fake prince

Chapter 1116 One More Arhat

Chapter 1116 Another Arhat

When the monk left the Taoist temple, the cold wind picked up and he woke up. A middle-aged monk came up to help him get on the car. The monk sighed deeply, got on the car and sat down, saying, "Go to the Taisun's mansion."

The middle-aged monk yelled, the ox cart moved, entered the city along the official road, and then moved forward in the workshop, the monk felt that his vest was wet, and he was dark.

"Just a little bit of supernatural golden light has a few turns of murderous intent, and the awe-inspiring shock makes me shudder."

"It seems that people with knowledge in the Taoist sect are not easy to fool."

"Liu Zhan alone is not enough to be afraid of, but we must find a backing before the consensus of the Taoist sect to overcome this greatest crisis."

"Otherwise, Miefan is just around the corner."

Those with power and those without power have completely different ideas. The Taoist sect with power, facing a new competitor, the first reaction is probably to lay down hundreds of thousands of corpses?
After thinking about it, he had already arrived at Wanglu Fang where the Taisun Mansion was located.

You don't even need to ask where the Taisun's Mansion is. From a certain distance, you can see clouds gathering in the sky above the house in the distance. It is so expensive that this must be the Taisun's Mansion.

The bullock cart paused and stopped. The monk got off the cart and walked towards the mansion. He walked to the door. Since it was daytime, the door was open and there were guards guarding him. He was not afraid, so he went straight forward and clasped his hands: "The poor monk Wenru came from Anzhou Temple and wanted to see His Royal Highness Taisun, please let me know."

The guard saw that the monk was not young, dressed in simple and clean clothes, and had a polite attitude, so he nodded, "Wait here for a while, I'll go in and report."

The monk hurriedly thanked him.

The guard went in to report, and came out after a while: "Please come in."

The monk followed the guards to the study room. It was the first sun, although it was not yet spring, but walking along the wooden boards of the corridor, the gardens were full of flowers on the left and right, surrounded by flower hedges, and the pavilions and pavilions were all hidden in it, and from time to time the corners There are guards standing upright everywhere, standing motionless, much more majestic and chilling than before. .

"Sure enough, it's dragon spirit in the world."

Leading to the small hall outside the study, a female official will come out and say: "The grandson is still giving instructions, please wait a moment and serve tea."

The monk had no choice but to sit down, and saw that the bookshelves inside were scattered and full of books, and there were maids standing in the corridors and aisles, all of them were light in their footsteps and kept their eyes on each other. master.

"Is it Luo Jiang?" The monk also knew some basic information. He was thinking about it when he heard a soft voice. When he was busy looking at it, he saw that Su Ziji had finished writing the instructions and walked out. He only glanced at it and then looked away. , respectfully bowed down: "The poor monk Wenru pays homage to the grandson."

Su Ziji smiled: "In the past, when the king of faith visited the temple, the monks did not worship him. When the king of faith asked him, the monk said that monks would not worship the king of others. Why are you so respectful?"

This question was asked lightly, but the monk was sweating. This is a historical allusion. As a result, King Xin was furious, killed 41 monks in the temple, and hung his head on the wall.

Immediately said: "Leaving a family is to seek the Brahma, but the body is still in the world. How can you disrespect the king and be filial to your parents?"

These words were beautiful, Su Ziji eased his expression: "Anzhou Temple Wenru? Get up!"

Anzhou Temple is not too close to the capital, at least thousands of miles away, so they rushed here at this time, could it be for the purpose of arguing?

I have never heard of Wen Ru's name, but this is not surprising.

When I came to this world, I was desperately trying to survive, and I really had no energy left, and my knowledge of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism actually revolved more around people I had contact with.

Those who don't know or have contact with people do not know much, but if they come here for the purpose of debating the mystery, their status should not be low.

Even so, Su Ziji still looked calm.

If he hadn't done what he did before Bianxuan, Su Ziji was willing to get close to one of the leaders of Fanxuan, but because of Bianxuan's matter, his attitude was very cold, he just raised his eyes and said: "You , but came here for the sake of debating the mystery?"

This is without even the politeness, just go straight to the point and make things clear.

The monk who came in clasped his hands together and bowed again, saying: "Your Highness, the poor monk is indeed here to argue with my nephew."

"Nephew..." Su Ziji nodded, and said: "So he is your nephew. Speaking of which, I have always been kind to Bianxuan, and I have extended a helping hand in the past, but he was unpredictable. Use the technique of witchcraft and nightmare suppression on Gu."

"This is a crime of treason. You should kill everyone. Wen Ru, are you here to intercede for him?"

The monk sighed and said that he was helping Taisun without any excuse. He took off a cloth bag on his back and took out something wrapped in yellow cloth, which looked like a book. He held it in both hands and said, "The poor monk dare not argue , I only ask for the mercy of my grandson, and I would like to dedicate this scripture to His Highness as a ransom."

"In case of redemption?"

Su Ziji thought about what the monk would say to save Bianxuan, but he didn't expect it to be like this. He had to say that he was satisfied, but the anger in his heart dissipated a little because of the monk's attitude.

If there is a defense, there is only guilt.

Ye Daoist stood beside him, naturally he would not let Su Ziji pick it up, took a look at the yellow cloth bag after opening it, and then carried it to Su Ziji.

"Is this the Brahma Sutra?" Su Ziji lightly stroked the cover of the book with his finger, and after turning it over, the color changed slightly.

The monk kept lowering his eyes, not looking directly at the grandson's face, nor observing the grandson's reaction when he saw the Buddhist scriptures, until he heard a voice from above: "Mr. Debate."

Ye Daoist responded immediately: "Yes."

But he knew in his heart that the Buddhist scriptures presented by the monk might reach the heart of the lord, otherwise, the lord would not soften his attitude.

However, just as he was about to go out, he heard the lord say again: "Forget it, let's go together."

The lord wants to follow?

The wild Taoist even saw that the lord wrapped up the thin Buddhist scriptures, put them in his arms, and stood up like this. Although he didn't understand in his heart, he couldn't help but glance at the standing monk with downcast eyes, but the wild Taoist didn't Asking, leading the two to go.

When they arrived at the private prison, the guards greeted them one after another, Su Ziji let him get up, and asked, "Bianxuan has been inside the whole time, didn't he say anything?"

"Your Highness, Bianxuan has been inside all the time, just chanting scriptures, and even eating very little food." Qin Min, the corps leader, replied.

Su Ziji was not surprised by this. The last time he questioned, it is said that he had the will to die. He died when he died. He didn’t want to change things today, so he looked at Wen Ru and said, “Bianxuan is there, go in by yourself. .”

Didn't even plan to go in.

The guard opened the door, and Wen Ru saluted Su Ziji before turning around and leaving. As soon as the door opened, Bian Xuan who was sitting on the futon was revealed.

Compared with the last time, he was thinner again, wearing blindfolds, his intact eyes drooping slightly, chanting in his mouth, like a statue of an arhat, as if nothing in the outside world would affect him in the slightest.

"Although there are many catastrophes, you can let go of all fate and be diligent!" Wen Ru just glanced at it, and if there was something to gain, he couldn't help being slightly pleasantly surprised: "My way, there is one more arhat!"

(End of this chapter)

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