fake prince

Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104
Taisun Mansion · New Year's Eve
It was almost midnight, and it was finally deserted. Wen Xunpeng suppressed his drunkenness, and blew the wind in the corridor. Thinking that even a moment ago, there was a lot of traffic here, and the crowns were like clouds. .”

"It's tiring, though."

The grandson rushed to the banquet in the palace, and then went home to hold a family banquet, which was more difficult than himself and others.

"Mr. Wen!" A voice came from behind, Wen Xunpeng saw that it was a servant, and said, "Your Highness calls you over."

"I'm going right now."

Wen Xunpeng followed and went straight to the flower hall, and saw a group of people who were above managers, and heard Ye Buhui say: "It's the Chinese New Year, and everyone has worked hard."

"The steward will be rewarded with 30 taels, the steward will be rewarded with 20 taels, and the assistant steward will be rewarded with [-] taels. The rest may be five taels, or two or three taels, and will be distributed by the steward according to his rank and merit."

"Now I've been tired all day and I'm tired, let's go away..."

The left and right stewards all took orders, everyone had a share, naturally cheered, and retreated, even Ye Buhui left without hesitation, leaving only Wen Xunpeng in the whole hall.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

"You came just in time, take a walk with me, and then go to the study to talk." Su Ziji smiled slightly, and walked to the corridor. At this time, the sky was gloomy, and the rustling snowflakes made the bamboo leaves tremble.

When Wen Xunpeng was summoned, he was a little uneasy. Seeing Su Ziji's leisurely demeanor, he calmed down. Su Ziji didn't go far, and just talked about what happened just now in the corridor.

The snow was drifting with the wind, but Wen Xunpeng was sweating and wet his back.

"I'm guilty, but I didn't notice this. If it wasn't for the lord's insight, I'm afraid I've really fallen into a trap. At that time, ten thousand deaths will not redeem me."

Su Ziji laughed and said, "It's too easy for the superiors to trap the lower ones, and the emperor framed me, a young grandson, who would have thought of that?"

"Sir, what is the crime?"

After hearing this, Wen Xunpeng calmed down and murmured carefully. He also knew that the lord summoned him not to listen to the words of accomplices, but to make suggestions on his own. He was even more shocked. , but did not expect this point.

But I have already boarded the boat, but there is no way I can get off again, I can only do my best.

Seeing this, Su Ziji didn't take it seriously, and said according to his own ideas.

"Gu had a premonition that day, and as expected later, someone wanted to put the hat of leaking on Gu's head, for all reasons, and it was for Gu's friends."

When Su Ziji asked Yu Lv to stare at Zhang Modong, it was just a feeling.

After the mastery of Panlong's mind, Su Ziji gradually felt some mysterious and mysterious things, and often he came up with ideas suddenly.

He trusted his intuition and reminded Yu Lu and Fang Xi.

It seems that even if Yu Lu and Fang Xi did not associate with Zhang Modong, there might still be other means waiting for them.

Wen Xunpeng took advantage of the buffer, pondered that he had gained something, and his eyes flashed.

"My lord, it is actually not difficult to break the situation."

"Before the Spring Festival is held, even if the exam questions are leaked, they can be changed. The crime has killed several officials, but it is still too light and too thin to hurt the lord."

"Therefore, if there is a conspiracy, it must be launched when Chunwei is in progress. This is the only way to be targeted. If you have evidence, you will be killed in one fell swoop!"

"But if it's just for self-protection, as long as we report it first, we can break the emperor's plan."

"Well said, it seems that you have other opinions?" Su Ziji's eyes flashed, and he stood still.

"Yes!" Wen Xunpeng knew very well that this was actually a nomination certificate, so he cheered up.

"If the struggle is only for self-protection, it will not only be too passive, but also anger the enemy, and it will be more ruthless next time. The only way to win allies and attack the enemy is the best strategy--it is no exception for the emperor."

"First of all, it may not be just one or two candidates who leaked the test questions. Even if there are one or two people, we have to leak more, more, and the crime is serious and out of control."

"Just now you said that the fortune-teller is an adult. It's easy. Send someone to leak the news secretly, so that the students can go to seek the truth. Once the question is leaked to dozens or hundreds of people, tens of thousands of taels of money will be bribed, and this matter will cause a sensation in the government and the public." .”

Su Ziji had a plan, and he couldn't help but be moved after hearing this: "What else?"

