fake prince

Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109
Su Ziji pointed to the names of two more people and said, "These two more will go to the Baihong file, and the rest will go to the Bai file."

All in white?Including that Taketoyoda just now, it seems that the lord appreciates it just now!

Wen Xunpeng couldn't figure out how the lord divided these three files, so he was very puzzled.

Of course he knew that just recently, the lord established three stalls, namely the red stall, the white red stall, and the white stall.

Those who belong to the red file are those who are available.

Those who are included in the white and red files are those who cannot be used now, but they can be won.

Those who are classified as white files are those who are neither available nor need to be won.

These three files are simple and clear, and they are very clear at a glance.

But Wen Xunpeng didn't understand who were classified into these three categories, how they were classified, and what were the criteria?
Like Xu Chan and Wu Fengtian just now, if Wen Xunpeng were to choose between the two, Wen Xunpeng would have a better impression of Wu Fengtian.

Not only because of this, he looks honest and honest, but also because Taketoyota obviously respects the lord, and even talking to the lord seems excited.

Although it is said that attitude does not mean loyalty, but without attitude, it is too early to talk about loyalty.

Such a person was not even included in the white and red ranks, but Xu Chan, who gave an ordinary impression, fell into the eyes of the lord.

How exactly is this divided?
How can the lord tell the difference?

You know, to know people, face but not heart, to examine a person often takes ten or eight years of investigation, and some may not even be able to distinguish clearly in a lifetime.

The white prime minister knows that he still presses the sword, and the wealthy family first laughs and plays the crown. Even if they have known each other for a lifetime, they have to use the sword to guard against it. How can the lord be able to tell the traitor from the loyal when they meet each other?
However, these thoughts only flashed in his mind. In reality, Xun Peng was slightly taken aback, and quickly suppressed his thoughts. .

The savage Taoist on the side didn't show any abnormality, and smiled directly: "Congratulations, my lord, I got another person in the red rank, and I will file all these people, and there will be no mistakes."

Su Ziji nodded, until then he looked at Wen Xunpeng who was standing on the side.

"Mr. Wen, how is the matter going? What did Liang Yuyin and Xie Zhi say?"

Wen Xunpeng replied immediately: "My lord, Liang Yuyin is obviously frightened and has basically controlled it. Even Xie Zhi has already expressed cooperation for the sake of his son and for the sake of not being implicated and accused."

"It's just that although it's different from Liang Yuyin, it's not a hint, but I doubt it. I'm afraid this person will have doubts."

After the report, he handed over the reply letter written by Xie Zhi.

"It's normal. If he doesn't doubt it, I will doubt it instead." Su Ziji said casually, took the letter over and looked at it carefully, as if the content written in the letter was very interesting, which made him feel very interesting .

Wen Xunpeng didn't know what Xie Zhi wrote in reply, but based on his own judgment of Xie Zhi, the content of this letter should not be a word of submission. After all, Xie Zhi could not let himself fall into danger, let alone have The impetuosity of quick success.

Even if I haven't seen the content of Xie Zhi's reply, I can guess that the content of this reply is probably very formulaic and polite.

But seeing the expression of the lord at the moment, it is difficult for Wen Xunpeng to maintain his original guess. Such an expression does not look like he saw something boring.

Could it be that Xie Zhi actually expressed his surrender to the lord this time?Or said something else interesting?
When Wen Xunpeng was thinking this way, he heard Taisun say: "Return Xie Zhi to Baihong."

Xie Zhi was actually classified as a white and red file?
Wen Xunpeng felt even more strange. Seeing that the wild Taoist had already responded and he had finished his affairs, the lord seemed to have something to say with the wild Taoist, so he didn't dare to listen any more. He bid farewell to the lord and left first.

"[The Way of Politics] +35, Level 18 (5376/18000)"

In the living room, Su Ziji read the letter and accepted it. With his current political level, even an old man who has gone through countless turmoil and turmoil, he has very little experience to give.

But this is not important. What is important is that the by-products produced during the seeking of advice are becoming more and more important now.

The so-called asking for advice is to obtain the other party's knowledge, but knowledge is actually a part of human thinking, so it is generally knowledge, but it is mixed with a little bit of the other party's thinking nature.

Xu Chan talks to himself that he is pure-hearted, trustworthy, recruitable, and reusable.

Take Toyoda looks honest, and he is also very close, with a look of surrender. As a result, this temptation, in the nature of thinking entrained, is so-called unpredictable about himself.

Xie Zhi, as the elder of the pavilion, of course cannot accept the head and worship, but he really wants to cooperate with him to solve this major fraud case, this is the person he can win over.

Red files, white red files, and white files are generally classified in this way.

That's why I summoned those who could be summoned one by one, and wrote letters to those who could not be summoned to ask for advice, so that this magical power could be triggered.

As for the question of asking for advice, it is not important, Su Ziji does not lack this bit of experience now.

Of course, people are fickle. Now it is red, maybe it will be white and red in the future, now it is white and red, and it may be red or white in the future, but even the current state is of great help Yes, even more important than the experience itself.

Su Ziji didn't hide it, and sighed to the wild Taoist: "As my grandson, there are fifty hundred households and five thousand households in Habayashi Guard, only one thousand households can be won, and six hundred households can be used. The rest are wavers, and even half of them are the emperor's hardcore..."

"The emperor's title is really inconceivable, and the righteousness of the court makes it even more difficult for people to break free."

Over the past dynasties, among the hundreds of princes, only one or two were able to succeed.

Those who show small favors and then immediately win dead men are not only fairy tales, but also mislead people, fearing that the "dead men" will inform the court immediately.

It's still righteous, I'm doing this for the sake of the country and the overall situation.

Even so, this is still a very bleak result, but it is not the worst result.

If it weren't for my own probing, some people who seemed to support me turned out to be die-hard supporters of the emperor. Just looking at the surface, or even looking at their attitudes and actions, they wouldn't be able to tell. .

Su Ziji is really lucky at this moment that he has the ability to know people, so he can see the inside through the appearance, and if he were a person, he would die without knowing how to die.

Without the emperor's instigation, how could those emperor's diehards have shown their kindness to themselves early on, pretending to be supportive, and even actually taking some actions of support?

Mixed with people who really support themselves, who can tell the difference in actions, attitudes, or even more enthusiasm?
It was too sinister.

Su Ziji suddenly remembered some rumors in his previous life that some people were cheated to death in this way, and the big country on the opposite side who forced them to implement an iron law: "Anyone who follows to go abroad will not be used."

(End of this chapter)

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