fake prince

Chapter 1115 Let Brahma God Take the Lead

Chapter 1115 Let Brahma God Take the Lead

Dragon Palace
Looking around, I can see that the weather is quite different. There are many buildings and pavilions, and the door is deep. In the courtyard, the Yao grass and Ganoderma lucidum are thriving. Going in, the white jade is like a pearl, the coral is slanting, and the glazed tree is fragrant. Fragrant.


In front of a palace, there is a curtain of pearls, dense gemstones, the wind blows, and there is a jingle sound. On the throne in the middle, the young dragon let out a long cry. Although the sound is tender, it makes Belle very happy. .

Bei Nu's eyes fell on the back of the young dragon. Although the young dragon was actually very small, the phantom behind the young dragon was a red dragon with vermilion scales and a fire mane.

"It's close to half of the Dragon Lord's divine body."

Seeing the phantom, Bei Nu grew bigger in an instant, and couldn't help being overjoyed: "Congratulations, Your Highness!"

The young dragon was a little confused and asked: "The Shinto body grows up fast, is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Your Highness, how can this be a bad thing?" Pui Nu was wearing a palace dress, with picturesque eyes, a slender waist, shuffling around, dizzy with water, which was also very different from before.

"The power and authority of the divine way are important. Your divine way gradually grows. Not only can you resist disasters, but you can also carry clouds and rain, and fulfill your vocation."

"After completing the vocation, there will be feedback, and the people who have been favored by you will also build shrines to worship you."

"Or because of the incense, your Highness's divine body will grow up quickly, which is naturally a good thing!"

"The reason for the incense?"

The young dragon nodded ignorantly, but it felt that this might be one of the reasons, not the main reason.

A figure of a person flashed in front of its eyes, and the young dragon had a feeling that the reason why his divine body could grow up so quickly might be related to him.

In many crises in the past, it was he who showed up in time to help himself or encourage himself to get him out of the crisis.

Without him, it might not have waited until today, and would have died early in the conspiracy.

Bei Nu continued to say: "Your Highness, you already have a bit of Dragon Lord power, maybe you can try to go to Yueqin Lake now."

"Yueqin Lake?"

What does it do there, is this a special place?According to Bei Nu, how much strength does the Dragon Lord need to go to this place?

The young dragon didn't understand, and with a flash of golden light, it returned to its seven or eight-year-old human form, tilting its head slightly, showing confusion. .

Bei Nu restrained her smile, and explained with a serious face: "The Panlong in Panlong Lake means Qianlong, and it is just the Qianlong's residence."

"When Long Jun was also Qianlong, he lived and practiced here, but when he grew up, he went to Yueqin Lake."

"You can follow the example of the ancestors and walk the Shenglong Road, all the way to Yueqin Lake. Yueqin Lake is the largest lake. Its area is 68 times larger than that of Panlong Lake. It is almost as large as a county. It looks like Yueqin Lake, so it is called Yueqin Lake. This is a well-known fact. "

"That's where your last dragon palace is, give orders and lead the demon clan."

"So Yueqin Lake is indeed a very special place, but the servants don't know what they will encounter when they go there."

"So that's how it is." The young dragon thought, since the Dragon Lord did this back then, it already has a bit of the Dragon Lord's power, and with this qualification, it should go and have a look.

It said without hesitation: "Then I will go, but we have to wait for the spring thunder to rise first!"

Even if you are ignorant, there are some things that you don't ask yourself.

Beijing·Remote Taoist Temple
This remote Taoist temple is located in the suburbs, away from the bustling capital city. Although exotic flowers are planted everywhere, and the old shade is hidden by the hall and pavilions, the gate is closed, and it does not entertain pilgrims, and it seems that it does not receive visiting guests.

People in the know don't find it strange, not only is there a small garden of [-] acres in this temple, with elms in the front and mulberries in the back, which can be supported without incense, but also the number one person in the capital, the real Liu Zhan, is here at this moment. Stay in the Taoist temple.

Ever since he participated in Taisun's registration and went to the Zhou mansion after the banquet, he never stepped out of this Taoist temple when he went back.

This is not only to avoid the turmoil in the capital that makes smart people feel a little bit terrified, but also to calm down and think carefully about what happened during this period.