"Also, how to turn a bad thing into a good thing. You must know that if the topic is leaked, even if the blame is placed on the lord, the chief examiner and the examiners of each room in this session of Chunwei will not be able to escape the guilt. This is not a small crime, the lightest crime It is also dismissed and exiled, considering that the grandson of the lord is going to be taken care of, it is impossible to let him go lightly, he must be executed or even ransacked the house—are they willing to suffer death?"

"The emperor's move is to drive these examiners and the families behind them to a dead end - as long as we plan ahead, we can take the opportunity to absorb."

"Of course, they also have to follow the lord substantively and pay the certificates."

"Otherwise, it's not a pity to die."

After hearing this, Su Ziji said slowly, "That's right, I'll add one."

"You can release rumors in private, you don't need to target the emperor, but you can say that there are eunuchs colluding with the examiners to leak the examination questions."

Wen Xunpeng's heart trembled, this is to take advantage of this incident, force the emperor to kill the eunuch, and take advantage of the chaos to install people?

Thinking of the empress, he didn't dare to say more, and bowed in response: "Yes!"

"Since you understand everything, I'll leave it to you—do you know when it's best to activate it?"

"The best time for the emperor to activate is when he enters the examination room. We have to counteract it. The best time is when he is about to enter the examination room and then report it in person."

"In this way, we can not only turn the client into the main, clarify our own suspicions, but also form a big case, and take the opportunity to get a batch of ministers' votes."

"It's best to involve the capital and the auxiliary capital."

"Shoufu may not be willing to get involved." Su Ziji closed the folding fan.

"It's not up to him. If we sue him for the fraud case first, he will have to deal with it, because his position is the chief assistant, so it can be dealt with. Even if the emperor understands, will he understand emotionally?"

"The emperor's first assistant cooperates sincerely, and the lord can't fight against it. Only when there is separation and disagreement, will it be good for the lord."

Su Ziji heard this. In fact, he had already budgeted for these things, but he didn't want Wen Xunpeng to really understand.

"Such a person is essentially a peerless national scholar, or a level higher than a wild Taoist."

"King Qi can't use it, there is really nothing to say."

At that moment, Su Ziji stared at Wen Xunpeng for a long time: "Then let the master handle this matter!"

Wen Xunpeng glanced out the window and smiled: "My lord, I'm leaving now. If there is any problem, I will come to see you."

Waiting for Wen Xunpeng to leave, Su Ziji turned around and said to the dark place, "Did you hear that?"

A man turned out from the darkness, a man in black, looked carefully, it was Yu Han, he had a complicated face, just now, during the New Year's Eve dinner, the emperor and his grandson got along well, and he didn't want to think about it in a blink of an eye.

And Taisun even handed over a note after the banquet, letting himself arrive at Taisun's mansion, in order to let himself hear what he said - otherwise, why come out to talk at night?

Wouldn't it be safer in a quiet room?

"Your Highness, I understand."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, after all, the Empress is a queen, and there are still some people available."

"Your Highness can use this to kill a group of eunuchs, and the empress can take the opportunity to insert some people in."

"I will tell my mother what I saw today. As for the specific candidate, it is up to my mother to decide." Saying this, Yu Han couldn't help but feel chilled. This grandson is really unfathomable. Well, if it was the prince back then, he would be one-tenth of the vicious, or it would be completely different.

"It should be so, let's go!" Su Ziji said lightly, watching Yu Han's figure disappear, he couldn't help but smile.

"Or, the biggest difference between me and the prince is that I am not only a time traveler, but also a civilian who grew up. I am neither loyal nor loving to this country!"

"No love and no loyalty, so nothing can hide from my gaze."

Others may think it is a bit reckless, but the most taboo thing in the struggle is not raising the banner, not gathering people's hearts, using the emperor to frame yourself, and then showing the chariot and horses with the queen. No, there are illusions and ambiguities between each other, which will only benefit the emperor.

Or you can put it this way, this is also the official boarding of the queen.

This is the same as the strategy just now, and this is the insight that can only be obtained at the 18th level of the Way of Politics.

"At this time, Luo Pei is about to return to Beijing. Now, have you received my letter?"

Su Ziji turned his gaze to the outside of the corridor, as if looking into the distance through thousands of palaces and thousands of pavilions. At this moment, the bell of the nearest temple rang, melodious and deep, echoing in the snow.

"New Year's Eve!" The streets and alleys were full of children chasing and playing, shouting happily, and all kinds of firecrackers and fireworks rushed into the sky at once.

(End of this chapter)

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