fake prince

Chapter 1107

Chapter 1107
Seeing that Liang Yuyin was still in shock, Wen Xunpeng didn't speak, but just pondered.

Just now, in fact, I didn't say it clearly, but just hinted that the emperor might be behind the leak this time, but Liang Yuyin is a smart person, so he immediately thought of it.

Is there any risk in implying this?

Yes, but not a big one. After all, the biggest risk for Taisun is that he was caught cheating and implicated when he held the Spring Festival. .

Now, even if Liang Yuyin turns his back on him, what can he report?
The most important thing is that Liang Yuyin's status is not high, and he can be overwhelmed by the power of the grandson. If Xie Zhi Xie Ge Lao, he would definitely not dare to do so.

"Okay, let's go to Xie's Mansion." After a while, Liang Yuyin, who was sitting there with trembling hands, finally recovered, and said to Wen Xunpeng.

Wen Xunpeng nodded, "The bullock cart is outside, so you don't need to bring anyone with you, so as not to cause trouble."

Hey, with the current situation, it doesn't matter whether it's troublesome or not, hasn't the biggest trouble already appeared?Liang Yuyin slandered, but dared not speak out.

The news that the grandson brought was too shocking, and he was already in a state of confusion.

In such a state, he hurriedly boarded the ox cart and rushed to Xie's mansion before dawn.

"Why is this happening?" After a long time, Liang Yuyin murmured, he really didn't understand: "Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Whether it is a misunderstanding or not, there is not much difference between you and you." Wen Xunpeng appeared calm, leaning on the cushion, took out the silver bottle around the charcoal basin, poured two cups of tea, and took another sip: "The test question is yes leaked."

"You said, once the exam questions are leaked, what will happen to you as an examiner?"

"But, we didn't leak this..." Liang Yuyin murmured, but stopped in a blink of an eye, smiling wryly, these words are too naive.

In the fourth year of Qingwu, the second imperial examination in Taizu's time, someone leaked the questions, Taizu was furious, the chief and deputy chief examiners wrote the law, and the remaining 15 examiners were hanged, the family property of the wife and daughter was confiscated, and the family and others participated in the fraud. Candidates in the school moved thousands of miles, and the government and the opposition were shaken for a while. In the next 30 years, fraud in the examination room was almost extinct.

Forget the chief and deputy examiners, and the remaining 15 examiners were all executed. Isn't there any injustice?
But for the sake of being respectful, none of them were left behind. This is a lesson learned from the past. The blood is not far away. How can I repay any luck?

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." The so-called wives and daughters who are not registered as officials have actually become official prostitutes. Thinking of his beautiful and virtuous wife, two-year-old daughter, and one-year-old son, Liang Yuyin suddenly burst into tears.


The mansion where Xie Zhi lives is not very far from Pilgrimage Lane, which means that the time will come after a stick of incense.

He didn't go through the main gate, but revealed his identity through the side door. When the porter heard that he was from Taisun's residence, he didn't dare to ask people to wait outside.

"You'll know how to say it later!" Wen Xunpeng gave him a handkerchief and patted him on the back, Liang Yuyin smiled wryly, took it and wiped his eyes.

All the way to the inside, when they arrived at the flower hall, Xie Zhi, who had already rested for a long time, came over in his robe. Although Shen Ye was startled and knew that something big was going to happen, he looked very calm.

"I met Mr. Xie Ge."

Wen Xunpeng just glanced at it, bowed and let Liang Yuyin speak.

"Teacher, please save the students." Liang Yuyin was not pretentious at this time, and as soon as he passed by, she knelt forward and cried.

"You are also a majestic official of the imperial court, and you are a two-ranked Jinshi, acting like a daughter?"

"It's something, tell me quickly." Xie Zhi still held his breath.

"Teacher, the exam questions of Chun Wei have been leaked." However, no matter how deeply Xie Zhi nourished his spirit, he was shocked by one sentence. Liang Yuyin knelt down and handed over three folding fans, and explained one by one that it was only the relationship between the grandson and the emperor. Not a word was said.

