fake prince

Chapter 1105 Borrowing 32

Chapter 1105 Borrowing 300 Taels
Ferry station
The snow has fallen a little bit, but there are still patches of flying feathers. However, because of the ferry, not only horses but also boats come and go, so the post station is very large.

Luo Pei got off the boat, and there was a post station not far from the pier. The post office had already welcomed him, and sent post soldiers to help carry the ceremony. Luo Pei walked along the arrival and walked along the east corridor. Hearing the human voice, seeing an official rushing out, he could not help being stunned.

On the opposite side is a civil servant, dressed in fourth-grade clothes, but his chin is slightly raised, showing a bit of arrogance, which is actually not a good look.

"What's the matter, brother Chai Nian, why are you so angry?"

This civil servant is Chai Kejing, who is actually the same year as Luo Pei, but his official luck is not very good, and now he is just a magistrate.

"Governor Luo, brother Luo Nian, it's cold and freezing during the Chinese New Year. I asked the post station for some charcoal, but I didn't allow it." Chaike said respectfully.

"Your Excellency, Lord Chai, if it's just me, I don't want to. The imperial court has issued repeated orders and repeated orders. They are not allowed to borrow for inspection and cooperation unless they are on a business trip. The hired ships have to be provided with food, and they have to buy their own equipment. There are even more rules for the supply of charcoal." Yi Cheng bitterly wrote. Face, be careful not to accompany: "The humble job will give you my share, okay?"

In fact, if it wasn't for Luo Pei, Yicheng wouldn't care about Chai Kejing at all, it's not a system at all, and the difference in rank doesn't matter, now it's more important than minor. . .

"Oh, so that's what happened." Luo Pei smiled indifferently. There was an order from the imperial court. Officials passing through the post station had to pay for everything at their own expense. Only when they were "on business trips" or even "going to the post station by order" could they enjoy the free board and lodging provided by the post station. Immediately waved his hand: "Just give you half of my charcoal supply share. It's not worth getting angry about this. Come and talk inside."

The postman had heard it a long time ago, he was used to receiving officials, so he hurriedly agreed to this, and respectfully invited the "adult" to rest in the upper room, brought hot water to scald his feet, and served dinner, and brought four dishes in a short time.

Only then did Chai Kejing calm down a bit, and raised a glass of wine for a drink. After a few drinks, Luo Pei asked: "You are a magistrate in Zhili, and you are one rank higher than other magistrates. It's not bad, and you don't want to do it because of this." Get angry about a little thing, what's wrong?"

"Oh, my luck is bad. Last year's harvest was not good. The imperial court seems to have the intention of providing disaster relief. They sent people to count the grain depots and cemeteries in various places. However, the grain depots in my Yulin Mansion lost [-] shi all of a sudden. I have been reprimanded, and now I am going to Beijing to report my job." Chaikejing drank a glass of wine sullenly.

Hearing this, Luo Pei immediately understood that the grain depot was not under the management of the magistrate, at least not directly, and he didn't know who was responsible for this matter.

After a short silence, he asked again, "How about it?"

"I was warned, and I went to check it." Chaikejing said sullenly: "The grain depot is tall and strong, and the ventilation is good. How could it be moldy? It must be some bastard who ate the grain, and then I took the blame, heaven and earth Conscience, I haven't received a single penny."

"Is the situation like this again?" Luo Pei's face twitched: "In the previous dynasty, the grain depot was so empty that the mice starved to death, and the court wanted to use troops, only to find that the army food was gone. Baili, it's only been 30 years since the founding of the dynasty, so what?"

"Sure enough, if you don't guard against the gradual progress, the government will be corrupted too quickly!"

Speaking of this, there was nothing they could do. The two drank some wine in depression, and Chai Kejing was still a little sober, so he left when he was half drunk.

"Officials are governed like this, and there must be a book, and it will not work if they are not governed."

