fake prince

Chapter 1110

Chapter 1110

The wild Taoist didn't know what was going on in Su Ziji's mind, so he smiled and said, "My lord, this is already a very good result. Under the righteousness, it is normal for everyone to be a spy."

"Now, my lord has at least obtained a group of trustworthy people."

"And when it comes to the critical moment, there is actually no need for so many people. Maybe this one thousand households, and six hundred households, can make things happen."

Even if it is the emperor, it is impossible to hold all the military power in his hands. Even in the Habayashi Guard, isn't there only a group of people who are the emperor's hardcore?
This is true for the emperor who has been in charge of the dynasty for so many years, let alone the emperor's grandson who has only been recognized for a few years?It is quite possible to have such an outcome.

In fact, Su Ziji was just expressing emotion, and it was not unacceptable for such a result.

There are many people and there are many usages, and there are few people and few people.

Su Ziji nodded: "These people, you can let Wen Xunpeng come to show you kindness."

After a pause, he said again: "There are also guests who have come to celebrate me, I will also write to ask for advice one by one. You come with me."

Su Ziji turned and walked out, the wild Taoist put away the paper with names written on it, and followed him out.

Su Ziji went all the way to the study, went in, pointed to a drawer of the bookcase, and said, "Take the letters inside, and send them to me one by one."

The wild Taoist responded, and opened the drawer, and found that there were letters in this drawer, at least hundreds of them, and judging from the handwriting on the envelope, they were all written by the lord himself. .

This is a big project, Ye Taoist thought to himself.

The Ye Daoist put all these letters in the basket, and then took them out once.

As soon as he went out, he saw Wen Xunpeng drinking tea in the small hall, and Jian Qu and Cen Rubai were also sitting together.

"Everyone, you came just in time. There is a task to be issued." Ye Daoist tilted the basket and watched everyone staring blankly at the pile of letters poured out of the basket.

"So many letters?" Cen Rubai was surprised after recovering, turned over a few times, and was even more surprised, "All letters from His Highness?"

"Yes, these are the lord's personal letters." Ye Daoist sighed, and saw that some people seemed to have something to ask, so he said: "If you are curious, you can take out a few letters and have a look."

He can make the decision on this point, and Su Ziji has also mentioned it.

"The lord allows us to read the letter?" Wen Xunpeng was a little suspicious.

"Yes, you can see, the lord has nothing to hide."

As soon as the Ye Daoist said this, Wen Xunpeng was not pretentious, flipped through it casually, and took out the one in front of him. It was written on the envelope that the recipient was Zhou Licheng. This was a return letter to Zhou Licheng. When he opened the letter, he found What is written above is very simple and formulaic.

It's just a few simple greetings. Most of the return letters have a routine pattern. If you don't want to follow the routine, you can also write it very elegantly. It's mediocre content.

The only thing worthy of praise is probably the writing. It is indeed a master's pen, but in terms of content, there is nothing to see.

However, continuing to look back, Wen Xunpeng was slightly taken aback.

"This is……"

Seeing at the end, the topic changed, and I asked one thing: "The ancient etiquette, normative behavior, I have doubts, I want to have a banquet, how to establish it according to the ancient system?"

What is the meaning of this, my lord?

Although it is not strange to ask such a question, after all, Zhou Licheng is the Minister of Guanglu Temple, and he is in charge of such matters, so asking the Minister of Guanglu Temple about the details of the banquet is the right person to ask.

But the question is, do you need the lord to inquire about such a trivial matter?

Even if it's just a passing question, there doesn't seem to be anything strange about it, maybe it's just a few words of pleasantries, but Wen Xunpeng couldn't help frowning when he saw this, and read it again carefully.

"No, no."

Wen Xunpeng felt that there must be something wrong with this matter.

Because of this doubt in his heart, he took out another letter, this one was addressed to Zhen Nanbo, and when he took out the letter, he found that the content in the front was exactly the same.

Of course, everyone who received the letter would only feel that the grandson was too polite to know that the contents of the two letters were actually the same.

Looking down, Wen Xunpeng's eyes fell on the end of the letter.

At the end of the letter, the topic changed, and he asked a small question again. Since it was written to Zhen Nanbo, the question this time was about the local conditions and customs of a place Zhen Nanbo had been to.

If you don't have doubts, just look at it like this, you will feel that Taisun just greeted briefly, and exchanged pleasantries with a topic naturally.

Even the questions asked had nothing to do with the government, and no matter how vigilant the courtiers were, they would not dare to answer them.

But Wen Xunpeng's body was already frozen there.

Once, I thought too much, and twice, is it also a coincidence?

What if the third and fourth letters... What if all the letters I saw had the same content?
But the question is, what does it mean if such a pattern is fixed?

Could it be that writing like this is some kind of code?
After writing it, what can the people in it guess?
Or, is it some sort of hint?

What else?
It can't be written like this casually, can it?Others write casually, he believes, but the protagonist also writes like this, but it is hard to believe that the protagonist who is a grandson would waste time like this, writing casually to get close to others.

"These, old Jane, you are in charge of delivering them." After pulling out some letters to Jian Qu, Ye Daoist said with a smile.

Jian Qu nodded: "Yes."

Ye Daoist scratched a pile very simply and rudely, and said to Cen Rubai, "Old Cen, these are yours."

Cen Rubai has long been used to the wild Taoist character, and nodded: "Leave it to me."

The rest, of course, are Ye Taoist and Wen Xunpeng.

The two people who were assigned first saw that there were dozens of letters assigned to them. If they were delivered, they wanted to deliver them within a few days, but it would take a lot of effort, so they took the letter without further delay. gone.

Wen Xunpeng had just finished reading the second letter at this moment, and was immersed in his own thoughts. When he looked up again, he found that only himself and the wild Taoist were left in the room.

"Old Wen, the rest of these letters belong to you and me. But don't worry about these, you go out with me first."

As the wild Taoist said, he motioned to follow him out.

Wen Xunpeng's head was also a little swollen at the moment, thinking that it might be a good thing to go out to enjoy the cold wind, so he really followed out.

When he followed out, he actually had another thought, that was that his colleague should have noticed his astonishment just now.

Different from them, Ye Taoist was the first person to follow Taisun, and he was the first-class close minister of Taisun. If there were any secrets about Taisun that they didn't know, this colleague might not know.

And his attitude just now fell into the eyes of this colleague, and he didn't know what the colleague planned to say to him.

When Wen Xunpeng went out, he was already mentally prepared.

Unexpectedly, after the two of them went out, they really just walked around.

After walking for a while, he saw a servant carrying a food box. Only then did the wild man say, "Let's go, follow him."

The servant may also know that someone is following, but because he is a savage, he didn't react when he noticed it, and just walked ahead.

Wen Xunpeng had more doubts in his heart, such as where did the servant go with the food box?The wild Taoist took him to follow, what did he let him see?
But he didn't say it, and silence followed.

After a while, the person carrying the food box arrived at a remote courtyard.

The scope of the Taisun Mansion is very large, and some places are considered forbidden areas. Wen Xunpeng has never been here, and he doesn't know what these places are for.

It wasn't until I followed the wild Taoist into the courtyard and saw the guards holding the knife in the courtyard, combined with the atmosphere, that I suddenly realized that this is actually the private prison of the Taisun Mansion?
(End of this chapter)

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