fake prince

Chapter 1111 It's a pity to debate Xuanxuan

Chapter 1111 It's a pity to debate Xuanxuan

Wen Xunpeng looked around and saw a few servants sweeping the floor, and four guards patrolling the wall meticulously with their knives, the cold air was chilling.

However, although it looks like a private prison, it is different from the private prison in my impression. The private prison here is a courtyard. There are more than a dozen main rooms and side rooms. The houses are not big. Yes, the surrounding walls are made of water-polished blue bricks, twice as high and twice as thick.

Wen Xunpeng originally thought that at least dozens of people would be locked up, but the wild Taoist took him inside and walked from room to room, only to find that most of these rooms were empty and there were not many people!

"Mr. Lu!" A guard came over. He was seventeen or eighteen years old, and seemed familiar.

Ye Daoist pointed and said, "This is Qin Ying, Qin Min, the eldest son of Duizheng Qin. My lord gave him the post of Corporal Chief to guard this courtyard."

Wen Xunpeng suddenly realized that last time Qin Ying stepped forward in a crisis, not only won a generous reward, but was also reused, and even his son Qin Min was assigned a position.

Don't look at mere corporal chiefs, it is Jane who is in His Highness's heart.

The wild Taoist took out half of the iron talisman, and said calmly: "I am ordered by the lord to deal with the private prison personnel."

Qin Minshang was very serious with a childish face: "Mr. Lu came here, there is no reason why you can't believe it, but this is the system established by His Highness."

As he said, he took the iron talisman and checked that it matched his own. He hurriedly handed it back with both hands and saluted: "Yes, I will wait and obey orders."

"Come on, let's go in." Ye Taoist said, Wen Xunpeng had to follow, feeling a little uneasy.

Regardless of what happened before or what I saw now, I was telling myself that the Taisun Mansion and the Taisun had secrets, but should I really understand these secrets?
When they reached the fifth room, it was no longer an empty room, but a person was locked inside. Wen Xunpeng took a look outside and recognized who it was.

This is a person in the mansion, not a low-level person, but a middle-level manager. .

Seeing the two from afar, the steward immediately went to the window and shouted: "I'm wronged, I really only took five taels of silver, I'm delusional, I'm confused, please forgive me this time!"

Ye Daoist's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to go forward, while saying softly: "This man is Xiao Qin, he got a kickback, but it's more than five taels, that's all, the key is that he still refuses to say who bribed him, who he colluded with, It's been a few days since I was locked up here."

After finishing speaking, he took a few steps forward, against the gloomy sky, and casually asked: "Xiao Qin, let's not talk about the amount of money, you are a person who buys and sells food and vegetables for the house, why is someone willing to bribe you, do you know?" ?”

"Honestly bribe money, the ins and outs of the other party, and the name and address process honestly, there may be a way out."

"Otherwise, it's too late to regret!"

Wen Xunpeng listened silently, and he already understood that this person bought and sold money through the aisle?

This matter is not big or small, because it is in charge, and there may be more than one person involved. I guess it means to reflect on it, but if you don’t talk about colluding people, the nature of the matter will change. This is a party. Against the Taisun Mansion, even suspected of colluding with outsiders?
Not to mention that diet is the most important thing, and it is one of the few ways that can interfere with your life and death.

Thinking of this, Wen Xunpeng's eyes became more pity. Not everyone understands the key, and it is estimated that the manager still does not understand the seriousness of the matter.

Now the grandson is at a critical point, and he really doesn't let go of killing mistakes.

Sure enough, seeing Xiao Qin murmuring that he couldn't argue, and also refused to speak, the savage smiled sinisterly: "People, always take chances in their hearts, and even deceive His Highness the Grandson's benevolence."

"Xiao Qin, you were originally the son of Xiao Cheng in the Prince's Mansion. Your father was martyred, and the grandson looked for you. Since you were working in a commercial company, you were entrusted with the job of buying and selling vegetables."

"You buy and sell vegetables and food, and you just spend a little money in the process. Why do you dare to collude with outsiders?"

"Do you know who is the grain merchant surnamed Huang in Wanyong on Donghuai Street, and who is his beautiful wife? Just let you get your hands on it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Qin already knew something was wrong, and quickly knelt down: "Mr. Lu, I'm confused, I was cheated, I was seduced by that woman, and I was caught by Huang, so I fell for it and bought it." They also took 30 taels of silver for their food!"

"But I didn't dare to do other things. I chewed all the grain I bought, and nothing happened."

The wild Taoist ignored him at this moment, and grinned: "Actually, what I asked just now was the last chance my lord gave you. I don't want you but I am determined. For this little money and my wife, you dare to betray the lord?"

"Yes, there is no difference in the food for the time being, but your behavior is that of a seller. Do you know the reason why the dike of a thousand miles is broken by ants?"

"And do you know that using time is the principle of getting into the water step by step?"

Speaking of this, the wild Taoist has already sternly said: "You who betray the master, dare to take chances, come here, take him, for his father's sake, give him a whole body, and be punished with snow. "

"Forgive me, I dare not, please forgive me!" Xiao Qin was frightened and begged for mercy, but the guard obeyed his orders and pulled him out. Although Qin Min was young, his heart was extremely hard. Qin's clothes were stripped off, and after a while, he was completely naked.

"Forgive me, forgive me." In just a moment, Xiao Qin's whole body was livid with cold, and he could only beg for mercy: "I still have a 60-year-old mother to take care of!"

"Don't worry, grandson benevolent, for the sake of your father's martyrdom, you will only be reported for a sudden death, and your mother and wife will not be short of a ration."

With a wave of his hand, the wild man saw the guards push him to the ground, and someone shoveled the snow to cover him.

