fake prince

Chapter 1112 You Write This Letter For Me

Chapter 1112 You Write This Letter For Me
Zhou Licheng went down to the court, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw the head of the body following him and stopped with his hands down, and asked: "What's the matter?"

The personal officer said: "A moment ago, the Taisun's Mansion sent someone here, saying it was a gift in return!"

"Where is the person, take me there quickly." Zhou Licheng said quickly, and went to the flower hall, and sure enough, there were people in the flower hall, tea was served at the house, and there were people chatting their teeth with him.

This person's status is not high, he is a steward, and when he saw Zhou Licheng, he saluted: "Master Zhou, I am ordered by my grandson to return the gift to you."

With that said, he presented the letter and gift list.

Zhou Licheng nodded his head, and first looked at the gift list, which read: "Five taels of gold, 30 taels of silver, six inner and outer sides of colorful satin, and twelve bolts of silk."

The rest are even cheaper, such as cabbage and seafood, not many, not even half a car, just a template for returning gifts in the current circle, the price is not high, but it makes people feel that they can’t afford to lose the grade and have face Degree.

This is very good, it is kindness for the grandson to return the gift.

What's more, there is also a handwritten letter, the value of this handwritten letter alone is ten times better than a gift in return!
Zhou Licheng was very happy. After reading the letter face to face, he smiled even more, and immediately said: "Please wait a moment, I will write a reply to His Highness!"

After speaking, let people prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones, think about it, and write directly.

After finishing writing, he read it carefully again and found that there was no problem, so he sealed the envelope and handed it over to the envoy, asking the envoy to hand it over to His Highness on his behalf.

He said again: "Come here, give me ten taels of silver."

The messenger responded with a smile, took his leave and left, Zhou Licheng even sent him out of the main courtyard, stood at the door and looked into the distance for a while, thinking about what happened just now, he was still a little happy in his heart.

When he turned around and walked back, he was immediately taken aback by a person standing silently behind him.

"Ah! It's you... Yao'er, why are you standing here like this? It's windy here, and you're not afraid of the cold with your thin clothes?"

When he found out that the person who surprised him was his daughter Zhou Yao, Zhou Licheng's expression eased, he looked at her and said.

Zhou Yao replied: "Father, my daughter is just going out for a walk, and will go back after a while..."

"It's good to go out for a walk, don't stay in the house all the time." Zhou Licheng saw that his daughter's complexion was good, and she looked good, so he felt better.

Zhou Yao took advantage of the opportunity to go back together, and entered the flower hall, Zhou Licheng thought of something, touched his sleeve, and took out the letter that he had just casually put in his sleeve.

Zhou Yao's gaze fell on the letter immediately, and asked: "Father, I heard that the Taisun's mansion sent a gift in return. Could this be the Taisun's own letter?"

"Indeed!" Zhou Licheng said with a smile, apparently the fact that Taisun personally wrote back the letter made him very happy.

Zhou Yao's beautiful eyes circulated: "Father, can my daughter read the reply from the grandson?"

"This..." Zhou Licheng hesitated for a moment, then thought again, there was no important content in Taisun's handwritten letter, and his daughter wanted to read it because he liked Taisun's handwriting. He understood, so he handed the letter to Zhou Yao .

At this moment, the housekeeper asked Zhou Licheng to report something, and Zhou Licheng walked out.

After Zhou Licheng left, Zhou Yao opened the letter in her hand, first carefully read the contents of the letter, there was not much to read, then pinched the letter with her pale fingers, closed her eyes and meditated for a while.

She felt that there seemed to be a faint cloud on the letter, and she had a clear look on her face, smiling: "It's you, it really is you."

"Although there are thousands of officials and heroes, you can always spot people."

"Actually, I'm just further affirming that's all. Just because you become the acting king, you will have a lot of energy for me. If you give me my child, I will know it's you. Otherwise, who will separate it out of thin air?"

"Being a grandson now is a lot of money."

When she said this, Zhou Yao lowered her eyebrows and even showed a bit of tenderness. The only thing that made her unhappy or regretful was that she gave the fox one point.

"Hmph, referring to the fox as a wife, it was just a joke of the parents back then, but such a fate was formed, is it still there now?" Her beautiful eyes flowed, depressed.

"However, in this life, I am already a human being, and you are still a fox." Thinking of this, Zhou Yao smiled again and stretched her eyebrows.

But at the next moment, her expression suddenly froze, and she turned her head to look in a direction. There, something gave her a very complicated feeling.

"Hey, it's strange. I touched a feeling just now. It's very kind...but it's disgusting. What is it?" Zhou Yao frowned, her expression gradually turning cold.

"Actually, I had a faint feeling before, but it was very obvious just now."

"I was able to recover from your power, and I should also share your worries. I have to check this place." Zhou Yao murmured.

"Thank you grandson, the old minister is very grateful."

It is Jian Qu's civil servant who came here to deliver the letter. Everyone like Ye Taoist has dozens of letters, and it is best to send them within a day.

This kind of return gift and letter of return is rarely delivered by these four people in person. After all, their identities are no longer the counselors of the Daiwangfu, but the Taisun's team, and they are officials of the Taisun's residence.

They also have a few capable people under their hands, both civil and military.

Naturally, this kind of thing should be handed over to the servants, otherwise it would be exhausting to rely on one person to visit one by one.

Zhen Nanbo not only participated in the celebratory banquet, but also participated in the crown prince's canonization ceremony.

The return gift given to this person is a little richer.

After receiving the gifts and letters from his grandson, Zhen Nanbo was very polite, even more polite than Zhou Licheng.

Not only invited the envoy to the flower hall, but also politely invited the envoy to drink tea and rest after reading the letter, and he asked the housekeeper to call the prince over.

"My son, the master wants you to go to the flower hall in front."

The housekeeper came over personally, Xie Zhenqing was sitting in his study reading a book, after hearing this, he gently put down the book in his hand.

"Father called me over, but there are guests coming? Is there something else?" Xie Zhenqing's face was still a little pale, but his eyes were bright. When he looked over like this, the housekeeper felt guilty if he didn't answer well.

The butler sighed in his heart, everything is fine in this son, but his health is too weak, he has improved a lot, but recently he fell ill again, so he immediately replied: "My son, the grandson's house sent a return gift and a return letter, maybe it was for this matter, Master just let you go."

The Taisun Mansion sent a return gift and a return letter?The reply letter, could it be written by the grandson himself, if not, it is really not possible to call him over because of this kind of thing.

Xie Zhenqing coughed twice, then got up slowly, and said: "Since father is calling, let's go."

"Master, the prince is here." The housekeeper came back with someone after a while, and reported to Zhen Nanbo.

After a while, Xie Zhenqing, who was walking a little slower, came in.

"Father, are you looking for your son?" Xie Zhenqing asked.

Zhen Nanbo looked at his son and said lovingly: "Yes, His Royal Highness Taisun wrote the reply letter himself. Come and help my father to see how to write a reply letter."

After speaking, he handed the letter written by Su Ziji to Xie Zhenqing.

The moment Xie Zhenqing took the letter, he paused for a moment, as if a little suspicious, he opened the letter and read it carefully.

After reading it, he said: "Father, you only need to simply reply to the letter written by your grandson, and you don't need to write more. After all, you have received the letter and replied to it. This is already an expression of your heart."

Just like Taisun wrote the return letter with his own handwriting, as long as the content of the letter is not too white, it is not very important, what is important is the attitude of sending the letter.

Zhen Nanbo nodded: "My son is right, why don't you write this letter for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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