"If you don't take advantage of the country's rising power and clean it up, it will be difficult to clean it up in the future."

Luo Pei sorted out his thoughts one by one, and thought of the grandson again: "The emperor officially established the acting king as the grandson, and also granted me the prince Shaobao. There is also news that he wants me to be the chief examiner of this spring. This is really to help the grandson. Sun?"

"Sure enough, it's the emperor's blessing. I have to get to the capital as soon as possible to prepare."

Just like this, Luo Pei's heart was churning, listening to the rustling of snow, which was tense and slow, and wanted to fall asleep. Suddenly, he heard a "pop", and half of his drowsiness was instantly dispelled.

"Who is still walking around my room in the middle of the night?" Luo Pei suddenly woke up from the coma, and couldn't help frowning: "Yi Cheng is acting like Meng Lang?"

Just thinking about it, there was another "pop" suddenly, and then I heard clearly that it was the sound of a stone being thrown in.

"No, no." Luo Pei was startled, and touched the hilt of the sword not far away, then settled down and ordered the booklet, but saw a small hole in the window paper, and the cold wind came in, so he opened the window to look, but there was no one there. .

Stunned for a moment, he turned around and put the candle on the ground, and sure enough, he saw the paper bag.

"Could it be that Chai Kejing has something to say, and he dare not say it outright, but secretly engages in such tricks, isn't it too disrespectful?"

Luo Pei thought, if this is the case, he has to lower his evaluation. He took it out and took a look, but immediately got a shock and looked around subconsciously.

There was no one, only an animal that didn't know whether it was a dog or a cat ran past in the distance.

Unable to believe it, he lit a candle again and leaned over to look at it. It was indeed Taisun's excellent handwriting. Luo Peiqing knew that something serious had happened, so he collected himself and looked carefully, his face turned blue and white.

After reading it, I stood in the dark like a puppet for a long time. I don't know how long it took. I only heard a cock crow, and then I put the note on the candle, and I saw a fire, which quickly burned up.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the voices of the people at the post station gradually rose. Luo Pei simply washed his face, turned on the lamp and sat on the chair with his eyes closed to rest, with a dull expression.

As for the courtyard, it was all snowy and extremely cold.

Beijing early morning
Xingye came to an inn hesitantly. Although the road was not far away and the weather was cold, his back was covered with sweat. He looked around and saw a wooden sign on the door with the words "Fame is bestowed by heaven" written on it. As soon as he thought about it, he stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Who?" A man in a gray cotton robe opened the door, looked Xing Ye up and down and asked, "Is there anyone here this early?"

Xingye said: "Is it the god of Tiekou? You go in and pass on a message. I'm a juzi from Shanglu County. I want to count my fame..."

As he spoke, he became ruthless and handed over five liang of silver ingots.

The man was slightly startled, took it, and nodded: "Wait for a while."

Saying that he closed the door, Xing Ye heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the stone strip in the corridor. It was cold in the early morning, but the sky was rarely sunny. The sky was covered with a layer of brownish fog, but there were stars twinkling.

"Hey, I don't know if it's true?" Xing Ye touched the bag—he still has money, 15 taels of silver, and a stack of bank notes, which is 500 taels.

Don't look at the money, it's not my own money, I sold the land and only collected 200 taels. The villagers saw that they were only willing to eat Yangchun noodles, not even the meat slices, fell ill again, and relied on the store and kind people for relief, felt pity in their hearts, and told them: "Go to the Dongshan Hotel and give me 500 taels of silver. Got a question!"

"If you don't have enough money, you can ask the hometown hall to borrow it."

Xing Ye didn't believe it at first, but he became suspicious: "I have failed many times, is it because I am not talented enough, but I was defeated by such ghost tricks?"

"But everyone is like this, am I going back and forth in vain again?"

After thinking over and over for several days, I finally gritted my teeth and asked the hometown hall to borrow 300 taels, and here I am.

(End of this chapter)

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