Not listening to the vague entreaties behind him, Ye Taoist took Wen Xunpeng and continued on his way. Wen Xunpeng's heart was dark, and his eyes fell on the place that had not yet arrived, thinking to himself: "Could it be that the people locked up in front are all this kind?"

But the result was quite unexpected, there were a few empty rooms in the middle, and stopped in front of the next occupied room, Ye Daoist took a look in, and Wen Xunpeng also looked in through the gap in the window, and this look seemed to make sense. Thinking, it can be said that it is unexpected, but also within the cleaning.

They are all monks.

All the monks were locked up inside, not just one monk. There were two or three monks locked up in this room alone, and Wen Xunpeng followed.

There was another room, where people were locked up. The people here must not be ordinary people. The person walking in front carrying the food box was already standing outside this room, but did not move, waiting for the wild Taoist to come.

"Open the door." Ye Daoist ordered.

Immediately someone opened the door, and Wen Xunpeng found that although there was a lock, it was actually buckled and not locked. Looking inside, the room was not small, but there was nothing in it except the low table and futon. The rooms are even more shabby.

But the temperature inside the room is not too cold, and the sanitation is okay. There is only one person locked in the room. The person was sitting cross-legged on the futon, but he didn't look up when he found the door open.

Wen Xunpeng still recognized who this person was at the first sight, Bianxuan!

Bianxuan was originally a grandson who rescued him from prison, and he also offered to be a guest minister. The salary was not low, and he disappeared not long ago.

It would be hypocritical to say that Wen Xunpeng didn't understand anything, but the specific inside information was handled by a wild Taoist, and he really didn't deliberately inquire about it.

Even if he came out in Prince Qi's mansion, many habits were still deeply ingrained - the grandson didn't ask him to participate in anything, so he didn't inquire about it.

"Take it in for him." Ye Daoist stood at the door, his eyes fell on Bianxuan, after a glance, he said to the person carrying the food box.

The servant immediately brought the food box in, opened it thoughtfully, and laid out all the meals.

Four dishes and one soup, plus two white flour steamed buns, the dishes and soup are both vegetarian, and the presentation looks good.

Ye Daoist asked people to retreat, he walked in, looked down at Bianxuan who was sitting cross-legged there, and asked, "Bianxuan, can you plead guilty?"

This is not the first time to ask, Bianxuan looked very calm, he didn't even look up, just sat there, and replied: "I don't know what the crime is."

Ye Daoist sneered: "You should be clear about what you did in Shilang's mansion that day, right?"

Obviously, this was never mentioned before.

Bianxuan sat there, silent for a while, with melancholy in his eyes: "Whether you believe it or not, I can only say that I have no intention to harm the grandson."

Wen Xunpeng stood watching and listening, and at this moment, he understood what happened.

"The servant man's mansion, it happened that day that he manifested his holiness in the daytime, the gods and men paid homage, and the dragon threw himself into his arms."

"Looking at it now, it was Rui Zhao, but at the time it looked like a fatal disaster."

"Inquiry like this, this Bianxuan, should have done something secretly in the Minister's Mansion, it may be spells or even Brahma."

"At that time, the divine man who manifested his holiness heard that it was golden. Could it be Brahma?"

Wen Xunpeng was so alert, he immediately thought of this, and his face changed slightly.

"It turns out that it is so good at casting spells on noble people. This is the art of witchcraft and nightmare suppression. No matter whether it is good or bad, it is a crime. It is understandable that the monks will be implicated and held here."

"It's just, why didn't the lord not kill him?"

Although Wen Xunpeng hadn't been in Taisun's mansion for a long time, he could see relatively clearly that Taisun liked to leave room, but it didn't mean that he was too kind. Those who should be killed never hesitated.

"Could it be that what Bianxuan did was beneficial to the grandson in terms of the result, so he hasn't been killed yet?"

"No, even if what Bianxuan did is beneficial to the grandson, you can make your own claim. The technique of nightmare suppression is an unforgivable crime in itself. If everyone learns it, how can it be worth it?"

Wen Xunpeng was puzzled, he didn't understand some joints, but after hearing Bianxuan's answer, Ye Taoist sneered.

"Hmph, I'm still arguing, no matter what you do is beneficial or harmful to His Highness, if you don't report it to His Highness, you will be guilty of a serious crime if you carry out Nightmare Town in private!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leaving behind a sentence: "If you don't plead guilty, you can stay here!"

Wen Xunpeng took a deep look at Bianxuan and followed him out.

The guards locked the door, and Wen Xunpeng followed the wild Taoist out of the courtyard. The two of them creaked as they stepped on the snow that had not yet melted.

A gust of wind blew, bringing a bit of coldness, looking from a distance, I could already see Xiao Qin who was buried in the snow on the ground stiff and motionless, he must have frozen to death.

Ye Daoist walked slowly, and suddenly said to Wen Xunpeng: "It's a pity to argue Xuanxuan. If you are ignorant, it is impossible for Taisun Mansion to be locked up indefinitely. Maybe one day you will be given death."

"If you die, you will have nothing." Ye Daoist said cold words, then changed the subject, and said again: "I know what you are confused about."

Wen Xunpeng looked over, Ye Daoist smiled and continued: "You don't have to be too confused about what the lord is doing, the lord has the ability to observe people."

The meaning of these words is very clear.

Ye Daoist saw what Wen Xunpeng was thinking, so he took him for a walk, both as a reminder and a warning.

Wen Xunpeng nodded: "I understand."

He really thought so in his heart, and secretly felt that he was a little drifting. Even if the grandson had a secret, he shouldn't investigate it. This is a matter of course in the Qi Palace, but now he still makes this mistake. Could it be that he is really magnanimous? , Will it make people push their feet?
Even yourself, unknowingly crossed the line?
(End of this chapter)

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