Xie Zhi listened, but didn't speak, just looked at the three folding fans, but the dense sweat on his forehead revealed his mood, sat there silent for a long time, then raised his eyes to Wen Xunpeng after a long time, asking : "Mr. Wen, how did the grandson find out?"

"When Taisun was a poor student in the past, there were two classmates named Yu Lu and Fang Xi, both of whom were candidates to go to Beijing, but someone recommended them, saying that he wanted to sell them exam questions."

"Yu Lu and Fang Xi were shocked, they flatly refused, and reported it to the grandson."

"The grandson was shocked when he heard about it. Because the matter was so important, he didn't dare to talk about it, so he sent me to investigate secretly. The result was shocking!"

"Now the test questions have been leaked on a large scale, and there may be 200 to [-] people."

"Chunwei is a great ceremony of national ethics and talent. How dare the grandson be self-confident, so I came here to report to the old man."

Xie Zhi was silent, his face was so pale that there was no color in it. The exam questions revealed how many people's lives were involved. If it weren't for telling him, once the Spring Festival was held, his son, as the deputy chief examiner, would be doomed. Maybe you have to take the blame.

Moreover, although the two of them didn't say a word about a certain aspect, he had experienced ups and downs in his career, but he immediately smelled danger.

Xie Zhi raised his face and looked at the night sky covered by gray clouds and mists. He didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, his tone was bitter and astringent: "Mr. Wen, what does Taisun mean?"

Wen Xunpeng was apprehensive at first, but after hearing this, he immediately felt at ease, the matter was stable, and he was not sure about it at the moment. The first sentence was to reassure Xiezhi's heart.

"The grandson's intention is, of course, to blow up this matter before Chunwei."

Xie Zhi listened, and pondered: "Blast? This word is new, but it is indeed a solution."

My heart is relieved, as long as I expose it in advance and leak the test questions, it is not a capital crime. Even if I cannot escape other responsibilities, my life will not be harmed.

The imperial court suppressed mergers, and there was a certain number of acres of land, but the Xie family also had 1200 acres of land, and their children and grandchildren had no worries about food and clothing.

However, whether it came late at night or exploded ahead of time, it was the grandson's kindness. Of course, Xie Zhi understood that he wanted to repay Qiong Yao with the peaches he threw, so he asked again: "Mr. Wen, what does the grandson mean?"

The same sentence has different meanings, and Wen Xunpeng smiled even more: "Chunwei is a national ceremony of ethics and talent, which is related to the fate of thousands of children. Such insane things will not only harm the country, but also hurt scholars." A sincere heart of loyalty and patriotism.”

"The grandson means to investigate to the end."

"While there is still time, we will investigate in secret, find out who leaked the questions and who passed the questions, and then catch them all, so as to set the record straight."

"It's just that the process must be top-secret, and you can't startle the snake. It's better to miss something and not find it."

"After all, if you can't find it now, it doesn't mean you can't find it after the incident. You just need to grasp the general situation—Ge Lao, what do you think?"

These words are aboveboard, even though there are infinite murderous intentions hidden, but the officials can't find any flaws or flaws, Xie Zhi can't help but look sideways.

Whose idea is this?It's a bit scary to be a grandson. Even if it's not a grandson, but a staff member of a grandson, it's amazing that a grandson can employ people and accept advice.

After thinking for a long time, Xie Zhi nodded helplessly: "Good!"

"Haha, with Mr. Xie Ge's permission, the big thing is settled!" Wen Xunpeng couldn't help clasping his hands and laughing. This "goodness" is actually an old man who entered the Taisun's camp and boarded the Taisun's boat. laugh?
Immediately said: "The old man should not move lightly, and your son is too eye-catching. The specific matters will be handled by Mr. Liang and me."

"Yes, teacher, I will take care of the details."

Liang Yuyin's following was actually an attitude. Seeing that the matter had been finalized by the two of them, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he let go of his worries, grievances came, with a final cry, with sobs.

"It's a disaster, no matter Fei Fang."

As one of the examiners, Liang Yuyin was very happy at first, feeling that he was finally reused this time.

Among the civil servants, how many high-ranking public officials have never had their turn to be an examiner?

This is the same as if you want to enter the cabinet, you basically have to walk Hanlin Road once. A person who can be an examiner, even if he is not the chief examiner, is also a very important resume, and even more crucial wings.

