in his ear, "Do you want to suffer more? Time is running out. If you don't do anything, it's fine. I can appeal again, but your life will never come back!"

Zheng Ruijie looked at her in fear, Ye Qingqing at this moment was scarier than the devil in his eyes.

How can she be so hypocritical?

She was obviously the one who harmed him, and she still pretended to care about him in front of outsiders. No wonder Ye Zhiguo called this little girl a poisonous snake!

By this time, Zheng Ruijie had completely believed what Pippi said, that what the stinky bird fed him was definitely poison, which would make him tortured to death.

When he was in the prime of life, his family had just changed to a small villa. His wife was pregnant with a second child. He had already been checked in HK. He was a son, and his eldest daughter was 13 years old.

Moreover, he has also invested in several shops, which have already started to make profits, and he has a lot of bank deposits. Even if he doesn't work, he can still support his family to live a well-off life.

If he dies, son, wife, house, car, store, savings...

All these things he has worked so hard for will become someone else's, and he can only look at it aggrieved underground.


Zheng Ruijie quickly sorted out the gains and losses, and chose what was most beneficial to him.

Nothing is more important than being alive.

As long as he is still alive, with his ability, even if he is not in the legal profession, he can still become a winner in life!

Zheng Ruijie nodded to Ye Qingqing, agreeing to Ye Qingqing's proposal.

And if he is more cautious, maybe the result will not be as bad as he thought.

Ye Qingqing smiled slightly, and with a flash of a silver needle in her hand, she pricked Zheng Ruijie's body several times.

At this time, they had reached the passage, and a staff member went to call the driver, but Zheng Ruijie miraculously stopped the pain.

His expression was as usual, the cold sweat was gone, and he stood up by himself, as if nothing had happened.

"He's done!"

Ye Qingqing shouted.

The staff had already called the driver over, and they were surprised to see Zheng Ruijie acting like an ordinary person, as if the pain just now was just an illusion.

Zheng Ruijie glanced at Ye Qingqing bitterly, not daring to expose the dead girl, he thanked the staff and thought of an excuse.

"It's an old problem for me. It hurts like death. It will be fine after it hurts!"

Seeing that he was really well, the staff was very happy for him, pointing to Lu Mo and Ye Qingqing and said, "You have to thank them, they found you first!"

"You're welcome, I can't just leave it to chance. Fortunately, there was no one else in the men's room at the time, otherwise I would have been embarrassed!"

Ye Qingqing deliberately said this, indirectly explaining the reason why she appeared in the men's restroom.

Zheng Ruijie forced a smile, his back molars almost gnawed into pieces.

there are five more

(End of this chapter)

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