fake prince

Chapter 1114 Makes me very annoying

Chapter 1114 Makes me very annoying

This mouthful of blood was sprayed on the cloud, and in an instant, a thin and long snake-like shadow appeared in the cloud of white mist, writhing and vivid in the cloud.

And there seem to be three lines connected with this slender shadow, not like restraint, but like support!
As soon as this scene appeared, Xie Zhenqing's eyes were a little bit wrong.

Could this be... Flood Dragon?
If you look carefully, this is indeed an infinitely smaller dragon. Although the scales and armor are distinct, you still haven't seen the specific appearance of this dragon. You only heard a "boom", like a thunder strike on the ground, and the light that was already on burst out suddenly. The foot is green.

With a sound of "Peng", the letter in front of him burst into flames, and the tongue of flames instantly burned the letter to ashes, which was faster than throwing it into a brazier!

And the power of backlash was more serious than Xie Zhenqing imagined, and he fell down all at once.

But Hongdao was even worse, he spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground with a thud, feeling disgusted, moving from his internal organs, it was like being tortured!
"No, no!" Hong Dao couldn't hold on anymore, and passed out.

"Hongdao, Hongdao!" Before he fell into a coma, he faintly heard someone calling his name in his ears, it seemed to be Xie Zhenqing's voice, and he also seemed to hear Xie Zhenqing say: "This time it will take a good treatment."

After that, the personnel and affairs are unknown.

Seeing Hongdao fell to the ground with bleeding from his mouth and nose, he looked horrified.

Fortunately, Xie Zhenqing was still angry, although Xie Zhenqing suffered a backlash, but because Hongdao shared most of it, he was only injured again. To him, he seemed to be used to it.

"Hmph, you can't die, once you die, the fog that covers my identity will dissipate." After confirming that Hongdao was really completely unconscious, Xie Zhenqing restrained his expression and smiled grinningly.

"But since you have awakened, you can't tolerate it anymore. Don't worry, this medicine will feed you from time to time to ensure that you will continue to sleep."

"Although if this happens for a long time, people will gradually weaken and even die, but this is at least a year or two. With this time, I am enough."

Xie Zhenqing administered medicine to herself and Hongdao to ensure that she would not die for the time being, so she sat aside, took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood from her mouth, and then fell into a new meditation.

"The grandson has become a flood dragon? Impossible."

Xie Zhenqing frowned in confusion.

"how can that be?"

"The so-called Flood Dragon does not rely on illusory luck to become a Flood Dragon, but actually requires the support of many people to become a Flood Dragon."

"But how long has Su Ziji been a grandson, how can he become a flood dragon? Could it be that he can distinguish the loyal from the enemy and the traitor from the enemy when he becomes the grandson, and form all the people who can be won over into party members?"

"No, it's impossible. It can't be done in three to five years."

"It's impossible for the emperor to give Su Ziji this time."

"Also, who supported the connection between the Jiaolong and the three lines, and thus succeeded in transforming the Jiaolong?"

"Who are these three lines?"

Under the dim light, the pale-faced Prince of Zhennanbo's Mansion was sitting there with a gloomy face, meditating in the small room filled with a faint smell of blood. Where is the style of the past?

Xie Zhenqing deeply felt that many things were out of her control before she knew it.

"Is this the destiny?"

Thinking of this, even Xie Zhenqing couldn't help but feel powerless.

Taisun Mansion

In the afternoon, the sun was hanging in the sky. Although the sun was shining brightly, when it was cold, it seemed that the sun was not so warm even on the body.

But for the foxes who are practicing, even the not-so-warm sunshine is very important to them.

Moonlight and sunlight are both important to them.

This afternoon, the little fox, who was full, was lying in the tea room, and the sunlight came in from the glazed window, making it even more lazily lying on the futon.

The sound of footsteps came, but it didn't look up, just lying there, almost turning into a puddle of fox cakes.

"You, you've been very comfortable recently." Someone pulled up the hem of his clothes and squatted down, gently pinching the fox's ears with his hands.

The little fox shook his ears, knowing who the visitor was, but rubbed his furry head against the palm of the visitor perfunctorily.

The other party took advantage of the situation and patted its head, and scolded with a smile: "Sure enough, he's a little cunning, and he knows how to please when he's lazy. Forget it, it's rare to be free, so you should rest for a few more days."

After speaking, he got up and went out.

After the sound of footsteps faded away, a big fox came in from the half-opened door after a while, and when it saw the little fox lying there basking in the sun, it ran over and chirped a few times.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!"

"What's wrong with you these days, you've been lazy, this doesn't look like your style!"

"Hawk!" (nothing)

"Ha ha ha!" (You don't look like you're okay)

Then the little fox got up slowly, stretched his waist and looked around, and found that there was no one else in the tea room except the two of them, and there was no one outside. The fox quickly raised its height, and in a burst of white light, it turned into a young girl.

But different from the changes in the past, the girl's figure is a phantom, and in the white light, the little fox is actually still standing there.

The phantom of this young girl is actually its dharma body, and its faint appearance of dharma body immediately startled the big fox.

"Appears in the daytime, wearing a crown suit."

They are not ordinary foxes, so it is very normal that the body is a girl, but what is abnormal is that they can appear in the sun.

In the past, even if it was a dharma body, it was actually just a yin god, who could only walk at night.

"Have you become a Yang God?"

"No, it's not just that, why is your dharma body actually wearing a royal uniform?"

This is not a changed human figure wearing a mianfu in reality, but a dharma body wearing a mianfu, which cannot be faked!

And not only is the dharma body wearing the crown suit, but the power transmitted from the dharma body also shocked the big fox, and even shocked it even more!

"Chirp chirp chirp!" (What's going on, how did you become so powerful all of a sudden?)
Such a powerful force, even the elders they have seen in the past have never had it!
The little fox quickly put away the dharma body, and lazily returned to the futon again.

"Haw, chirp, chirp!" (That's how it happened, I don't know why, but now I have strength coming every day)

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!" (As a result, my primordial spirit is increasing day by day. According to this situation, I am afraid that it will not take long to restore my status as a monarch)
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" (So I have to spend more time sleeping and recuperating every day."

After hesitating for a moment, it is also expressing a feeling.

"Also, I have a vague feeling that not only I benefit from this aspect, but also the people who benefit from it, there is one aspect that I hate very much."

Saying that, the little fox's beautiful eyes looked into the distance, showing a coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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