Last time, because of Cao Yiyan's relationship, Liu Zhan thought behind closed doors for a while. At that time, he really didn't receive visitors.

But this time, today was unable to refuse the door, and had to receive this unexpected guest.

The fragrance of tea permeated the room, and the people sitting on both sides of the low table were a Taoist with downcast eyes and a silent monk, and the one sitting opposite was an ordinary-looking monk.

Unlike Bianxuan, this monk can be said to be one of the leaders of the Brahma Sect. His status and status forced Liu Zhan to receive him and give him a courtesy.

Personally speaking, this monk is wearing a khaki cloth robe, looks ordinary, and wears ordinary clothes, but his whole body is clean.

Not only is his appearance clean, but his breath is also very clean, and his eyebrows are white and his beard is white. He looks like a middle-aged man, and it seems that he can't tell his real age.

"Vaticanism, have you already broken through this threshold?" In Liu Zhan's eyes, the monk's aura was nothing more than restrained, but the faint golden light made Liu Zhan frown, and even panicked.

In this world, miracles appear from time to time, so preaching does not rely on teachings, although Liu Zhan has to admit that compared with Taoism, the teachings of Brahmanism are more rigorous, and they are almost acceptable from top to bottom, and can be spread very well.

But because the supernatural powers are not obvious, if everyone has no strength, just look at preaching and tongue-in-cheek, and if you have strength, you basically "don't care about your hype, just ask how powerful you are", so you didn't gain much influence, and it was even more difficult. Spread among scholar-bureaucrats.

But now it seems to have supernatural powers?

"Has the Brahma God been able to show his holiness?" Liu Zhan was even more frightened, this is probably a trouble in the heart of the Taoist sect.

However, the number of Buddhist believers is not small, and the Taoist sects are scattered, and I am only one of them. If I kill this monk, there will be a huge backlash. Although it is beneficial to the Taoist sect, it is not good for the master sect.

"You came here this time not only to discuss scriptures and Taoism with me, right?" After talking for a while, Liu Zhan changed the subject and looked calm.

"Liu Zhenren is right, the poor monk is indeed not only here to talk about scriptures and Taoism." The monk didn't seem to feel the awe-inspiring murderous intent just now, and answered frankly.

"For debate?" Liu Zhan asked, after such a long time, some things have been figured out.

Liu Zhan hasn't seen Bianxuan recently, so he naturally guessed Bianxuan's possible fate.

He didn't know why Bianxuan would do this. Judging from the results, he was indeed helping the grandson, but the problem was that, let alone the grandson, no one would like to act without authorization, so he should do such a thing.

However, as soon as the Brahma God gained power, he interfered with the rise and fall of the royal family. Was he really not afraid of death?

The monk nodded and sighed: "Bianxuan is the nephew of the poor monk. It's not good to just let it go like this. I have to ask the dragon in the world to intercede."

After speaking, he drank the rest of the tea and bid farewell to Liu Zhan.

Liu Zhan kept sending the monks out of the gate, and the Taoist gate was closed again. Liu Zhan went back, walked and stopped again.

He frowned, and muttered: "The dragon in the world, the dragon in the world? This monk, no, or the Fanmen, can you really be sure that the grandson is a dragon?"

In fact, there is only one real dragon in the world, and every country is divided into dragons.

In the Great Unified Dynasty, only the emperors are true dragons. If they catch up with the last generation and their luck is exhausted, they may degenerate into flood dragons and be buried together with the overthrow of the dynasty.

In addition, even the prince, let alone a dragon, is basically not a dragon, it just has some dragon aura.

The dragon that the monk just mentioned must not be the emperor.

Then there is only the grandson.

But it's only been a few days since the grandson of Wang Cheng, so in just a few days can he become a flood dragon?

"Could it be that the Flood Dragon throwing himself into his arms that day was not an illusion, but real?"

"No, it's definitely not. I was there that day. This is not a real dragon at all. It doesn't have the kind of authority that can add to the world and stir up wind and rain."

Liu Zhan was a little afraid to believe it, but he knew that as one of the contemporary leaders of the Fanmen, this monk would not cheat casually, it was too easy to expose.

"God's will is boundless, who can know?" Thinking of the faint aura in the palace, Liu Zhan was even more afraid. This was the reason why he retreated to the suburbs: "Forget it, let Brahma God take the lead."

(End of this chapter)

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