Reborn 1990 hot wife chasing husband

Chapter 750 Conscience Discovery

Chapter 750 Conscience Discovery

After leaving the court for less than 3 minutes, Ye Qingqing took a deep look at Zheng Ruijie and turned her palm towards him.

Zheng Ruijie's heart skipped a beat, and this dead girl also had a pale yellow pill in her hand, exactly the same as the one on the dead bird's paw.

He knew that this dead girl and that dead bird were together!

But this discovery also made Zheng Ruijie even more jealous and fearful!

The dead bird just now was definitely not a mortal thing. He had never heard of it. The starling could speak such a long paragraph, and he was as thoughtful as a human being.

It feels like that starling has become a genius!

Although it is said that there are no ghosts and goblins in the world, Zheng Ruijie knows that there are many things in this world that cannot be explained by science because of his work, and he also knows that there are many hermit sects.

Like the legendary wooden cows and horses, they all actually exist, but these technologies have been lost.

Therefore, the more he thought about it, the more Zheng Ruijie feared Ye Qingqing.

Maybe this little girl is from those legendary hidden sects!

Otherwise, how could there be such a fine bird as Pippi?

Can configure poison!

Zheng Ruijie subconsciously thought of the Tang Sect that often appeared in martial arts novels, his back shivered, and he nodded obediently.

Said that he would definitely let Ye Zhiguo take the initiative to plead guilty.

If Ye Qingqing really came from those hidden world sects, it's not something a mere lawyer like him can offend!

Several people returned to the court, and everyone took their positions, ready to start the court again.

Zheng Ruijie glanced at Ye Qingqing again, took a deep breath, his mind was in a mess, he still hadn't figured out how to get Ye Zhiguo to confess, he could only take one step at a time.

Lu Mo was also looking at Ye Qingqing, how many things this girl has hidden from him, he will not take the initiative to ask, it depends on whether this girl will take the initiative to confess!

The verbal battle continued again. To outsiders, the verbal battle between the two lawyers was still exciting, but Niu Xiaoya clearly felt that Zheng Ruijie had no intention of fighting.

Because every time Zheng Ruijie raised a question that looked very sharp, but it was not on the point, as if he was doing Tai Chi, what the hell is this guy doing?

Ye Zhiguo also saw something was wrong, and asked Zheng Ruijie in a low voice, "What the hell are you doing?"

Zheng Ruijie comforted: "Don't worry, I'm using a roundabout tactic."

Ye Zhiguo was dubious, and looked at Zheng Ruijie coldly, which made his heart shudder.

The big one is a poisonous snake, and the small one is also a poisonous snake. They are not easy to mess with. If I knew this case was so difficult, why should he be greedy for the money?

Seeing that the trial time is almost over, he must cut through the mess quickly and complete the task that the dead girl gave as soon as possible, otherwise he will die in the new year!

Zheng Ruijie gritted his teeth, and the tragedy of a strong man breaking his wrist emerged.

If it doesn't work, I have to go all out!

"Your Honor, I have something to ask my client, please give me 5 minutes!" Zheng Ruijie said loudly.

The judge gave him a surprised look and agreed.

"What the hell is this bastard doing?" Niu Xiaoya couldn't understand Zheng Ruijie's tactics more and more.

Ye Qingqing knew it well, and said in a low voice: "Maybe he has found out in his conscience that he wants to help us deal with this poisonous snake, Ye Zhiguo!"

Niu Xiaoya snorted, "Wait for his conscience to find out? You might as well wait for the sun to set from the east!"

She has been dealing with Zheng Ruijie for more than ten years, and she has never seen this guy do a single job, and all he earns is black-hearted money stained with blood!

(End of this chapter)

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