fake prince

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113
"Yes, my son will write it now." Xie Zhenqing said respectfully.

Immediately someone offered pen and ink, Xie Zhenqing personally filled some clear water, poured some on the inkstone, and slowly grinded it with the ink ingot.

The ink is getting thicker, and the spirit is full. Xie Zhenqing picks up the soft brush, licks the ink, dips the pen until it is full, and without thinking, a letter flows out like flowing clouds and flowing water.

"My son is really extraordinary." Zhennanbo took the letter, looked at it, and was very satisfied. He blew his ink and waited until he was done. He asked people to invite the envoy of Taisun's residence in and said to him: "This is the reply letter." , please bring it to His Royal Highness."

The envoy responded, and Zhennanbo ordered: "Come here, take ten taels of gold and give it to Pan Chan."

This kind of thing is very common, although ten taels of gold is a bit more, but this is the uncle's residence, the envoy didn't shirk it, took the gold and left.

It wasn't until the envoy left that Zhennanbo said to his son: "Qinger, our family was awarded the title through martial arts, but it's a pity that you are too weak to be a general."

Xie Zhenqing lowered her head.

Zhen Nanbo continued: "Your body, as a father, I only hope that you can live a safe life, but if people like us have no influence, they are still fat in the eyes of others."

"The stronger ones are the stronger ones. My family is rich and powerful, but there are even more powerful ones."

"As a father, I have always been worried about people taking away the tea. What will happen to you after being a father for a hundred years? Now that you have a little affection with your grandson, you can also walk around a lot in the future. Naturally, you will not be underestimated and you will be able to keep it. Your decency..."

"As for your son, I can't control it as a father."

Hearing this, Xie Zhenqing couldn't help feeling sad. With his body in such condition, the father, Uncle Zhennan, still wanted to pass on the title to himself, instead of considering a few healthy bastards.

To put it bluntly, Zhen Nanbo squeezed into Taisun's ceremonial team and served as Taisun's attendant, also in order to gain some affection for the son's future use.

This kind of feeling of licking the calf is heavy, and he is also very touched.

There was a person standing outside the door, it was Hong Dao, he was guarding outside, just seeing this scene and hearing this conversation, he didn't know what was going on, his heart was sore and uncomfortable, and his nose was sore.

Fortunately, I tried my best to hold back and didn't let myself behave strangely.

But if he held back like this, he just hid it from Zhen Nanbo.

Xie Zhenqing in the hall seemed to be saddened by Zhen Nanbo's words, but where Zhen Nanbo couldn't see, his eyes were slightly cold and his heart was alert.

"I have repeatedly interfered with God's will and Dragon Qi. Although I had the chance, I have turned most of the evil spirits to King Qi, but after all, I have suffered backlash, and it seems that I can't hold back Hongdao?"

"Now this person has a sense of awakening, otherwise he wouldn't have such a reaction."

"This son...does he have to deal with it immediately?"

Thinking in this way, Xie Zhenqing continued to read the letter from Grandson Cai just now in his hand again.

This time holding the letter, I was secretly startled.


Just now Xie Zhenqing felt that this letter gave him a strange feeling, but when he looked at it now, he found that this letter seemed a little special.

It's just cloudy and foggy, but I can't see through it.

Is this supernatural power, or aura?

Why can a letter with such an ordinary content bring me such a feeling?

Could it be that the man of destiny is so extraordinary?

Xie Zhenqing lowered her eyes and said to Zhen Nanbo: "Father, my son wants to take this letter home and read it carefully. Taisun's handwriting is really good. My son wants to learn a thing or two."

Naturally, Zhennanbo did not refuse to agree to this matter, not to mention that the content of this letter is very normal, there is nothing that cannot be read by outsiders, and it is somewhat confidential. When facing his own son, Zhennanbo will not refuse.

"The grandson's handwriting can be said to be first-class in the world. Even if someone says that he is the first, it may not be all flattery."

"You can learn more, so you can talk to your grandson in the future."


Xie Zhenqing responded, and went out from Zhennanbo's courtyard, instead of looking at Hongdao who followed, she was thinking about something.

It wasn't until he was walking back to the courtyard where he lived that he suddenly stopped, and instead of looking at Hongdao, he just ordered lightly: "Hongdao, have you done everything I asked you to prepare?"

Hongdao put away his inexplicable feelings, nodded and replied: "Yes, it's all done."

"Then go back." Xie Zhenqing said with a twinkle in his eyes, and took Hongdao back to the courtyard. Instead of going to the bedroom, he arrived at the study next door.

The layout is very elegant, the walls are covered with mulberry paper, and the core is a piece of bookshelves, the books on the shelves are inserted in order, there may be thousands of books.

The desk faces the window for light, and there is also a small couch for you to rest when you are tired from reading.

Needless to say, Hong Dao stepped forward to the bed, just turned the mechanism, and heard a "pop", the bed turned upside down, and a big hole flashed out immediately, and a bottomless underground passage appeared!

Xie Zhenqing went down first, and after Hongdao went down, he pressed a place, and the bed slowly fell back. From the outside, it was difficult to find such a secret underneath.

The two of them didn't need to light up the lights, as if they were used to this environment, they walked slowly down in the dark, then changed to straight, and walked for a while, taking a hundred steps together, a door appeared in front of them.

The door is very heavy, not iron-clad wood, but a small door of pure iron, not big but very heavy, although it is not locked, it takes a little force to push the door open.

As the door was pushed open, the originally pitch-black interior was blown in by the wind, and with a bang, a few small lights lit up.

Under the light of the dim light, the small room inside came into sight of the two of them.

Neither Xie Zhenqing nor Hongdao came here for the first time, the two entered backwards, and the door was closed heavily.

Hong Dao has been here many times, but for some reason, as soon as the door was closed this time, he suddenly felt depressed. This small room seemed to have a heavy pressure on his heart all of a sudden.

Looking around, everything seems normal.

The decoration, layout, and layout here are somewhat similar to the previous Taoist temples. Although the area is much smaller, the most important statues of dragon girls, foxes, and emperors are there, and they are arranged in exactly the same position as those in the Taoist temple. !
"Hongdao, go forward and drop a drop of blood into the center." Xie Zhenqing ordered.

Hongdao stood there, a little unwilling to go forward, feeling faintly uncomfortable, but Xie Zhenqing ordered to prepare for this matter before, and he even bathed and changed clothes for this, and even skipped food for a few days. In this case, the arrow is ready I have to send it, and I have no choice to regret the retreat.

Thinking of this, Hongdao responded in a low voice: "Yes."

After the words fell, Hong Dao walked forward, a small knife was pulled out, and a light stroke was drawn on his finger, and a drop of blood immediately dripped down.

Xie Zhenqing kept watching Hongdao, seeing that Hongdao didn't regret it, but dripped blood as ordered, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stood nearby and recited the divine mantra silently.

And what he cursed was the letter written by the grandson that was taken over.

As Xie Zhenqing recited the mantra silently, with Xin as the core, a faint white mist appeared faintly, rising up and hovering over Xin.

It really is clouds!
"It's also the first time I feel the destiny, let me see the details."

Xie Zhenqing thought to herself, this is not enough. Although the cloud rises up, it only shows the cloud, and the inside is still unclear.

Xie Zhenqing frowned slightly, bit the tip of her tongue the next moment, and sprayed a mouthful of blood towards the cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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