fake prince

Chapter 1103 White Dragon Fish Clothes

Chapter 1103 White Dragon Fish Clothes
"Brother Yu, Brother Fang, what do you think?"

Zhang Modong said with a smile, as if he believed that the two would lend money, but unexpectedly, he had already asked for the loan, but the two in front of him still did not let go.

"No, no."

Fang Xi even said bluntly: "Brother Zhang, this is obviously a scam. The two of us absolutely don't believe it, and we can't watch you being cheated. I won't lend you this money. I advise you not to be cheated." .”

"There's too much wine, the food is full, and the night is getting late, let's call it a day." Fang Xi got up and pulled Yu Lu.

Yu Lv nodded apologetically at Zhang Modong, and went downstairs with Fang Xi.

"Hey! You..." Zhang Modong reached out to stop him, but he didn't. He could only watch the two of them go down, and his face changed.

Yu Lv and Fang Xi, who went downstairs, also had a bad face. When they left the restaurant, they immediately called for a bullock cart. Now that it's Chinese New Year, it's fine to go elsewhere. There must be bullock carts to bring back drunk Juren in this place where there are many people. . .

Sure enough, with a wave of his hand, a coachman came up to help him get on the car, and smiled: "My lords, the wind is very cold, come up quickly, where are you going?"

After the two got into the car, Yu Lv was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Go...to the east side of Mao'er Lane, Nanluo Hutong."

Originally, I wanted to talk about visiting Lufang Taisun's Mansion, but suddenly remembered Taisun's advice, but chose to go home.

"Take a seat, both of you." The coachman yelled, and the ox cart started to move. The snow and rain in the middle of winter were the most depressing. Every family went home to celebrate the New Year, and hung up red paper lanterns. Soldiers stood at the intersection of important streets, occasionally checking passers-by.

Fang Xi looked outside and said in a low voice, "Tell me, is it..."

"Shh, don't say it outside." Yu Lv made a gesture, leaned on the cushion and closed his eyes to rest, just thinking.

"Zhang Modong is actually not familiar with us, but looking for us every day is very suspicious."

"What is Wushuang, a national scholar? Could it be..." Yu Lv didn't dare to think about it anymore. The hotel is actually not far from home, and the ox cart will arrive soon.

There is a hotel near my home, and I can see that the busy shop is much deserted, only half the door is open, and a few poor people who can't afford a feast are eating and drinking in the shop, all drunk.

Yu Lv took a glance, didn't see the stranger, went back and wrote a note, and put it in the window. If others read it, they would think it was normal, and then he didn't go into the room to rest immediately, and greeted the servants who came out: "New Year's Eve, you guys Don't call me, I'll give you a vacation."

Then he turned to the shop owner at the entrance of the hotel: "Boss, we had a drink outside, please boil us some hot water and some fruit and peanuts, so that we can watch the New Year's Eve..."

This is very common. Although Yu Lu and Fang Xi have their own houses, they still use hotels for many services, which is more convenient.

The owner of the store didn't suspect anything at all, and said with a smile, "Did you hear that, guys, quickly boil water and bring towels for the master, and prepare some desserts."

After a short greeting, the waiter quickly came in with hot water and a hot towel. Yu Lu soaked his feet in the basin and wiped his face with the hot towel. Suddenly he felt a little movement, so he tried not to look at it, and asked casually: " What happened in your store?"

The clerk added another pot of hot water, and smiled: "It's nothing, it's Master Xingye, his family is poor, he has a severe cold, and he's sick!"

"The boss said, please treat it with a doctor. The fee and accommodation will be waived for the time being. He said that he will take the test in Beijing soon. Maybe he is a Wenqu star. Even if he is not, it is a good deed."

Yu Lv listened to the words, silently said, "You are also in business, so let's do this, you will be free of accommodation, and I will pay for the medical expenses. I also want to accumulate some virtue."

"Oh, the master is really kind-hearted. He can pass high school at first glance." The guy said quickly, smiling and narrowing his eyes.

"Also, for example, my friend Zhang who had dinner with me."

This friend refers to calling each other after winning the exam. If you are a scholar, you can only call you Xiaoyou.

"He, there's nothing wrong, just a few people came to him and talked for a long time."

With a heartbeat, Yu Lu described the fortune teller and said, "Is there him?"

"It seems to be, it seems to be an adult."

"My lord?" Yu Lu's heart trembled, but he asked casually.

At this time, after washing the feet, the clerk took a basin and poured the water, and replied casually, "Yes, I heard Master Zhang call my lord, it must be an official."

Yu Lv stopped talking, and took out a piece of silver, about a tael or so: "I still need you to serve me during Chinese New Year, I will reward you."

"Oh, thank you, master, thank you, master." The buddy narrowed his eyes and thanked him a thousand times. After the door closed, the whole courtyard fell silent.

"Brother Yu, the note is gone." As soon as the people left, Fang Xi went to look and whispered.

"Well, let's keep the year old!" Yu Lv said in a deep voice, and the two of them sat down with a charcoal fire in the pot, lit two candles, and discussed the scriptures with melon seeds and peanuts, which seemed very comfortable.

But in the end, there was something in my heart. As time passed, I gradually became tired, and the more difficult it was to feel at ease, the sound of firecrackers outside the window one after another aroused my mood.

"In the end, has the note been delivered to Taisun's mansion? Does the movement just now seem to be a person or an animal?"

Waiting to be impatient, Yu Lv took two sips of tea, and suddenly he became interested in writing, and then he recited: "I reflect on myself three times a day. Are you unfaithful for others? Are you not trusting your friends? Are you not used to passing on?"

When I wanted to chant, I heard someone continue to chant at the window: "A country with a thousand chariots, respect and believe in things, save money and love others, so that the people can use the time."

"Who?" Yu Lv was taken aback, looked around but saw no one, and suddenly heard a sound in surprise, a man in black suddenly stood in front of him!

Yu Lv calmed down in an instant, looked carefully, but became more and more familiar, Fang Xi said directly: "Brother Su...no, Your Highness?"

"It's me!" The man in black took off his mask, and it was Su Ziji.

"Why did your Highness come here for a kiss? You are still dressed like this. Don't you know that the white dragon fish suit is trapped by the fisherman." Yu Lv suddenly became anxious.

"It's not easy to send people during the Chinese New Year, so I had to borrow too much wine to rest, so I came along the secret path." Su Ziji said with a smile: "How can I be like this, we have been friends for many years, don't you know? ?”

"Tell me, what is the specific situation?"

Yu Lu still wanted to persuade, but he also knew that the grandson came secretly, and there must not be much time, so he calmed down and explained the situation just now.

"...Your Highness, that's how it happened. There were a few words written on the fan. At that time, I felt that something serious might happen. I didn't dare to stay for a long time, so I immediately came out with Fang Xi."

"There is also the fortune teller, but he is called an adult, I am afraid that it is not simple inside."

Yu Lv's words caused Su Ziji, who was still smiling easily, to change his face immediately, frowning and pondering under the lamp, he stretched his eyebrows for a while, and said to Yu Lv: "I see, you guys are right about this." You are right, Zhang Modong, you don’t have to deal with him any more, just close your door and study in your residence.”

"Leave the rest to me." Su Ziji said lightly, and immediately took his leave and left, his body flickered, and he disappeared outside the door.

Seeing Su Ziji disappear, Yu Lu and Fang Xi looked at each other for a long time before sitting down again with an ugly expression.

"Sure enough, this is an exam question, or are you using us to frame the grandson?"

"The water in this capital is really bottomless!"

(End of this chapter)

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