fake prince

Chapter 1101

Chapter 1101
The days in winter are short, and before you know it, the sky gets dark, and there are sporadic snowflakes!

"There is a saying that since ancient times, heroes have been born as teenagers. Back then, in the Dragon Palace Chess Tournament..."

In a restaurant near the station of Habayashi Guard, a storyteller told the story of the grandson, and it happened to the exciting point, which is the climax of the story of the Dragon Palace Chess Tournament.

The people in the restaurant were all listening intently. There was a scholar sitting at a table in the corner. His clothes were neither old nor new. He seemed to be a scholar. He listened to what the storyteller said, with a strange expression on his face.

But who made the stories about Taisun very popular recently, especially the two climaxes of the Southwest Jiangong in the Dragon Palace Chess Competition, which are always fascinating.

It seems to be more popular here than elsewhere.

The scholar frowned slightly, and looked at the people sitting in front. They were a group of Habayashi guards. They had not even changed their clothes.

When it was mentioned that the grandson had shown great power back then, a group of people couldn't help nodding their heads with satisfaction on their faces.

One of them, who seemed to be from a hundred households, even shouted: "Dude, it's almost Chinese New Year, two more pots of wine, and some more dishes."

"Storyteller, you did a good job, I reward you, Dragon Palace just now, tell me again!" As he spoke, he threw a piece of silver over. . .

The clerk bowed and smiled as he agreed, and took over a tray in a blink of an eye, and the storyteller was even more delighted, this piece of broken silver was at least one or two taels, which was a very good income.

The storyteller immediately responded with a smile, and resumed the passage about the great grandson showing his might.

This scene fell in the eyes of the scholar, that is, Cao Yiyan, who always felt that something was wrong, and frowned even tighter.

At this time, a middle-aged man came in from the outside, took a few glances inside, saw the scholar's table, and came over immediately.

"Young master." The middle-aged man stood in front of the young man and called respectfully.

"Liu Danai, you came quickly, sit down and talk." Cao Yiyan sat at the table with only one person, and it was a corner, so he directly asked the person to sit down and talk.

It was Liu Danai who came, and after sitting down, Liu Danai lowered his voice: "My lord, the King of Shu has agreed to protect our stronghold secretly."

Cao Yiyan nodded, "Really? After seven or eight days, the King of Shu decided to join forces with us."

This was actually within his expectations.

As long as the king of Shu decides to join forces with him, what he said before has no conditions or requirements, and naturally it will not be true.

Even if he really said that he was unconditional and undemanding, the King of Shu would not want his own power to stay out of the matter, and that would not be of any benefit to the King of Shu.

"How many strongholds have you given?"

"The ones given are all half-exposed strongholds. Of course, the top secret ones will not be handed over, especially the book store system, which is the basis for us to communicate with scholars, so of course we can't give it away."

Cao Yiyan was very satisfied when he heard that, yes, the stronghold back then was one civil and one military, he pondered: "Can the Zhang family still be stable?"

"The Zhang family has made so much money, it would be a lie to say that they have no intentions, but there are many things in our hands, each of which is a crime of exterminating the family, and they will not be able to get off the boat." Liu Danai said.

"You've worked so hard. It's the New Year's Eve. Take a rest."

After the matter was finalized, Cao Yiyan felt a little more relaxed, but she still felt that something was wrong when her eyes fell on Habayashi Wei who was listening to the book.

"Storytellers are everywhere now." Cao Yiyan couldn't help but said, "Habayashi Wei seems to love his grandson very much."

"It's rare to have new jokes in storytelling, and I'm tired of listening to them before." Liu Danai let out an "ah", a little disapproving: "As for Yu Linwei, after all, the acting king is the commander, and now he is the grandson. flatter."

This is also reasonable, but Cao Yiyan still feels something is wrong.

But there are some things that are not easy to say here. Listening to the storyteller talking about the Dragon Palace chess game again, Cao Yiyan recalled the first confrontation with Su Ziji and the astrology he saw later, with uncontrollable emotions churning in his heart.

