fake prince

Chapter 1108 Jackal Beast Heart

Chapter 1108 Jackal Beast Heart
After leaving Xie's mansion, Wen Xunpeng glanced up to the sky, there was already a glimmer of light there, at most an hour, it would be bright.

Wen Xunpeng didn't go back right away, he sent Liang Yuyin back to Pilgrimage Lane in a bullock cart, and then sent the bullock cart to another place. When he returned to Taisun's Mansion, it was already morning, and there were already people and vehicles on the road.

"Mr. Wen!"

Someone was already cleaning outside Taisun's mansion. When he got off the ox cart, the cleaning servants immediately avoided to the left and right and saluted respectfully. .

Wen Xunpeng's head actually has a high grade, but compared to being called Mr. Wen, being called Mr. by the Taisun House is more respectful.

Wen Xunpeng's ambition in the past has been more than half realized when he became a grandson with the king of the generation!

All he needs is for the grandson to ascend the throne in the future and become the lord of the world, and half of his own ambitions can be followed!
Entering at the door, along the way, I didn't meet any acquaintances on the way, but when I reached the hall door, I heard some voices.

"Your Highness, in the past, there was no military strategy in battle formations in ancient times. The two armies lined up neatly on the plains, and they charged against each other with drums. Therefore, chariots are the sharpest weapons."

"Now, soldiers are not tired of deceit, so how can you position your chariot to charge on the plain?"

"If you avoid the woodland and the hills, the chariot will be useless, so the chariot will fall."

Hearing the voice, it doesn't look like someone from the mansion, he seems to have some knowledge, could it be Habayashi Wei who was recruited again?

Sure enough, when he took a look, he saw about ten people, all wearing the official uniforms of Habayashi Guard, standing in a row, waiting for the grandson to ask questions.

The Baihu who spoke was a middle-aged man with five short stature, a pair of eyes shining brightly on his black and red face, and he was very fierce. At this time, he was excited and blushed when he spoke.

Naturally, Wen Xunpeng would not step forward to disturb such a scene, he smiled secretly, turned around, the living room is not small, and there is a small cubicle next to it for rest, sitting and drinking tea and waiting, and someone immediately stepped forward to serve it. Tea.

"You're right." He heard Taisun praise, but stopped asking, changed the topic about weapons, and called someone to reply: "Wu Tiantian, tell me."

The hundred households who were named, seemed to have not expected that the grandson would call for him to answer, and immediately showed surprise.

This is the grandson. Among the ten hundred families who came, he was the least conspicuous one. Unexpectedly, the grandson remembered his name and asked him to answer the questions!
Take Toyoda immediately replied excitedly: "Grandfather, to make a bow, the first thing is to choose wood. The nature of wood is different, and the natural curvature is very important. If you choose the wrong one, you will not be stable no matter how you adjust it. There is no solution to this inherent defect."

"The second is cutting. It should be thick and firm in the middle, and thin and elastic at the two ends..."

This Baihu named Wu Tiantian has thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks very honest, is proficient in weapons, and is also meticulous in answering Taisun's questions.

But the question is that the answers are too honest and miss the point, and most importantly, Taisun has already asked many times.

Wen Xunpeng sat in the cubicle and listened, frowning.

It is not the first time to ask such a question, and it is not the first day to know the answer. Why does the grandson care about it every once in a while?

It is already very strange for someone else to ask this question. What is the status of the lord now, no matter what Wen Xunpeng thinks, he can't think of the reason why the grandson cares about this matter.

Although weapons are important, bow making is also important, but at Taisun's level, this matter is really too small.

"Your Highness, the three exercises of the soldiers are body, weapon, and team!"

"The body is the body, the weapon is the weapon, and the team is the queue."

"The humble officer thinks that the first thing is the formation, which can make the soldiers obey the military orders. If the military orders are not good, even if they have martial arts, they are still chaotic soldiers."

Just as Wen Xunpeng was thinking this way, someone spoke again, his voice was a little hoarse and unpleasant, as if recovering from a serious illness.

Wen Xunpeng looked subconsciously, and saw that the speaker was also sallow and thin, not so good-looking.As a member of the Habayashi Guard, they are generally not too ugly. Even Taketoyoda has thick eyebrows, big eyes, big arms and round waist. He looks burly and has regular facial features.

This person looked like he had just recovered from an illness, and his facial features were not considered good. At first glance, he was even a little wretched.

However, this is actually just an appearance. Wen Xunpeng has read the files. Although this person looks like a sick and weak person, he has infinite strength and good martial arts, so he was able to enter the Habayashi Guard and became a hundred households.

This person is not good in appearance, but has a good name, Xu Chan.

Because the sound was not so pleasant, Wen Xunpeng stopped listening in order not to hurt his ears, and even sat inside, drinking tea and waiting.

After a while, the outside gradually became quiet, and Wen Xunpeng knew that someone had left.

Only then did I come out, and then I saw Taisun standing under the banner of "Threesomes must have my teacher", looking up at these words, as if thinking deeply.

And there is a person standing beside the grandson, who is actually a wild Taoist.

I don't know when the wild Taoist came. When Wen Xunpeng first arrived, he hadn't seen him yet.

Su Ziji wasn't actually looking at the word at the moment, but was looking at what he had just gained through the action of reading the word.


This time, hundreds of households were invited to ask questions. The experience value of the art of war did not increase very fast. It's all about experience.

However, little adds up, and it has also been upgraded!
The art of war is not the most important item for those who aim to become emperors, especially those who are not emperors on horseback.

But if you don’t have it, you won’t be able to do it. Don’t say you want to be an emperor. After becoming an emperor, although you don’t need to fight in person, you must at least have a basic concept, and you can’t be fooled by others, and you can’t command blindly.

And looking at the current situation, I am afraid that there will always be a time when it will be useful-when the emperor suddenly launches a crisis and cannot use tactics to counter it, he can only fight with each other.

So while there is still this opportunity, you should brush up more.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji sighed slightly again.

Upgrading can still be done by brushing daily, but it is more difficult to subdue generals.

"Hey, sure enough, you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart." Su Ziji thought about Wu Tiantian just now, and secretly sneered: "At first, I thought that Wu Tiantian looked honest and acted very close, and he was very loyal to me. In the end, this trial took me by surprise.”

"This Baihu is like a sword with a honey belly and a wolf with a beast's heart. If I didn't have the ability to test, this Wu Fengtian alone would have ruined my business."

After contemplating for a long time, Su Ziji came back to his senses.

There are tables and chairs next to them, with a set of pens, ink, paper and inkstones. Even the ink has been polished. Now pick up the soft brush, lick the ink, dip the pen to its fullness, and write the name on the laid rice paper with the pen.

Only three names were written, and one of them was Xu Chan who didn't look good.

"This person, return to the red file." Pointing to Xu Chan's name, Su Ziji ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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