fake prince

Chapter 1106 Let Me Be Loyal

Chapter 1106 Let Me Be Loyal

A "pop" interrupted Xing Ye's thinking, and he saw the door opened again, but it was not too big, and he didn't see anyone else, it was still the servant just now.

"Where is the fortune-telling master?" Xing Ye was shocked, and he secretly peeked inside.

The servant suddenly felt shabby, chuckled, and said, "It's so early in the morning, you didn't meet the master casually, you just want to get fame, right?"

"Old rules, three trigrams, 500 taels, you will be sure!"

Seeing Xingye's hesitation, the servant smiled contemptuously, and said: "How many masters have already bought it, and they can still deceive you. If you don't believe it, you don't have to buy it."

With that said, close the door.

"No, I bought it." Xing Ye was cruel, took out the bank note from the bag, and handed it up. Suddenly, his heart ached, as if his flesh had been cut.

"500 taels!" The servant nodded and was slightly satisfied, so he handed over three folding fans. Xing Ye wanted to take them, but the servant held them and did not let go.

"This is the hexagram. As I said before, if the questions you asked don't match, you can go to this shop with the folding fan to get back the original silver... As for the rest, if there are no accidents, if you fail the exam, life and death are fate, and wealth lies in it." God."

Xing Ye also understands that even if he knows the questions, there are differences in level and luck, and it is impossible to guarantee that he will pass the test. He nodded: "As long as the test questions are correct, nothing else is your business."

Only then did the servant let go of his hand in satisfaction, let Xing Ye take the folding fan, and closed the door with a "snap".

As soon as Xing Ye got it, he took a closer look at the light from inside, but it was "one person and two people, intentional or unintentional", "what is the unparalleled state scholar", "what is the relationship between the people and the officials"

Xing Ye didn't know whether it was true or not, so he bet on whether it was right or not, and after a long time, he staggered back to his hotel.

"Tianhan, order another bowl of Yangchun noodles!"

Far away, in an ox cart, someone watched him go away and asked, "How many are there?"

"Yesterday, there were 23. If you put them together, there will always be about two hundred." Someone whispered: "According to 500 taels per person, it is 10 taels of silver."

"Hey, it's been three years since my Taisun's mansion has been paid." Wen Xunpeng sneered, and waved his hand: "I don't need to instigate plots, I just collect the money myself. It's really a man-made death, which saves me a lot of trouble."

"Go, don't look, go to Pilgrimage Lane."

"Yes!" Wen Xunpeng gave an order, and the ox cart came all the way to the door of a mansion in Pilgrimage Lane. After a brief gesture, a servant came forward and knocked on the door lightly. After a long time, someone asked who it was through the door.

The servant replied: "Master Zhan's Mansion is a recorder, and I'm here to visit Mr. Liang."

What?Is the recorder of Zhan Shifu's master register coming to see the master at this time?The family members inside were stunned for a moment, but they didn't dare to offend, and hurriedly said: "Please wait a moment, the younger one will go in and report."

At this time, Liang Yuyin and his wife had just got up and were washing their faces when they saw their family members rushing in and complained in a low voice, suddenly showing surprise.

"The recorder of Zhan Shi's mansion is not the person from Taisun's mansion. Why did you come here in the early morning? Did you tell me to do something?"

Although it was unnerving to come looking for him at this time, but the acting king was already a great-grandson, and when the emperor was old and the name of the great-grandson had been confirmed, Liang Yuyin was naturally willing to have more contacts with the people of the great-grandfather's mansion.

If you don't make friends with Taisun's confidant now, when will you have to wait?
Liang Yuyin hurriedly got up, and Liang Qian Shi also got up and dressed neatly, saying: "I'm going to prepare refreshments."

Liang Yuyin nodded and said, "Make the tea I just got!"


Liang Yuyin went out to greet him in person, and saw Wen Xunpeng at first sight, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to let him into the study, smiling: "Master Wen arrived so early, does your grandson have any orders?"

Just when I got to the study, my heart sank, and I saw Wen Xunpeng with a livid face, and said coldly: "Master Liang, do you know that you are in great trouble, and dismissal is still a trivial matter. The head raid is imminent."

"What?" Liang Yuyin was stunned by this sentence, and asked back in a daze, seeing the other party take out three folding fans with a smirk and throw them away, subconsciously looked, and a line of "what is a national warrior Wushuang" caught his eye.

And Liang Qianshi went to make tea, and when she was walking towards the study with the tea, she was about to walk through the door when she suddenly heard someone shouting inside: "No, this is impossible, it is impossible!"

Hearing the voice, it was her husband. Later, he was almost whimpering.

Liang Qian's heart suddenly panicked, suppressed the panic, and asked at the door: "Husband, my concubine has made tea, can I come in?"

"Come in." The room was suddenly silent, and Liang Yuyin's voice came from inside after a while.

As soon as Liang Qian came in, she found her husband sitting there with a pale face, a few folding fans thrown on the ground, and a person sitting next to them. Looking at the two of them, it seemed that someone had said something, but her husband couldn't accept it.

"Mr. Wen, please use tea." Liang Qian put a cup of tea in front of Wen Xunpeng first. Wen Xunpeng looked calm and got up to thank him.

Mrs. Liang Qian handed another cup of tea to her husband. When Liang Yuyin took the tea, she noticed that her hands were trembling slightly.

This appearance made Liang Qian even more uneasy.

However, her husband was discussing matters with the Taisun's mansion, so she didn't want to stay for long, seeing her husband's ugly face, she turned around and went out, closing the door again.

When the door closed, Liang Yuyin trembled all over her body and stared blankly. It was already January. In fact, she had a very good life recently. She was proud of her officialdom and was selected as a first-class examiner. The incense and love.

With the support of his father-in-law, there is no upper limit to the third grade.

Not to mention, he helped the grandson to do things, published a collection of magazines, and made a small contribution to it. He had already planned that when the grandson ascended the throne, he would write a letter to Father Ye and Father Su to ask for a seal. Emperor Xin can be a cabinet minister for the last time, and the chief assistant is not impossible.

The future of Guangzong Yaozu's famous history is just around the corner, but why has it become like this?
Compared with before falling asleep yesterday, he seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss with no way out. He buried his head deeply between his arms and whimpered: "What should I do, what should I do?"

"What to do, the emperor has made up his mind to borrow your head, what else can you do?" Although Wen Xunpeng was only rank nine, he looked at it like a cat seeing a mouse: "Is it possible that you still have If the fantasy fails, instead of wasting it, it is better to think about what to do."

Wen Xunpeng looked coldly at this man who was beaten by the harsh reality: "You are also a person with some roots, think about it carefully, if something really happens, can your father-in-law Qian Wei help you, or Say righteousness kills relatives?"

Liang Yuyin stayed there for a long time, then recovered from a daze, but immediately shook his head: "My father-in-law is not a man of old age, and he will support me as a son-in-law."

"But I can also judge people. He is very principled. He knows this. Although it is painful, there is a high probability that the overall situation is the most important thing. Let me be loyal."

"If you want to find someone, you have to find Mr. Xie Zhi and Xie Ge. He is not only my tutor, but most importantly, his son has put in a lot of effort to become one of the two deputy chief examiners. Unless he doesn't want this Now that I have a son, I am not afraid of being implicated, otherwise, I must stand by our side."

Speaking of this, Liang Yuyin gritted his teeth. He never thought that the emperor would be able to make up his mind even if so many examiners were implicated.

Or, after being an emperor for a long time, tens of thousands of people bowed their heads, and the emperor didn't care about the feelings of a few ministers at all.

(End of this chapter)

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