fake prince

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102

"My family is considered rich, with a hundred acres of land, but studying is also very hard. Not only is it hard for me, but it is even harder for my family."

Zhang Modong couldn't help but choked up when he said this, or because he was drunk.

"Before I didn't win the exam, my wife had to work day and night. It was better to win the exam, but I traveled thousands of miles to catch the exam. After going through hardships, I was dying."

"I was with Qian Juren, who was 43 years old and fell ill on the way. I still remember that he was sick and skinny on the boat. He held my hand with tears in his eyes. He gasped and said, good friend, you can still fight. I'm going far away."

"I'm afraid I'll be like him in the future."

"It's acceptable not to win the first round, but what about the second round and the third round? How many decades do people have?"

"The talents bestowed by Yang in the previous dynasty failed in 20 years, let alone us?"

Zhang Modong revealed his true feelings, and both of them felt the same way. It took two or three months to travel thousands of miles in ancient times. How many people had a serious illness when they arrived in the capital, and some even died immediately.

Therefore, people over the age of 40 are really "desperate" and "gambling luck" to rush for the exam. After all, only 300-[-] people are selected for tens of thousands of exams, and talents may not be guaranteed.

The candle exploded with a "boo", Yu Lu's eyes flashed, he came to his senses, and quickly comforted him. After a long while, Zhang Modong came back to his senses and raised his glass to wipe away his tears: "I lost my temper, I don't want this wine to be so powerful..."

"It's good to have a good wine, to expel the stagnation in your heart, or you will get sick sooner or later, come, let's drink two more glasses!" Fang Xi raised his glass and said.

"No no, I'm too drunk."

Just as he was speaking, an old man came up slowly with the guise of "Break the Iron Mouth", probably because there were not many people on the second floor, the fortune teller glanced at it and came straight to this table.

"How many of you are candidates who came to the capital to take the exam? The little old man has nothing else to do but is good at fortune-telling. He can calculate his future and rank. No need for money!"

When the old man came to him, he raised his hand in a gentle manner and spoke directly.

Such a big tone directly amused everyone, the imperial examination is a grand ceremony for the imperial court, life and death are determined by wealth and honor, if it was in the past, the three of them would immediately wave their hands and let him go elsewhere.

Now after what happened just now, even Yu Lv's heart was moved, Fang Xi said directly: "How much is it?"

Compared to the past, Fang Xi is much more stable, but who knows, his foundation is there. He was able to do frivolous things in the past, but now he is still young, and his personality is still a bit flamboyant. Now he plans to join in the fun.

Yu Lv was a little helpless, and glanced towards him, because in front of Zhang Modong, he didn't speak to make Fang Xi lose face.

The old man extended a slap directly.

Fang Xi raised her eyebrows, and took out a silver ingot from her sleeve: "Oh, is it five taels?"

"No, 500 taels!"

In fact, Fang Xi's question was tinged with sarcasm, but who would have thought that the old man opened his mouth like a lion, and directly said a jaw-dropping number.

500 taels of silver? !

Hearing only a "pop", the silver ingot fell on the table, rolled, but did not fall. This was Fang Xi's surprise. Before, he thought this person was a liar, but now he no longer thinks that this person is a liar. How can a liar So arrogant, this is obviously a lunatic!

Do you need 500 taels of silver?If it wasn't crazy, how dare the lion open its mouth like this?
Is it true that the reality is a novel in the supplement of the Beijing News, and it costs 2000 taels at every turn?You know, the prince's annual income is only 3 to [-] taels.

Fang Xi immediately withdrew the money: "Crazy, how can there be such an expensive fortune-telling!"

But the old man sneered and said, "Of course it's not worth it for others to tell fortunes, but this is what I want!"

What a madman!

Now, even if Fang Xi doesn't chase him away, Yu Lu will chase him away too.

"You old man, you are talking nonsense. The three of us don't intend to do fortune-telling. If you want to do it, please go elsewhere!" Yu Lu was originally gentle and calm towards people, so he immediately drove them away with a cold face.

Fang Xi even said: "Let's go, the three of us are all short of money, but we can't afford 500 taels of silver."

As a result, the two rushed people away, but Zhang Modong suddenly said, "Mr., please stay still."

"Brother Zhang..." Fang Xi was startled: "Could you be..."

impossible?Fang Xi found it inconceivable that Zhang Modong believed such nonsense?

Zhang Modong didn't even look at the two of them, but fixed his eyes on the old man in front of him, and asked, "500 taels, but do you want to take it out at once?"

The old man smiled mysteriously, and took out a folding fan from the cloth bag he was carrying, but he didn't open it directly, he just shook it at the three of them: "This folding fan is worth 100 taels, young master, do you want to try it?"

Zhang Modong was silent for a while, and actually took out a stack of small-denomination bank notes, counted out 100 taels of silver notes, and handed them over.

The old man took it and clicked it again, and after confirming that it was correct, he put the folding fan in Zhang Modong's hand.

Zhang Modong opened it directly, and with a "snap", when the folding fan unfolded, it was a fan with a white background, with words on only one side.

"What is Wushuang, a national scholar?"

These six characters just appeared on the fan. Yu Lv and Fang Xi were a little confused when they saw it. What do these six characters mean?
Could it be that anyone who can talk about this fan can become a peerless national scholar?This is too childish!
But looking at Zhang Modong's expression, it didn't look like he was disappointed, but staring at the words on the fan, he showed a hint of joy.

"Old man, what's left?" Zhang Modong raised his head and asked the fortune teller.

The fortune teller smiled: "The rest, you can't just count it, it takes 400 taels!"

400 taels of silver, this is not a small amount, Zhang Modong looked embarrassed.

"Why, can't get out 400 taels of silver? The little old man is about to leave." The fortune teller made a gesture to leave, Zhang Modong hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, I'm not enough for one person, but the three of us can buy together!"

After speaking, he looked at Yu Lu and Fang Xi, and said sincerely, "Brother Yu, Brother Fang, I'm still short of 400 taels of silver, why don't we buy it together, what do you think?"

The fortune teller smiled: "Originally we couldn't buy together, but during Chinese New Year, I will give you a discount, and then I will give you 400 taels, and I will give you the rest of the folding fan. If it is not right, you can ask me for money with the fan."

As soon as these words came out, both Yu Lu and Fang Xi's hearts sank.

If the grandson hadn't reminded them, they probably wouldn't have thought so much. Because of their sympathy, they might have lent Zhang Modong some money in the end.

Zhang Modong said it was a joint purchase, but with his personality, he would probably refuse and borrow some.

But after Taisun's reminder, it was hard for the two of them not to think in that terrible direction.

The two looked at each other, and as if they both realized something, Yu Lv shook his head and said, "My son is silent, and his power is confusing. Brother Zhang, I don't believe in fortune-telling."

Zhang Modong persuaded: "Then think of it as lending it to me. When you get back, I will pay you back, how about it?"

With Zhang Modong's net worth, he really wouldn't be cheated of 400 taels of silver.

And with Yu Lu and Fang Xi's net worth, they could indeed spend the money, and they did carry hundreds of taels of silver bills with them as backup.

After all, when one is in the capital, there are always various expenses, and the two families are not short of money, and no one in the capital can rest assured of putting valuables in the room, no matter whether it is a residence or a hotel. rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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