"It's snowing heavily outside!" Someone glanced at the outside of the restaurant, surprised: "Such heavy snow is rare."

Although this is a place where it snows, the snow that falls at this time in previous years is usually not so heavy. It didn't take long for it to cover the entire capital city into a white world.

After that, it was snowy for several consecutive days, and the snow finally stopped on the fourth day.

Nanluo Hutong, Mao'er Lane, where Yu Lu and Fang Xi lived, the windows were tightly closed, but after the wind blew, the sound of snow falling on the trees outside the window could be clearly heard by both of them inside the house.

Fang Xi leaned on the window, opened the window and looked in, saw that the sky had cleared up, and it was really beautiful in the snow, so she couldn't help sighing: "Speaking of which, this is your second year in the capital, right?" ?”

The first time Yu Lu came to the capital to rush for the exam, he failed the exam. When he came again this time, he glanced towards the window and said with emotion: "Yeah, this is my second year in Beijing. I hope I can pass this time." .”

As he spoke, he blew on the ink and looked down at the article.

He felt that since he was raised by his grandson last time, his knowledge has improved a lot, and even Fang Xi has also improved a lot.

You must know that both of them have reached the bottleneck when they came, which is a manifestation of great progress. Generally, under such circumstances, a slight breakthrough in the bottleneck is another improvement.

As a result, as soon as the grandson came out, the two of them broke through the bottleneck at the same time, as if they were writing with a god, this feeling was so mysterious that Yu Lu couldn't help but indulge in it.

"Brother Yu, Brother Fang, are you here?" Just as the two of them were feeling these things, someone shouted from outside the courtyard. From the sound, they knew it was Zhang Modong.

Yu Lu and Fang Xi also knew Zhang Modong, but their friendship was so-so. Originally, at the request of the grandson, Yu Lu and Fang Xi planned to deal with Zhang Modong again.

But for these ten days, Zhang Modong didn't need to look for them himself, Zhang Modong came to look for them every day.

When Yu Lu and Fang Xi heard his voice, they looked at each other, put down their things, got up and opened the door, and welcomed Zhang Modong in.

"Brother Zhang, are you still here to study the scriptures today?"

"Come on, let's burn charcoal and warm the wine, just in time to discuss."

But Zhang Modong smiled: "It's almost Chinese New Year, I made a small fortune today, I'll treat you, let's go to Qingfeng Tower to have a New Year's banquet!"

"Holding articles for the New Year at home or in a hotel, gentleness is gentleness, it's too deserted."

As he spoke, Zhang Modong unfolded his hands, and inside was a ten taels of silver ingot: "This is a street lamp fan poetry competition. I was lucky enough to win today's No. 1. Ten taels of silver is enough for a table of New Year's banquet."

Zhang Modong was still very serious in his studies, and it wasn't long before Chunwei, but it was normal to have a New Year's banquet. Thinking of the grandson's advice, the two complied.

The snow outside was getting bigger and bigger, and the three of them arrived at the restaurant of "Qingfeng Tower" in a bullock cart, and went directly to the second floor.

There are not many people on the second floor at this time, or in other words, fortunately it is the capital city, otherwise, which hotel is still opening on the New Year's Eve?

Everyone with families has gone home, only the children are unaccompanied, so they celebrate the New Year in the hotel, and I heard that the storytelling and rap are still jokes about the Dragon Palace Banquet.

"According to the best portion, last year's banquet."

The three of them went up to the second floor, and they saw that there was an empty seat separated by a screen. After ordering food, the three of them sat in the restaurant enjoying the snow and chatted. , and the Juren downstairs said: "Oh, it's the second time. After I came to the Dragon Palace, I was proud of the examination room and won the provincial examination. But when I went to Beijing to catch the examination, I lost my name in Sunshan."

"If I don't win this time, I will be 32 years old."

"Back then, Lord Long said to me that although I have talent, my fate is very weak, and I will not be able to be famous in the end. It is just a provincial test. Is it true?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but shed tears.

(End of this chapter)

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