Laymen always feel that it is wrong to form a party, and wish to be a lonely minister, but since ancient times, how can a lonely minister last for a long time and die well?
Only when there is assistance and wings, can people value them, and the measure is just how deep the knot is-the few are difficult to be an official, and the many are very troublesome.

Liang Yuyin didn't intend to bring trouble on himself either, the connections obtained by the examiner this time were enough for him.

Who would have imagined that the terrible leaking question would appear before Chunwei this time!

Although he is an examiner, it has nothing to do with him, but when investigating the leaked questions, he will not be implicated because of his innocence. In the previous leaked questions, anyone who was involved in the leaked questions would be exiled at the lightest!

Wife and daughter were not registered as officials, and even became official prostitutes. Liang Yuyin couldn't breathe thinking that officials would be able to play with their wives and daughters at will.

"Your Majesty, I am so loyal!"

Maybe loyalty is not absolute, but it is absolutely not loyal, but the conscience of heaven and earth, Liang Yuyin felt that although he had selfishness in the past, he had no second thoughts towards the court and the emperor.

Why is this happening?

Finally, there is no unparalleled road, Taisun contacted himself, and persuaded the teacher to turn the situation around.

But even so, I have also boarded the grandson's boat, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

The only fortunate thing is that the emperor is old, only a few years old, and the grandson is just in his prime, and the next few decades may be a blessing in disguise.

Liang Yuyin comforted herself, but her face was still ashamed.

Xie Zhi has already picked up the tea at this moment, this is a vague reminder, the matter is over, you should go.

Liang Yuyin stood up, but, out of the corner of her eye, she looked at Wen Xunpeng, and found that the other party was still sitting there, motionless.


"Master Liang, Master Xie and I still have a few words to say." Wen Xunpeng said to Liang Yuyin, and Liang Yuyin immediately became obedient: "Ms. Liang's chest is a little stuffy, go out to get some air first."

With that said, he went out first.

Xie Zhi sat there, put down the cup gently, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but there was something subtle in his heart.

When Mr. Wen took out a letter from his arms and handed it over, the subtlety in Xie Zhi's heart became stronger.

He took the letter and found that the writing on the envelope was Taisun's writing.

"It's very unwise for the grandson to write me a personal letter at this time." Xie Zhi thought to himself.

But when he got to his current position, not only was it a question of talent and learning ability, but he was also cautious. Even though he felt that Taisun's move was unwise, he still opened the letter in front of Wen Xunpeng and took it out. Come out and watch.

He originally thought that the handwritten letter that Mr. Wen handed over on purpose must be a solicitation, but after reading it, he found that the content of the letter was very ordinary.

It's just an ordinary greeting. Finally, I would like to ask whether those shrines in the capital that have not been liquidated should be re-registered.

This is indeed a matter that the grandson was responsible for before. This matter is said to be small, but it is really small. Xie Zhi thought about it carefully, but he couldn't think of any troubles in this matter, let alone the deep meaning of the grandson's mention.

Could it be that Taisun wrote this letter with only ordinary greetings and a little advice?
However, as long as it has nothing to do with Chunwei, there is nothing that cannot be guided.

Xie Zhi asked people to prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote a reply letter with the pen, the same ordinary greeting, and replied politely, how to deal with this matter.

After writing it, I read it again, and felt that even if the emperor read the letter, there would be no problem, so I sealed the envelope and handed it to Wen Xunpeng.

Wen Xunpeng didn't know what was in the letter he handed to Xie Zhi, so naturally he wouldn't peek at Xie Zhi's reply to the lord.

After receiving it, he carefully put it in his arms, and then said goodbye to Xie Zhi. After going out, he found Liang Yuyin standing not far away, staring at the sky in a daze.

"Master Liang, it's almost dawn, we should go back." Wen Xunpeng said softly, Liang Yuyin then looked away and sighed: "It's time to go back."

Xie Zhi didn't see them off, and watched the two of them enter the corner gate. The elder Ge who stood on the steps stood there blankly for a long time before sighing softly.

"Your Majesty, how can you bear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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